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or we just get a gast tax to cover all this crap with no tolls on anything. Just pick one.

A gas tax 'punishes' all drivers no matter where they drive.

A toll charges only the specific drivers using that bridge/hwy.

Both increase the cost of shipping that gets transfered to the consumer.

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New West nimby's :rolleyes:

Not nimby so as much as Translink seems to have gotten the cart (Pattullo) before the horse (United Blvd Ext.) and realized this late in their planning. They seemed to have used the community's dislike for any of the options as an excuse to stop the process. Something like this would have never stopped some of their previous projects where expropriation or closure of businesses were "for the common good" so it's strange that this community input solely would derail this so quickly. Very inconsistent with past projects.

The process requires input from local councils as well so to just kill it because of "nimbyism" before getting their inputs points to the process going awry.

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New West nimby's :rolleyes:

Well they can just enjoy having the truck route on their so called commercial streets then.

I am surprised nobody ever suggests tearing down the Putello once the Port Mann is done. That would certainly lower traffic in New West!

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A gas tax 'punishes' all drivers no matter where they drive.

A toll charges only the specific drivers using that bridge/hwy.

Both increase the cost of shipping that gets transfered to the consumer.

Thanks for pointing out the obvious..... :unsure:

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Tolls cause people to not want to drive somewhere. Taxes.. people buy items regardless of the taxes tacked on.

Making gas more expensive will encourage fuel effecientcy and less driving as well. And frankly it's not really that fair that say someone that commutes from Surrey to Coquitlam or New West will be paying a toll but someone that commutes from Chilliwack to Surrey will not.

But oh well gotta pay for the repairs somehow and I don't really care if I have to pay just fix the freaking traffic!

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Well they can just enjoy having the truck route on their so called commercial streets then.

I am surprised nobody ever suggests tearing down the Putello once the Port Mann is done. That would certainly lower traffic in New West!

They should there really is no reason to go to New West through that bridge at least you could close it and make people take sky train.But since trans link is ubber retarded they will never figure out they should leave scott road and Columbia station open 24 hours and put up a parkade at Scott road.

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TransLink threatens to cancel U-Pass


TransLink is losing as much as $15 million a year to lost, stolen and resold U-Passes, prompting officials to threaten to cancel the student program if the problem persists.

In a bid to eliminate the online resale of the transit passes, TransLink has asked Craigslist to help crack down on those posting U-Pass resale ads, but has yet to receive any cooperation from the classifieds website.

TransLink spokesman Ken Hardie said the Transit Police sent a letter to Craigslist two weeks ago asking for help in either not allowing U-Pass resale ads or allowing TransLink to flag them so they can be removed from the site.

Craigslist hasn’t yet responded, Hardie said, and as of Wednesday there were 29 transit passes for sale or wanted on the website — up from just two a few weeks ago.

“We’re doing our best but we could use more help from the schools, the student associations and Craigslist,” Hardie said.

About 80,000 U-Passes were provided to students this year at the University of B.C., Emily Carr University, Simon Fraser University, Capilano University, Langara College and Vancouver Community College at a discounted rate of about $30 per month.

The passes, which are non-transferable, can be used throughout the region on buses, SkyTrain and SeaBus. Regular transit users pay $151 for a similar multi-zone monthly pass.

With the U-Pass program set to expand this fall to Douglas College, Kwantlen Polytechnic University and BCIT, the potential loss could rise to $25 million, Hardie estimates.

And the rising losses, he warned, could put the program in jeopardy because if it’s not sustainable, TransLink will consider shutting it down.

TransLink estimates it loses between $7.8 million and $15 million every year from lost, misplaced, stolen or resold U-Passes. In an average year, about 11 per cent of U-Passes are lost, either by students or in the mail, and are replaced. If those passes were used for three-zone travel, the value equates to $9 million a year.

At the same time, about five per cent of students who register for school and receive a U-Pass drop out and do not return the passes, which are potentially worth a total of about $6 million. Another $2.4 million is lost as two per cent of U-Passes sent to schools for distribution are unaccounted for, Hardie said.

