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Say something about the Member above you


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Can't say anything about you because I fear you will get all emotional again. :huh:

I've got my electric razor ready to.. oh wait.. that doesn't work does it.. :bigblush:


To conclusions.. :lol:

Back to the rules of the thread, poster above one day decided that he was going to go on an adventure. He decided to get on his magic carpet, and fly over to the moon! What better way to spend a Saturday evening, he thought. So, he got on his magic carpet, and started flying. He weaved in and out, between moons and planets, as fast as he could! And even bumped into a few asteroids on the way!

About halfway into his ascent, he noticed bright and vivid shooting stars, red ones, blue ones, ones of all colours! He did not have time to stop, because he knew that on the moon, his treasure awaited! So, ignoring the stars, he proceeded onward. As he was nearing the moon, he noticed a mystical leprechaun doing an Irish jig. He tried to avoid the leprechaun, but instead flew his magic carpet through the leprechaun, and he seemed to vanish into thin air! Confused, he abruptly parked his magic carpet, he prepared to step off of it, and onto the moon to go and claim the prize for which was the purpose of the adventure.. when all of a sudden, he heard the words: "Sneeze! Fro-lease! Put your hams up and fly away from the carpet!" Confused, he tried to use his powers of invisibility. A crackling noise arose, followed by a pulse of energy through his upper body. Then, he faded away into unconsciousness.

When he awoke, he asked the strange man outside his room's door, "Where is my magic carpet?"

The strange man laughed, and ignored him. And suddenly, it all started to become horrifically clear:

The magic carpet was in fact not a magic carpet, but a 1990 Pinto with the muffler hanging off, and the rear taillights smashed. And the moon that he had decided to journey to was actually the 7-11. The moons and planets he was flying through were actually sidewalks and a football field. The asteroids he noticed bouncing off of his carpet were actually parked vehicles. The stars he saw flashing on his way? Well, that was the police of course, trying to get him to stop the car so that they could dislodge the Christmas tree dragging along behind his "carpet". The treasure he was actually after was one of those cheap, crappy gas station sandwiches that come vacuum-sealed.. the leprechaun, of course, was just a result of a hallucination from the depths of his imagination.. and by powers of invisibility, in reality, it was more like turtling into the fetal position..

and in dismay, sitting in his cell, he said,

"Man, next time I decide to go on an adventure.. I better lay off the LSD!"

It was really really really really really dark.... When suddenly Royalflush2233 fell over. Suddenly he looked up and he saw the scariest thing in the world. A GIRL!!!! Royalflush2233 screamed and ran away frightened and peeing his pants.

Isn't this slander? I don't know if I like the implication here! lol

Knows what a tromboner is, because I sure don't.

(For the record, the only instrument I play is the skin flute)


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