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Class 7 Road Test Help

Beluga Whale

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OK so my road test is tomorrow and I just wanted to go over a couple of things.(I'm taking it in Abbotsford btw).

1. Do they take you on the highway on the test?

2. Do you have to do those 3 or 2 point turns? I haven't practiced those much

3. Just because it's the summer doesn't change that I have to go 30 in school zones right?

4. Do you have to shoulder check when turning left at an intersection?

5. Last question and probably a stupid one; if there is a playground sign with no speed limit below it, do i go 30 or does that just mean there will be one coming up?

Thanks for any help.

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I took mine in Abby too.

1) No, just main roads/side roads

2) Yes, you'll do 3-point turns

3) Ask him before the test

4) Shoulder check EXCESSIVELY, make it very obvious whenever you're switching lanes & turning. Make it obvious when you check your mirrors too.

5) I'd go 30 just in case.

You can ask your tester any questions you may have before you start the test, after you're doooomed. You'll do fine if you know the basics, it isn't as hard as people make it out to be.

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1.Well Im in Vancouver and just took my full class 5 test this past week and I didnt even have to go on the highway haha so its very unlikely that you will.

2. Unlikely, I never had to do that on either of my driving tests.

3.You still must go 30 in all school zones marked 30

4.Shoulder check anytime your car makes a lateral movement is the basic rule. don't make exception to this as it is very important

5. If a sign does not say a reduced speed, you can continue at the previous marked speed or 50 kmph

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i just took it in june. if you know the rules of the road, you should be fine.

1. no they done

2. its either 3/2 point turns or reversing backwards along the curb

3. i am not too sure about school zones. i would ask the evaluator (some schools have summer school) - ** they might just take you to a park zone instead because they never took me near a school zone

4. dont think so but i would. shoulder check everytime you are lane changing and turning right.

5. if there is no posted speed limit, you do not need to go 30, but slow down within reason (say 35)

scan each intersection you pass ** very important

best of luck to you

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OK so my road test is tomorrow and I just wanted to go over a couple of things.(I'm taking it in Abbotsford btw).

1. Do they take you on the highway on the test?

2. Do you have to do those 3 or 2 point turns? I haven't practiced those much

3. Just because it's the summer doesn't change that I have to go 30 in school zones right?

4. Do you have to shoulder check when turning left at an intersection?

5. Last question and probably a stupid one; if there is a playground sign with no speed limit below it, do i go 30 or does that just mean there will be one coming up?

Thanks for any help.

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As someone who took the test a year and a bit ago... some answers on here are a little mis-informed:

1) No, only for the Class 5 road test.

2) You have to do a 3-point turn, not a 2-point.

3) It depends on the school. If summer school is in session, yes you do. If not, you don't. It's best to ask the evaluator to make sure.

4) If the turn requires you to move into a left-turn lane, shoulder check then when changing lanes; however, you SHOULD NOT shoulder check on a left turn. At a busy intersection, you'll actually find it's unsafe to do so. Just a quick mirror check will suffice.

5) No speed posted = 50 km/h.

Edit: My guess is you didn't take lessons since you're asking these questions. Search up some of the old road test threads on CDC here... you'll pick up some valuable advice that may save your bacon (i.e. hazard perception, etc.).

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Haha, for the purpose of the test, they're not taking you into a school zone to evaluate you on how fast you can blitz through the area. You should always reduce your speed in a school zone because elementary schools have playgrounds and kids are usually there all-year round; and because secondary schools sometimes have summer school.

Why would you not shoulder-check for left-turn intersections? People are often cross at intersections-- especially in the summer-- and often make decisions to cross at random times because people are stupid; therefore, ALWAYS shoulder-check. This applies after you pass the test as well. I have avoided at least 2 major accidents in the last 6 years because I performed a shoulder-check prior to changing to lanes.

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You know there are a lot of driving schools out there who will take you on the ICBC road-test run in your specific city. Take you through the different routes so you know what to expect.

I had a instructor tell me " I aint teaching you how to drive, im teaching you how to pass the ICBC test "

....I see you passed congrats.

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Interesting - my wife took her motorcycle road test last year - they took her through play ground and school zones and on the highway.

The kicker was, the location she took it had weird school zones... (Strathmore Alberta)

8 am - 9:30 am

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

3 pm to 4:30 pm

She lost 10 points as she slowed to 30 and it was 10:30 am - I mean, it's school time, you see a school - who takes their eyes off the road long enough to read the fine print???

Bottom line, make sure you know the area you are taking your test.


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congrats on passing. now please...continue to shoulder check. I just got my N, but holy eff the amount of times i have had to stop for people who do not check their blind spot before they lane change ....

and remember to scan the intersections...few weeks ago i saw this guy making a left hand turn and for some reason he did not see this person crossing the street...

some drivers...

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