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Nash is too expensive. There are only a few players I'd be willing to spend 7.8 million of our cap on (Malkin, Crosby, Weber...), and Nash is definitely not in that category.

I certainly wouldn't want to give up key players like Kesler in order to acquire that contract.

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Dont you remember what Columbus wants? PROVEN PROSPECTS AND ROSTER PLAYERS.

Okay, so Kesler is a superstar, he is great on faceoffs and is great in PK and PP and can "guzzle" :bigblush: up minutes. He's also $2.8m cheaper than Nash.

So those are all plusses that make him worth more, right?

But for Columbus, they could give a :canucks: about the cap-hit right now. They need a center, yes, but they'd rather a younger prospect. Weren't they asking for an NHL ready Top prospect, a high end roster player, an ahl prospect AND at least a 1st.

Even if Kesler counts as high end roster player + AHL prospect, a 2nd, and no top prospect wouldn't cut it.

Apparently SJS put packages together with 1sts and marleau and a prospect, and they countered by asking for couture too. Kesler doesn't make up for that

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