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It is, isn't it?

There is something special about that film, video whatever you wanna call it. I consider it a film. Cool animation, cool plot and of course, awesome music. It's my favorite Daft Punk album.

This is the best version I've found on youtube of the full movie.

It's one big music video really, I think it's supposed to be a physical representation of the album or something. That's what I read while reading through their wiki?

It's a novel idea though, an animated film just for an album.

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Hell yes! Haven't heard these guys in awhile.

They're one of those bands that puts my head in a funny, yet awesome place with their music alone. Awesome stuff!

playing resident evil 2 on the n64 and econoline crush comes on. yis

I wish they would put out another album, I saw em back in 2008 and they put on a killer show.

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