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OMG Earthquake?


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Why are you posting an obvious fear mongering article???

Does it give you your jollies to scare people.....especially people who don't know the difference between fact and fiction??

The web page of syndicated radio host Alex Jones. Conspiracy-tinted site containing strong opposition to socialism, communism, and the New World Order.

Hardly a reputable or credible site.

And you sheeple who believe this garbage....you're ignoranat idiots who deserve to be made suckers of.

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awww man..i gotta get off twitter..cant pull myself away..scary reports coming out.. :( and the people that are tweeting about this being karma for japan..shame on you!!!...absolutely disgusting!!..very scary cuz i cant even comprehend that type of mindset..on twitter pearl harbour is a trending topic..that is disgusting in itself :mad:

I would get away from Twitter on this serious issue. It really is the bathroom wall. Stick with legit news feeds.

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Why are you posting an obvious fear mongering article???

Does it give you your jollies to scare people.....especially people who don't know the difference between fact and fiction??

Hardly a reputable or credible site.

Thank you, I was about to say the same thing.

Seriously, people, check the source before swallowing, hook, line and sinker, the fearmongering tripe from a less than credible or reputable site.

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Why are you posting an obvious fear mongering article???

Does it give you your jollies to scare people.....especially people who don't know the difference between fact and fiction??

Hardly a reputable or credible site.

And you sheeple who believe this garbage....you're ignoranat idiots who deserve to be made suckers of.

so you believe the japanese official line of the explosion REDUCING radiation levels?

Cooling systems failed at a second nuclear reactor on Japan's devastated coast Sunday, hours after an explosion at a nearby unit made leaking radiation, or even outright meltdown, the central threat to the country following a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami.

The Japanese government said radiation emanating from the plant appeared to have decreased after Saturday's blast, which produced a cloud of white smoke that obscured the complex. But the danger was grave enough that officials pumped seawater into the reactor to avoid disaster and moved 170,000 people from within a 20-kilometre radius.


Edited by masutheakita
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Japan's Edano says water supply and pressure release being used to try to control Fukushima nuclear reactor. Edano also adds that radiation leakage from nuclear reactor unlikely to affect people's health

by Shadia Ismail edited by Shadia Ismail at 3:21 PM

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so you believe the japanese official line of the explosion REDUCING radiation levels?

I certainly have no evidence at this particular time to think anything either way. I certainly don't believe anything from that NeoCon conspiracy website.

The fact that one thing may have an air of truth to it, doesn't and shouldn't allow people to connect it to unproven uncredible claims.

Fear mongering and bullcrap is not what's needed right now. And i'll call anyone out that tries to feed this thread and its concerned and perhaps already frightened members, either a spoonful or a shovelful of it.

People should be careful what they link or quote.....because they'll own it as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by Sharpshooter
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I certainly have no evidence at this particular time to think anything either way. I certainly don't believe anything from that NeoCon conspiracy website.

The fact that one thing may have an air of truth to it, doesn't and shouldn't allow people to connect it to unproven uncredible claims.

Fear mongering and bullcrap is not what's needed right now. And i'll call anyone out that tries to feed this thread and it concerned and perhaps already frightened members, either a spoonful or a shovelful of it.

People should be careful what they link or quote.....because they'll own it as far as I'm concerned.

I edited my original message with a quote from the Globe and Mail which quotes an Japanese government official.

Common sense would dictate explosions at nuclear power plants are not a favourable thing.

Edited by masutheakita
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I certainly have no evidence at this particular time to think anything either way. I certainly don't believe anything from that NeoCon conspiracy website.

The fact that one thing may have an air of truth to it, doesn't and shouldn't allow people to connect it to unproven uncredible claims.

Fear mongering and bullcrap is not what's needed right now. And i'll call anyone out that tries to feed this thread and its concerned and perhaps already frightened members, either a spoonful or a shovelful of it.

People should be careful what they link or quote.....because they'll own it as far as I'm concerned.

team sharpshooter: forum police

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Why are you posting an obvious fear mongering article???

Does it give you your jollies to scare people.....especially people who don't know the difference between fact and fiction??

Hardly a reputable or credible site.

And you sheeple who believe this garbage....you're ignoranat idiots who deserve to be made suckers of.

Read the article and follow the links. And Alex Jones is not a "neo con". The ignorance... :picard:


TOKYO (Nikkei)--The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) said Saturday afternoon the explosion at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant could only have been caused by a meltdown of the reactor core.
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People should be careful what they link or quote.....because they'll own it as far as I'm concerned.

