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OMG Snow?


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so much of the success of the Olympics depends on the weather.

if it rains too much visitors won't enjoy it

if is snows too much we may not be able to handle it but it would be good for Whistler

If it doesn't snow it'll be good for us but not for Whistler

what to do what to do :rolleyes:

Have it snow a ton the weeks before the Olympics, then from February 12th on have nothing but blue sky and sunshine...make it happen God!

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Wet snow was just falling for half an hour at my house in east Abbotsford, enough to give cars and lawns a light coat. It's back to rain now. A mixture of hail and wet snow already did the same thing on Friday.

What weird weather it`s been: warm winds combined with abnormally early snow. At least it makes it exciting to see how the weather is going to be for the Olympics.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"An area of high pressure will build into Yukon and BC on Friday sending a blast of modified arctic air southwards. Freezing cold temperatures are expected next weekend on the BC coast as the cold air makes it way through the mountains. The GFS model suggests that the cold arctic air will hang around for a little while perhaps past the middle of the month keeping temperatures way below normal for the west coast. For those that are hoping for a dump of snow to make it really look like winter the GFS model does indicate that there is a possibility of this as early as the middle of next week but this is too far off to write in stone. For now the confidence in much colder weather coming this coming weekend is quite high"


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ohhh crap

all i ask is that the snow waits till after finals

i don't like the hassle of studying only to have the exam postponed because sfu is closed.

i want to put this semester behind me and enjoy my christmas break!

The first place I plan on driving if it does snow is to the top of SFU just to prove it can be done.

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