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Austerity Federal Budget Comes Down


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we all know of the austerity measure's being handed down in countries like greece and italy , and the factors that are driving these measures , ['still blows me away the greeks do not have to pay taxes and they are complaining about their lot } . but when countries that economists describe as " cash countries" , canada , australia , hong kong , singapore , that are supposedly some of the few countries that are are running in the black , are starting to implement these measure's as well . i will let you draw your own conclusions


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It's an old political saying "never waste a good crisis". No matter what the state of our affairs are the goverment of the day will use it to ram down our throats cuts that have more to do with idiology then need - all the while hiding behind the "in these tough economic times" mantra.

If we are truly in tough economic times then the first thing that should have been cut was recent tax breaks to businuess. This has more to do with ensuring others take cuts so "in these tough economic times" we can protect the wealth of others.

I have to wonder why instead of taking away a good paying family supporting wage for 20 thousand canadian families they didn't reduce their stealth fighter jet order by a few?

Also sending mixed messages is the increase in duty free amounts. Why would we want even more money spent out of country? I try to support local stores and in particular local manufacturers where ever possible. How many jobs will be lost with the increase? This one sends a mixed message for sure about loyality to Canada businuess by this goverment.

And lastly the penny - brilliant move by Harper to throw this in to have folks talking about this more then the budget itself lol. And you bet things will be rounded up - we kinda got hit with a tax increase today without even knowing it lol

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It's not about giving or not giving approval, it's about the process to know what the frack you're doing. By cutting the process off at the knees, you don't actually have sound information to approve or not approve anything. This is just short sighted, short term thinking to allow for as much development as fast as possible.

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Total BS.

Many, many projects will end up requiring both federal and provincial enviromental approval. Here in BC (and no doubt other provinces) often the provincial standard is more rigourous than the federal one. In this situation what the feds are doing is eliminating the duplicate (less stringent) requirement. It's a simple beaurocracy reduction. The stronger enviromental regulation remain. Not certain but I think the provincial government is at least considering doing the same when the reverse applies (fed is more stringent than the provincial one.).

It will speed up developement by reducing costs and beaurocracy. It will not reduce the standard of enviromental protection.

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