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The Newer Newer Official WWE/TNA thread.


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lol christain has no fire anymore. he's already been in main events. his matches with orton already trump whatever he's done in TNA and his career with edge... come on, people. WWE's not "burying" him at all. right now, he's just a role player to round out the roster. christian has nothing left to prove in the business, at almost 40 years old. the dude had quite a career. he's still got some left in the tank and can work a decent match. i don't see him in some big angles anymore, which is a shame since he's great on the mic. from what cole was teasing, christian's still wanting a run at the world title and he was put over by cole at MITB for that very reason and the following night on RAW

as long as christian is still on my TV im happy. i always pop at the unprettier

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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lol christain has no fire anymore. he's already been in main events. his matches with orton already trump whatever he's done in TNA and his career with edge... come on, people. WWE's not "burying" him at all. right now, he's just a role player to round out the roster. christian has nothing left to prove in the business, at almost 40 years old. the dude had quite a career. he's still got some left in the tank and can work a decent match. i don't see him in some big angles anymore, which is a shame since he's great on the mic. from what cole was teasing, christian's still wanting a run at the world title and he was put over by cole at MITB for that very reason and the following night on RAW

as long as christian is still on my TV im happy. i always pop at the unprettier

How long was his WHC reign again? As a singles, Christian's work in TNA far outdid his work in WWE. More consistently in the spotlight.

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5 star frog splash :P

How is WWE now anyways? Stopped watching a while ago cause it got boring

wwe has been improving over the past year, but it's inconsistent. you could get a real good episode of RAW then the next week would be utter garbage. onyl so much you can do with a 3 hour show (with the extra hour dedicated to ads and plugs)

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wwe has been improving over the past year, but it's inconsistent. you could get a real good episode of RAW then the next week would be utter garbage. onyl so much you can do with a 3 hour show (with the extra hour dedicated to ads and plugs)

Yeah, I heard that they extended it an extra hour.. pretty stupid if you ask me, just a waste of time. The hour is probably wasted anyways on pointless matches with guys like Santino Marella or whatever lol. All about the money to them though lmao
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Former WWE Superstar Ahmed Johnson was interviewed by David Diaz of The Wrestling Mania Show. Here are some highlights.

The Goldust kiss: "He agreed to kiss my hand when we practiced it, but when we got out there. Man.... he kissed me harder than any female has ever kissed me. I'm talking your husband's going to the military and he's never coming home kind of kiss, and that just PISSED ME OFF."


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5 star frog splash :P

How is WWE now anyways? Stopped watching a while ago cause it got boring

Standards have really dropped.

As Twighlight says its very inconsistent.

You get some good stuff here and there, but alot of it feels like filler & isn't interesting, and alot of times the show revolves around Cena, as does the mainevent picture.

Aswell the booking is terrible & most the matches aren't very good, its not like we are getting great matches every week.

They have the potential to be so much better than this.

Edited by Smashian Kassian
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Some type of Canadian TV Show reports Stacey Keibler is close to making a WWE return and there is talk of having her paired with Bryan. Dumb idea. Keibler would be better suited to be paired with Fandango.

According to a new Splash video report posted over at Showbiz.Canoe.ca, former WWE Diva Stacy Keibler is entertaining offers from WWE to return to the company.

The report, which came via The UK Sun, claims WWE wants to team Keibler up with Daniel Bryan.

Edited by J529
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For those of you ripping Christian. You're way off base.

He's one of the top three in-ring in WWE.

Great on the mic. Go watch Christian/Cena brief feud they had back in 2005. Mic work between the two was gold.

Christian is over.

He's never been seen by WWE and Vince as a top star, but rather a reliable veteran hand.

He sure should get one run for the World Title. A decent reign. Not something when they take it from him few days or week later.

Edited by J529
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