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Burrows? Do We Really Need Him?

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Guest gumballthechewy

Where is old Clutchy boy these days?

Probably hiding up in the mountains in a cave due to horrible overwhelming shame.

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I find it interesting that a thread like this is somehow allowed to exist for what seems like an eternity but when a thread shows up detailing a Canuck fan being beaten up by another Canuck fan at a Canuck game it is instantly locked by the mods because it "isn't Canuck talk". It is also interesting that when somebody (me) brings up an old thread that has almost everybody on CDC calling Maxim Lapierre (as a Hab) a horrible cheap shot artist after a particularaly odious cheapshot (that cost him a 4 game suspension) when he becomes a Canuck that that thread mysteriously dissappears. This thread should have been history ages ago. But then again it also seems that all the pro-Luongo threads last forever while the ones critical of him dissapear quickly. So much for freedom of speech.

Wonder how long a thread entitled "Luongo: do we really need him?" would last on this board. Certainly it is a more valid question than "Burrows; do we really need him?" which I would think is now a rather stupid question. But we all know that this is really just a cheerleader board, right? Hard questions will always go unanswered and difficult threads will be locked (as opposed to moved). Non-believers will be labelled "trolls" while the blindly obediant will be labelled "true Canuck fans". Since the NHL apparently owns and opperates this board and the Canucks are part and parcel of it I guess I shouldn't be surprised. But I am dissapointed.

You're ruining the spirit of the thread, zippy.

Luongo threads are locked because, well, there are 900 opening at any given time. So anything related to "Lu" can usually be placed in any one of several threads on the first page. This is the, go to Burr thread and we keep it all contained in here.

If you don't like the thread, don't click on it...it's that simple. :)

And there's no whining allowed in here, just so you know.

(Had no internet so I couldn't celebrate the goal....will do so now: :emot-parrot::frantic::towel: )

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I know allot of people are going to scorch me for this but I fail to see the reason why nobody questions his ability to play in the nhl. Every game i watch with him in the lineup(all of them) I find myself screaming at the tv because of the stupid stuff the guy does. Personally i'd rather have any of the guys that are fighting for a spot on the team rather than burrows. Everyone's #1 reason they like this guy from what I read on this forum "He's great on the pk. Who cares! Anyone can do this thats fighting for a spot. He can't score and i'm tired of kesler carrying this guy on his back night after night, I'm tired of him losing the puck, falling down everywhere seriously this guy falls down a hundred times a night can't he skate its ridiculous, stupid penalties its endless. "He plays with grit" is another common description tossed out when his name comes up. That ok sure he pisses off guys but fails to do really be able finish that job off by being able to fight because he can't. IMOP he's an embarrassment to the team. Please Gillis let this guy go keep Krog or Pettinger or Brown whoever. let er rip.

Where you from?

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