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Say something about the Member above you


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Only knows about other people's posting habits in this thread because of how much he posts here.

What a loser though, right? I mean seriously. Get a life dude. You're just hanging out posting in some random thread, in the random sub forum, of a hockey forum in August. You should take a long hard look in the mirror and reconsider some of your life's choices.

It's like just last week, when this guy sat in the stool next to me at the bar for 8 hours without getting up. That's a SERIOUS drinking problem.

Do you guys ever wonder what habits or addictions you have that maybe you don't really know about or don't feel aware of, but everyone else knows and talks about it? I get that fear.

Speaking of fear, how about spiders. The other day I woke up and there was one on my nose. Damn, that crap freaked me out.

Speaking of freakouts, those "Greatest Freakout Ever" vids are awesome, amirite?

But seriously. Get a life.

Wow you really think im here 24/7? Think about what you just said. I go out during the day for work or golfing or doing something then come home on CDC for maybe a couple hours or so. And i dont hang out in a sub-forum, i check all the forums. You really think I post that much in this thread. Am I first place in posts by a mile? Check yourself. 8 hours of drinking beer without getting up is one thing. On the computer for 2-3 hours is another thing. Get your facts right.

Yeah those videos are funny!

to grabner, in a happy mood

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