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Well of course it is, but each situation is different and might call for a different type of train...

It would have to be quite the unique circumstance that could convince me a streetcar would do any better than a bus in attacting people or even come close to drawing people out of a car. The only way you can do that is to have skytrain or better (as in be faster).

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Transit related, but not Vancouver. Banff has gone to an all hybrid bus fleet (mind you, its only 4 buses), but Manhattan is starting to follow suit:

From CTV.ca:

Banff went a long way to help make that happen like completely re designing main street Banff to accommodate foot traffic.But since the place is a federally owned town we all pad for those buses.

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That brown interior looks nice what is it leather?

March 2010:

The two trains return to Brussels. As the trains are being lifted out of the ship for the first time to Belgian officials in months, they look in horror. The trains are completely vandalized. In fact, one of the ends of the train is still smoldering from a fire. And on the second train, there's a car lodged right through the train...Canada thought the trains should have included public art.

The two trains are now back on Belgian ground and officials are now touring the interior...not only do they smell like a mixture of pot, urine, and sex, the Canadian hippies also have had their way of "glorifying" the interior:


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You should check to see if they've changed the schedule. They did that to my bus, took me a few days to figure it out, haha.

I doubt it

wouldn't they put up a sign? considering I caught it from the station

always leaves 9:35 from my cellphone, was 9:31 when i was about 20 yards away and it started driving away


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As work proceeds on the Gateway project – $3.3 billion worth – and as we put on hold any investment in transit, here’s an intriguing phenomenon to note (from Stephen Ingrouille’s Transport Newsletter):

The Pigou-Knight-Downs paradox is the observation that people will tend to balance car trips with rail trips until the two are at equilibrium in time and comfort. Building more roads attracts commuters away from rail, which reduces or diverts investment and increases the travel time, forming a vicious cycle.

This means that building more roads and not investing in faster rail transport results in a general overall decline in traffic speed. This is nowhere more clear than here in California where, despite enthusiastic freeway building, a bike is a competitive mode.

The solution is simple and necessary: invest real amounts in improving rail transport, in particular improving the grade-separated heavy rail network and linking the feeder tram network to stations.”

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Translink changed the schedule of the early 159's for me as well - from 5 am to 9:30 they run 3 minutes earlier now. After missing two busses on the same day I got suspicious and looked it up.

Thanks for the warning, translink.

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stupid bus this morning leaves 5 minutes early and i'm left to wait in the cold for 35 min and was late for class..

woo hoo

That's why during my UBC days, I had something called the "30 minute rule" -- always aim to arrive on campus AT LEAST 30 minutes before class.

I used to arrive around 8:15am for 9:00am classes, partly because sometimes there are bus fails, and also because of traffic jams along Russ Baker Way and the Arthur Laing Bridge.

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That's why during my UBC days, I had something called the "30 minute rule" -- always aim to arrive on campus AT LEAST 30 minutes before class.

I used to arrive around 8:15am for 9:00am classes, partly because sometimes there are bus fails, and also because of traffic jams along Russ Baker Way and the Arthur Laing Bridge.

When I was going to school at SFU, there was no choice, you had to get there 20 minutes before class or 10 minutes after class (the 143 only came every half hour then). SO you better catch the right bus.

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:angry: Translink is going to ruin the Canada Line skytrain stations. Lately, they have been putting billboards inside the skytrain stations. Not just a few but 5 or 6 in every Canada Line stations.

I think there are at least 10 billboards at the Vancouver City Centre stations.

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:angry: Translink is going to ruin the Canada Line skytrain stations. Lately, they have been putting billboards inside the skytrain stations. Not just a few but 5 or 6 in every Canada Line stations.

I think there are at least 10 billboards at the Vancouver City Centre stations.

Doesn't sound that bad... but pics, please?

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:angry: Translink is going to ruin the Canada Line skytrain stations. Lately, they have been putting billboards inside the skytrain stations. Not just a few but 5 or 6 in every Canada Line stations.

I think there are at least 10 billboards at the Vancouver City Centre stations.

It's against a wall with bricks behind it. Not much to look at, if you ask me.

Plus, they need the $$.

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:angry: Translink is going to ruin the Canada Line skytrain stations. Lately, they have been putting billboards inside the skytrain stations. Not just a few but 5 or 6 in every Canada Line stations.

I think there are at least 10 billboards at the Vancouver City Centre stations.

A majority of those billboards are for the River Rock Casino. They want us to gamble.

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:angry: Translink is going to ruin the Canada Line skytrain stations. Lately, they have been putting billboards inside the skytrain stations. Not just a few but 5 or 6 in every Canada Line stations.

I think there are at least 10 billboards at the Vancouver City Centre stations.

Good. Bare concrete on the insides of them, plus the unfinished tiling are ugly anyway.

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If you find a rail investment that can bring back the initial investment through user fees like the gateway and they would no doubt be flourishing. There are different kinds of investments. In one kind you get your money back. In another, it goes away forever. Which one is gateway, and which one is rail?

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