The passes are supposed to be used in conjunction with student cards but this isn’t always done.

Transit Police Staff Sgt. Ken Schinkel said those caught with a legitimate card belonging to someone else will be charged $173 for improper use of a fare as well as another $173 for not having a fare.

“It’s not uncommon [for fines to be laid] and it’s not just with a U-Pass,” he said. “Sometimes it’s a legitimate U-Pass that a student doesn’t require any more so they try to make a little money off it or some manufacture them on a computer.”

Those caught could also be charged with fraud although no one has been charged lately with the offence, but investigations are ongoing.

Meanwhile, TransLink is setting up an advisory group with the universities and student associations to monitor U-Passes. A meeting is scheduled next week to also discuss the new Compass Card, a universal electronic fare card that will replace all the transit passes and will allow TransLink to automatically shut down a U-Pass it suspects is being misused.

Gordon Price, director of the City Program at SFU, said TransLink will always likely see some fare cheating on the system. But he noted students themselves have a stake in maintaining the integrity of the U-Pass because they’re getting a good deal.

Hardie said TransLink will also continue to pressure Craigslist for help.

Craigslist didn’t respond Wednesday to an emailed interview request from The Vancouver Sun.

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TransLink threatens to cancel U-Pass


They could alleviate but not completely solve this problem by letting on campus students opt out. The past three years on campus, I have been ripped off by the U-Pass considering how I barely used it. I could understand how other students living on campus would sell their U-Pass.

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They could alleviate but not completely solve this problem by letting on campus students opt out. The past three years on campus, I have been ripped off by the U-Pass considering how I barely used it. I could understand how other students living on campus would sell their U-Pass.

I'm the exact opposite. I live in Langley, and private transportation is not an option for me. Get rid of the U-Pass and I will start a riot.

Isn't the switch to Compass supposed to solve this problem?

Edited by Ki Sung Yong
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I'm the exact opposite. I live in Langley, and private transportation is not an option for me. Get rid of the U-Pass and I will start a riot.

Isn't the switch to Compass supposed to solve this problem?

Entitlement much? Why should someone in Langley pay the same to get too and from school as someone that can walk it? :blink:

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They should there really is no reason to go to New West through that bridge at least you could close it and make people take sky train.But since trans link is ubber retarded they will never figure out they should leave scott road and Columbia station open 24 hours and put up a parkade at Scott road.

Well, there's no reason the more local traffic should have to take the freeway just to cross the river. If anything we need MORE minor crossings like the Putello (ditto highway overpasses).

There most certainly should be a parkade at Scott Road. Doesn't the lot fill completely? I would think there's a business case that would actually make money to put in a secure park and ride!

And yes, there needs to be a way to figure out how to run the skytrain 24 hours a day. It's rather insane that it's not. Even if you have to do transfers while they do maintance like they do when a track is shut down during regular hours so be it.

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To answer your question.... yes.

I don't care.

That's fine, just don't expect much sympathy.

As it turns out there isn't even transit capacity for Upass. I think it just encourages people to live further from campus. As such I think it should be cancelled.

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That's fine, just don't expect much sympathy.

As it turns out there isn't even transit capacity for Upass. I think it just encourages people to live further from campus. As such I think it should be cancelled.

How about "it keeps cars of the street"? I don't believe your suggestion that people are encouraged to live further from campus. The less cars argument is easier to defend.

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How about "it keeps cars of the street"? I don't believe your suggestion that people are encouraged to live further from campus. The less cars argument is easier to defend.

Transit in many locations is at capacity. The lack of capacity is keeping cars on the street. If there was more money from fares (three zone far vs. a pittance from UPass in your example) then they could provide more funding. Why increase a discount program when you're not taking in enough money?

And while it might not change your mind having to pay the full three zone fare might influence the change the housing decisions of some people since living on/near campus where you can walk/bike in for free would save over a hundred per month that could go into accomidation.

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