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I was driving along Cambie the other day and found that the underground stations aren't obvious to the eye. I mean, if you weren't paying attention, it'd look like a weird bomb shelter building but not a subway station.

In LA, their underground subway station entrances are clearly marked with a large "M" in a circle (for "LA County Metro Rail") and colored according to the line:


In Hong Kong, the MTR station entrances have a large MTR logo somewhere:


Our own stations need a large symbol of some sort identifying themselves as subway stations to people who are otherwise unfamiliar with the area or the line itself. I mean, I was driving outside the Langara-49th station and didn't even notice the station until I was stopped at the red light.

I agree. And notice how they don't have these massive above ground structures for their systems? I don't get why you need a whole city block to build a staircase/elevator.

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I agree, Translink needs to develop a large unified branding symbol and a unified signage scheme. What you proposed Bucky is already in works, these are Translink's plans (I don't know when it'll be implemented, but it will be...sometime):

Proposed Wayfinding Pylon. Features a new "T" symbol which, apparently, TransLink is going to use as a beacon for all it's major transit services. Similar to the other "T" or "M" symbols found on other major metro systems around the world.


New Broadway SkyTrain Station improvements (first pic is the view looking at 2nd Avenue entrance; second pic is the improved "main entrance/hub" area: notice the improvements and the (T) symbol)



But I do think the Canada Line is a step back, with its terrible signage branding. Fortunately, I've heard that Translink is planning on re-doing the signage scheme for InTransitBC as they are not satisfied with the quality of it. Hopefully, they send InTransitBC the bill.

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Crunch SkyTrain safety numbers, Mr. Editor

Surrey Now

Published: Friday, August 07, 2009

The Editor,

Re: "Spare us the spin and make SkyTrain safe already," the Now editorial, July 31.

The Now's editorial concerning violent incidents on SkyTrain raises interesting questions for sure.

When TransLink says they are "very rare," we are talking perhaps 100 incidents per year in which some sort of violence causing harm or violence involving a weapon takes place.

With about 72 million boardings last year, that's about 1.4 incidents per million. We would be interested in the public's reading as to whether this is a rate that classifies as "rare" and, regardless, if it is a clear signal that TransLink should devote more resources to security.

MLA Harry Bains has made a genuine effort to familiarize himself with TransLink's issues, having taken time to attend at least one of the consultation forums we held over the past few months. As such, it is unfortunate that whoever researched Mr. Sidhu's incident failed to gather accurate information.

The attack, captured on video, lasted 23 seconds - although it had to seem like four or five minutes to Mr. Sidhu. He made his way to the emergency phone and a SkyTrain attendant, who was looking after an issue in the ticket vending area of Surrey Central when the attack took place, was there before he hung up.

It is regrettable that the Now seems to have failed to do some fact checking of its own in this incident.

The statistics aside, we've failed someone when an incident like this happens. There are uncounted occasions in which operations and security staff thwart such events. But those are not newsworthy, only the 1.4 in a million examples where the security system isn't 100 per cent effective. That's what news (and editorials, evidently) are all about. SkyTrain runs through some of Metro Vancouver's historically rough places, and they were that way for a very long time before the line was built.

To address the issues, TransLink has formed Canada's first dedicated Transit Police and increased its complement by 60 per cent in three years to over 160 officers. It has doubled a force of security guards to about 70, it has invested millions in better lighting, a 900-camera digital video system and has a full time presence at the stations where the public tells us it doesn't feel safe.

Is it enough? Obviously not for a 100 per cent guarantee of security at every moment.

Then again, Lee Harvey Oswald had a police officer on each arm when Jack Ruby shot him.

So, Mr. Editor, crunch the numbers and tell us what it will take?

Ken Hardie,


© Surrey Now 2009

Spare us the spin and make SkyTrain safe already

Surrey Now

Published: Friday, July 31, 2009

You can expand SkyTrain all the way to Chilliwack for all we care.

You can bring the prices down, make it more comfortable - hell you can put TVs in there and offer free drinks on the cars - most of us still would not want to ride.

Bottom line is, we don't feel safe. And that has to change.

So maybe instead of treating us all like we're stupid (we're looking in your general direction, Transit Police Chief Ward Clapham - 'attacks on SkyTrain are very rare') the Transit Police and the B.C. government should step up to the plate and actually make change happen.

Despite their incredibly poor job of spin doctoring, the Transit Police, we like what they've been doing lately with their increased police presence.

The Greater Vancouver Transit Police and the Integrated Gang Task Force have been working together to patrol transit hubs to quell gang activity and violence.

That means criminals loitering around SkyTrain stations and bus loops will have more chances of running into the police.

We like that. But what we don't like is TransLink's defeatist attitude when it comes to keeping our families safe on SkyTrain.

After the most recent, but of course "very rare," attack - Ravinder Sidhu, a Canada Post employee jostled with a robber for "four to five minutes" in full view of cameras and no help arrived - NDP transportation critic Harry Bains repeated his call for more police on SkyTrain and for the continual monitoring of security cameras.

TransLink's response?

Spokesman Ken Hardie said having transit police staffing every station or having people watch each of the 900 cameras would be "an enormous waste of resources."

It seems our safety is not TransLink's No. 1 priority.

So until you guys get a handle on all these "very rare" attacks, we'll stay off the train and keep driving to Vancouver, thank you very much.

© Surrey Now 2009

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Olympic Village....it looks almost as if they ran out of money for tiling. And you gotta give a hand out for Translink, they definitely do have some sensible sign designers (note the altered fare paid sign). In fact, they should re-do all the signs and send the bill to InTransitBC! :P











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^ either that or they made a simple design so that it would take a relatively short time to install.....in time for the early opening date. I wouldn't mind waiting a few more months if it meant a much better design for the line.

Either way, some terrible aesthetics.

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^ either that or they made a simple design so that it would take a relatively short time to install.....in time for the early opening date. I wouldn't mind waiting a few more months if it meant a much better design for the line.

Either way, some terrible aesthetics.

the broadway one doesn't look so bad, it's tile with a cement border... i can live with that.... but the olympic village one looks stupid

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^ agreed. Broadway Station looks alright, it's acceptable.

But Olympic Village was the last station they started construction with and the last station that was fully completed as it was previously the tunnel boring portal. They obviously rushed the construction job for the early opening for that station.

Edited by nitronuts
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^ agreed. Broadway Station looks alright, it's acceptable.

But Olympic Village was the last station they started construction with and the last station that was fully completed as it was previously the tunnel boring portal. They obviously rushed the construction job for the early opening for that station.

that would explain things... I guess they figured why bother since no one will care anyway. just look at the expo line stations.

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Is anyone even using the Olympic Village yet, or is the station just for pictures and promotion?

EDIT: And are they going to make the end of the Canada Line near City Hall look any nicer? It looks like someone just cut off the cement right now.

Edited by Vapourstreak™
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Is anyone even using the Olympic Village yet, or is the station just for pictures and promotion?

EDIT: And are they going to make the end of the Canada Line near City Hall look any nicer? It looks like someone just cut off the cement right now.

I'm quite sure they didn't spend $60-million just to build a station to show-off, and even at that it's not much to show-off for.

The Olympic Village won't be done until the fall, so no it won't be occupied until next January when athletes and officials arrive.....and then it won't be occupied by residents until late next year. The station itself is west of the Cambie Street Bridge, about half a km away from the Village. The whole area southeast False Creek area, not just the Olympic Village, will be redeveloped into condos soon after for 15,000 people to live.

What you see at the Richmond terminus is it.

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