We could all die of radiation sickness waiting for the mainstream media to tell the truth.

Edited by kyledude
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Read the article and follow the links. And Alex Jones is not a "neo con". The ignorance...


His source is valid, but the spin he puts on everything is not. He's equating it to Chernobyl when it clearly says in the actual article what we've already known for almost 24 hours. The explosion occurred outside the containment vessel. The report from an hour ago cited it to now be under water.

He always exaggerates and puts his own spin on things. He doesn't report news, he reports opinions on news.

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Thank you, I was about to say the same thing.

Seriously, people, check the source before swallowing, hook, line and sinker, the fearmongering tripe from a less than credible or reputable site.

Alex Jones who runs that website is you typical right wing wacko conspiracy theorist going on about the New World Order, etc.

The time has come to talk of Alex Jones. When the Chronicle editorial staff first considered how to cover the ongoing controversy at Austin Community Access Center (ACAC) regarding Jones, there was almost a consensus not to do it. The feeling was that regardless of what we said about Jones it would empower him, helping to further define him as a spokesperson in our community. There was also the tar baby concern -- once you got into it with Jones, you could never get out. The feeling was that despite his beliefs, his overriding goal was self-promotion. It was solely to his advantage to extend any interaction. The staff did not want to participate in any support, promotion, or ongoing dialogue with Jones, but the ACAC story is important to our community.

Jones is an articulate, sometimes hypnotic, often just annoying conspiracy theorist -- black helicopters over our cities, Clinton's storm troopers rampaging through our streets, the Y2K computer crash used as an excuse for martial law (oh wait, that didn't happen, but the rest will). Through his ACAC show Info Wars, his canceled KJFK radio show, and such stunts as building a chapel at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Jones has gained notoriety. Unlike a journalist or historian, a conspiracy theorist starts out with an assumption, garners all information that supports their theory, and ignores or discredits information that disagrees with it. Jones seems driven more by getting media attention than any ideology. There are conspiracies everywhere and the forces of evil are sweeping our country: Smart Growth, free trade, light rail, Social Security, world government. Nefarious, usually unnamed, international conspiracies are busy controlling our lives. Jones does not offer specific political solutions (Jones' only solution actually is to encourage an ever-increasing paranoia about everything).


Here is his rant on white people being oppressed:

Lots of support from white supremacists at White News Now and Stormfront



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I edited my original message with a quote from the Globe and Mail which quotes an Japanese government official.

Common sense would dictate explosions at nuclear power plants are not a favourable thing.

Common sense would also dictate that if you have no actual or credible evidence to the contrary....then one should wait for that evidence....before fear mongering and going off half cocked with gov't conspiracy theories.

team sharpshooter: forum police

Respect mah authoritah!!

Read the article and follow the links. And Alex Jones is not a "neo con". The ignorance... :picard:


I did read the InfoWars article......it was crap.

and as for the Nikei article....I posted it previously.....so of course I read that too....and it's still no where as fearmongering as the InfoWars one.

According to CNN:

Official: 'We see the possibility of a meltdown'

Tokyo (CNN) -- A meltdown may be under way at one of Fukushima Daiichi's nuclear power reactors in northern Japan, an official with Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency told CNN Sunday.

"There is a possibility, we see the possibility of a meltdown," said Toshihiro Bannai, director of the agency's international affairs office, in a telephone interview from the agency's headquarters in Tokyo. "At this point, we have still not confirmed that there is an actual meltdown, but there is a possibility."

A meltdown is a catastrophic failure of the reactor core, with a potential for widespread radiation release.

Though Bannai said engineers have been unable to get close enough to the core to know what's going on, he based his conclusion on the fact that they measured radioactive isotopes in the air Saturday night.

"What we have seen is only the slight indication from a monitoring post of cesium and iodine," he said. Since then, he said, plant officials have injected sea water and boron into the plant in an effort to cool its nuclear fuel and stop any reactions.

"We have some confidence, to some extent, to make the situation to be stable status," he said. "We actually have very good confidence that we will resolve this."

Again, like I said....wait and see.....no point in being a Chicken Little......and there's certainly no fracking need to scare the crap out of people with bullcrap conspiracy website link and articles.

We could all die of radiation sickness waiting for the mainstream media to tell the truth.

Not if the secret UFO's underwater, that the gov't knows about, come rescue us first!

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I would get away from Twitter on this serious issue. It really is the bathroom wall. Stick with legit news feeds.

im with you but they are credible to an extent..its troubling when the twitter feeds are reuters,bbc,and japan today..and they all have conflicting reports..someones not being honest albeit for a good reason..

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