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Tony Romo

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Now that Seattle is done, something tells me this is the Ravens year. Ray Lewis annoucning his retirement before the playoffs start and the likely rematch against the Patriots in the AFC championship. C'mon, we all know the Texans were the least likely team remaining to run the table!

No....Ravens can eat s*** and die

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Look at it this way.

Canucks-42 years, no cups.

Seahawks-36 years, no Super Bowls

Mariners- Perennially terrible.


Oh well, at least its a nice place to live.

That's pretty much what I had in mind when I wrote that. Throw in the Vancouver Grizzlies as well.

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I'm really happy with SEA season. They have 4 rookie starters, 9 who made the roster. Great Defense and this off season they can work on the O line and receivers.

I didn't expect them to win the Super Bowl this year anyways. Patriots will win the Super bowl. (hopefully) I want Brady to get 2 more rings before he retires. Love the guy.

Seattle's success was a bonus this year, They'll only get better as they are a very young team.

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I'm really happy with SEA season. They have 4 rookie starters, 9 who made the roster. Great Defense and this off season they can work on the O line and receivers.

I didn't expect them to win the Super Bowl this year anyways. Patriots will win the Super bowl. (hopefully) I want Brady to get 2 more rings before he retires. Love the guy.

Seattle's success was a bonus this year, They'll only get better as they are a very young team.

It'll be interested to see how NFL defences adjust next year due to the success of not just Wilson but also RGIII and Kaepernick as well.

I think these guys may have a harder time finding the same success, hopefully they are aware and prepared to make adjustments.

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Being a SeaHawks and Pats fan I would love to see them in the Super Bowl. But this Kapernick is giving me a scare, if the Hawks win tomorrow the next game is going to be very difficult regardless the opponent. Forget about the blowout win agains SF in wk 15

I'm really happy with SEA season. They have 4 rookie starters, 9 who made the roster. Great Defense and this off season they can work on the O line and receivers.

I didn't expect them to win the Super Bowl this year anyways. Patriots will win the Super bowl. (hopefully) I want Brady to get 2 more rings before he retires. Love the guy.

Seattle's success was a bonus this year, They'll only get better as they are a very young team.

TD Pats, Nice.

Brady can smell another Superbowl, his path became a lot easier with Broncos losing yesterday.

you're jinxing your own team lol

they haven't even won a game yet this post season and you're telling us all they're champs already

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It'll be interested to see how NFL defences adjust next year due to the success of not just Wilson but also RGIII and Kaepernick as well.

I think these guys may have a harder time finding the same success, hopefully they are aware and prepared to make adjustments.

I guess there will be some adjustments but I wouldn't expect too much. Game plan changes from week to week in the NFL. Teams make adjustments every week depending on who they face. The NFL is purposely a passing league right now.

There have been many QB's who like to run for many many years , some include A, Rodgers, M, Vick, Steve Young, D Mcnabb, Cunnigham. So these guys have been around for a long time.

It's still the pocket QB's who are most successful Brady, Manning, Rodgers and Drew Brees are among pbbly the best 4 QBs in the NFL.

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