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[Official] Wii U thread


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I hope, for Nintendo's sake, that they can start generating some hype.

Super Smash Brothers alone made both my Gamecube and Wii worth owning. Soooo many hours spent on those games - often 4 players going at it. No better "party game" around.

Somebody bought me the PS3 rip-off, Playstation Allstars. It's OK, but not even in the same stratosphere as SSB.

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  • 4 weeks later...

watchdogs is confirmed as coming to the Wii U


also the Wii U will get an exclusive online challenge mode of rayman legends for free download in april from the e-shop to make up for the delay for a multiplatform release.


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So a few weeks ago, I decided to waste time at Best Buy (on a whim I bought Battle Royal - still haven't watched it). Walked by an empty Wii U display and decided "I'll take avelanch's advice and try it out."

Now, I should say that I never play a setup at a store, I just feel uncomfortable doing it and feel like I'm on display. I literally played it for about 2 minutes, didn't have any fun with it, and promptly left.

As I said, I know that I can't judge my thoughts on the Wii U because I didn't play it long enough (I just felt really weird having salespeople stare at me).

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So Wii U isn't going to get another holiday with exclusive sales. They'll at least be up against the more advanced and hyped PS4. And whenever XBox 720 comes out, the new Kinect will blow all other motion gaming out of the water.

Yup, looks like the writings on the wall. I may hold off on buying a Playstation or XBox until we find out which one ends up buying out Nintendo.

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For Nintendo's sake, they better have something good in store for Nintendo users, before the release of the PS4, and Xbos720.

The Wii U's sales are already lacking, and if Nintendo is unable to release any good first party games before the PS4, and 720, I smell doom for Nintendo's Wii U.

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lol, nintendo is one of the most financially stable companies on the earth, you'll be waiting decades before they get "bought out".

Sony, on the other hand, is on the verge of bankruptcy, and has been for a LONG time now.

Sony looked to be in trouble for a while, but their stock has risen by 30% in the last few months.

With Nintendo, I'm speculating that they may decide to stop making consoles, and instead provide their (excellent) game developments on another platform. This will open the way to more sales, and more exposure, ensuring that they don't miss out on getting their characters into the consciousness of the next generation.

In fact, if I were Nintendo, I'd strongly consider offering some of my once exclusive back catalogue on other systems ASAP. For instance, release XBox and PS3 versions of Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy 1, and Zelda: Twilight Princess, for $30 a pop.

Nobody is going to buy a Wii anymore, but lots of people with other platforms (myself included) would jump at the chance to get the unique gaming experiences these games offer. (I know I would grab SSBB immediately, and I rarely buy games.) Development would be minimal, so Nintendo should turn an immediate profit. And, best of all, it could get some new people who wrote off Nintendo hooked on their premium games and characters, and seriously considering buying a Wii U to get the latest games of this ilk.

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beyond the pure facepalm of releasing the exclusive nintendo system games for other systems might sell more nintendo systems (what incentive would the consumer have to buy nintendo platforms?), i'm just curious to see how he determined that porting code developed and optimized for one console would require "minimal" development to make it run on completely different platforms error free and optimized, especially on platforms that the developer is completely unfamiliar with and the other consoles would NEVER let them have a dev kit to...

ignoring the fact that this process would have to be done hundreds of times...

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For Nintendo's sake, they better have something good in store for Nintendo users, before the release of the PS4, and Xbos720.

The Wii U's sales are already lacking, and if Nintendo is unable to release any good first party games before the PS4, and 720, I smell doom for Nintendo's Wii U.

Everyone is comparing the sales of Wii U to the sales of the Wii. The Wii U is doing just fine and is actually getting more 3rd party support then the original Wii. One major factor is also that the Wii Launched with Zelda and the Wii U did not and Nintendo gave 3rd party developers a chance to sell some games and systems before they release all the big guns. If I look at any system and look at their IP's I choose Nintendo every time.

I suggest looking at the numbers from both the PS3 and Xbox 360's launch and tell me again how terrible the Wii U is doing......Oh right its not at all bad and the economy is crap and there is just more competition. Lets see how Microsoft does when they no longer support used games and how Sony does when they launch at 5 or 6 hundred. If they do launch lower then that at what loss? Can they afford to lose another 3-4 per console?

I am a fan of all games and consoles but sick and tired of all the Nintendo hate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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Monster hunter 3 Ultimate is occupying all my non-baby/non-work/free-TV time, which means i barely get to play :P but damn, is it fun! i like the new additions, and it's as addictive as always. i gotta get some online multiplayer going though.

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Unreal Engine 4 not designed to work on Wii U [update]

by JC Fletcher writer_rss.gif on Mar 30th 2013 5:00AM



Epic Games' Unreal Engine 4 won't support the Wii U, Epic VP Mark Rein said during GDC. During a theater presentation of the Infiltrator demo, Rein laughed and said "no" when asked if UE4 would run on Wii U.

"Our goal for Unreal Engine 4 console-wise is next-gen consoles," he explained to Kotaku. "That's really what our energies are focused on. If you want to make a Wii U game, we have Unreal Engine 3, and it's powering some of the best games on the Wii U already."

Battlefield series executive producer Patrick Bach told Eurogamer this week that not only is Battlefield 4 not coming to Wii U, the new Frostbite 3 engine on which it runs is also not designed for Wii U. "We right now don't have support for the Wii U in the Frostbite engine," he said. "The reason for that is it takes development time."

Update: Rein spoke with Engadget and clarified his comment from the presentation, noting that it's totally possible to run Unreal Engine 4 games on Wii U. "You heard the stupid gaffe yesterday about the Wii U," he said. "If someone wants to take Unreal Engine 4 and ship a game on Wii U, they can! If they wanna ship an Unreal Engine 4 game on Xbox 360, they could make it happen."


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Epic Games says the Wii U can run Unreal 4

Mark Rein backtracks his statement that Unreal 4 will not be possible on the Wii U.


By Ashley King


Over the weekend Nintendo fans were up in arms over a statement made by Mark Rein, the Vice President of Epic Games. Unreal 4 is the latest technology the company has been working on and if you watched the presentation of the PlayStation 4, you’ll remember the technology demo shown there. Rein stated that Unreal 4 would be out of reach for Wii U gamers and that if developers wanted to ship Wii U titles, they would have to use Unreal 3. Rein has now backtracked on that statement, saying:

You heard the stupid gaffe yesterday about the Wii U. If someone wants to take Unreal Engine 4 and ship a game on Wii U, they can! If they wanna ship an Unreal Engine 4 game on Xbox 360, they could make it happen.

Of course it was unfair of Rein to say that Unreal 4 was unsuited to Wii U when the technology is built to be scalable. Unreal has consistently been one of the best engines for games on PC so players from low to mid-range systems can enjoy games just as well as high-end users. There’s no reason the Wii U couldn’t support the engine should a developer put the proper work into a Wii U port.

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