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Post Yo Face In The Twilight Sparkle Party

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I think the cause for it is genetics and the fact that I put absolutely zero effort into getting it cleared because I'm lazy and really don't care about it.

Besides, if I had to make the choice between beer and clear skin, beer wins out every day of the week. Particularly that a lot of my friends who have taken these miracle cures haven't been able to drink for a while.

To me, it's not worth it, particularly if there's no guarantee that a] my skin will clear or b] people will stop criticizing for how I live, seeing as the acne really takes away from the people who would otherwise be b¡tching about how cheap my clothes are, the fact I don't wear name brand shoes or my Beatles-style hair cut that went out of fashion in the mid 60s.

There is nothing wrong with being a rebel against society.

I occasionally wear top hats out in public, I love the feel of socks with sandles and I dressed up as a luchador in tights for Halloween.

You can judge all you want. The only thing that matters to me is that I have a good head on my penis and I have the support of my family and friend.

Edited by King of Anarchy
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There is nothing wrong with being a rebel against society.

I occasionally wear top hats out in public, I love the feel of socks with sandles and I dressed up as a luchador in tights for Halloween.

You can judge all you want. The only thing that matters to me is that I have a good head on my penis and I have the support of my family and friend.

Exactly. Well put. Well put indeed. May I siggy?

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Sorry, thats a " I Don't Eat Enough Pack" , If I suddenly changed my died to 6 grapes, 1 orange and a spoonful of bran flakes a day I too could look like that :mellow: . . . .

No offense to Cyanide intended, but you are skinny.

I will have to snap a shot of myself latter.

haha none taken

But FYI, I actually eat ALOT, (never criticise someones diet if you dont know it) but I also play soccer 4 times per week, coach 3 times per week aswell as work out.

That being said, Since those pics ive gained 20lbs in muscle mass.

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Um, if I understood at all what KoA meant, your kind is what he's rebelling against.

That's right.

Your kind.

What's wrong with my kind?

I wake up at 1, eat, play PS3, watch Canucks, come on here, go to work at 9, then go to sleep at 6 :lol:

I'm just an 18 year old who likes Seinfeld and Lion King man.

Edited by Arctic Monkeys
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haha none taken

But FYI, I actually eat ALOT, (never criticise someones diet if you dont know it) but I also play soccer 4 times per week, coach 3 times per week aswell as work out.

That being said, Since those pics ive gained 20lbs in muscle mass.

Oh I know everyones metabolism is different, I guess I should have said somehow change my body type to Ecto.

Was simply making a stereotypical joke ;) .

Oh and to Hordi, you're just as predictable as the rest of us.

At least I don't let my hate for life stop me from doing and buying what I want when I want it and if that means buying brand name shoes because they are the only ones that make the style I want, so be it.

Edited by BluXington
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Of course KoA, you and I seem to be far more aware of that than most members of the CDC.

And I'd like to say I have a good head on my penis as well.

private message?

Exactly. Well put. Well put indeed. May I siggy?


I'm hoping that this pending humiliation will only put me into a deeper hole of depression.

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