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More on AJ leaving.

- Regarding AJ Lee retiring from WWE, there's already some speculation that she knew she was leaving this week before WrestleMania 31. A colleague who watched WrestleMania 31 with me thought that AJ's post-match celebration with Paige "seemed weird" as if AJ knew this was her last big match. The two hugged for a while and AJ told Paige she loves her, which to most people didn't seem out of the way at the time but is interesting now. We should have more on the AJ story later tonight so stay tuned.

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Samoa Joe wants to face Lesnar at WM 32.

Samoa Joe recently made a surprise appearance at Jim Ross' one man show during WrestleMania weekend and said he wants to fight Brock Lesnar at next year's WrestleMania 32 event.

As noted earlier, Joe is rumored to be heading to WWE, as he has no further bookings with the likes of Ring of Honor. Joe said that he didn't care whether he had to go to NXT or was sent straight to the main roster.

Edited by the last outlaw
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Scott Steiner was banned from WWE HOF over incident with Hogan's wife.

PWInsider has confirmed through their sources that Scott Steiner was banned from the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony last Saturday and that there was an incident with Hulk Hogan's wife. The decision to ban Steiner from the ceremony was made by WWE officials after Hulk requested that Steiner not be allowed in. Steiner was reportedly on the same flight to San Jose that Hogan's wife Jennifer was on. While they were waiting for their luggage at baggage claim, Steiner allegedly approached Jennifer and threatened that the next time he saw Hulk, there would be problems. Hogan's wife apparently didn't even know who Steiner really was at the time so it was a shocking experience for her as you could imagine. Hulk was telling people over the weekend that he had no idea why Steiner would approach his wife and didn't know that there were issues between the two. We haven't heard Steiner's side of the story yet but it could have to do with Steiner's lawsuit with TNA that's still going on, which stems from Steiner's Twitter comments about TNA, Eric Bischoff, Hulk and his daughter Brooke Hogan.

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Vince is furious with Bryan Saxton

I'm being told that last Monday on Raw Vince McMahon was said to be furious at Byron Saxton and his commentary on Raw. The entire rest of the show was suppose to be just Byron calling the action. Jerry Lawler just so happened to be in the building that night since most of the roster was there from the previous night. At about 9:45PM Vince called Jerry Lawler to gorilla and told him to go out to the ring and try to breath life into Byron. Despite Jerry trying, nothing changed and Vince remained irate at Saxton.

I'm also being told as soon as Saxton got to the back he was ignored by Vince McMahon. Michael Cole was also backstage after taking the bump from Brock and was in gorilla trying to coach Saxton through the broadcast but was not successful. No heat however is on Cole as both Vince and Kevin Dunn feel Saxton did not "grab the brass ring" when he was given a huge opportunity.

Vince and Kevin are very high on Renee Young but at this point in time, they want to stick with her doing backstage interviews. There is serious talk however to bring her to the broadcast position on Raw sooner rather than later.

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WWE has talked about getting a new U.S. Title for Cena. That would indicate he'll be having a long title reign. They should bring back Cena's Spinner U.S. Title.

The Cena spinner US belt was the best United States Championship belt ever, one of my favourite belts in WWE history.
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Vince is furious with Bryan Saxton

renee still needs a little seasoning in nxt but i think she'd be good as a commentator on raw

seeing a lot of blood in wwe recently lol. the match with bryan and sheamus on smackdown was an odd spot-- where bryan got plit open from taking a bump outside then barrett giving him the bullhammer then sheamus smearing his blood on his chest. shame they wasted that on smackdown but i guess they could get away with that on a smaller tv channel. they didn't even stop the match to allow the ref to patch him up, sheamus just went and threw him back in the ring

wut surprised me is, the bullhammer highlight is on wwe's facebook page. normally they black and white the screen when there's blood but they didn't. i guess this is a big deal for me since that's a rare sight nowadays

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According to a recent report from The Inquisitr, this was a last minute decision. WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon was the only one who really knew what they were going to do beforehand. All day long, the plan was worked out to have Reigns go over as was the plan all along. However, shortly before they were about to go out, Lesnar, Reigns and Rollins all met with Michael “P.S” Hayes to discuss the new finish that Vince wanted.

However, it was said that Lesnar knew plans were going to change all along when he signed his new deal with WWE. We heard rumors that he wanted to drop his title to Rollins or Bryan months ago, but not Reigns. Funny enough, he did drop it to Rollins and Reigns took the pin. So if Brock knew, why would WWE keep it a secret from Reigns and even Rollins?

Everyone already knew what was going down in the match beforehand, so the additional material was of no issue. As we ended up seeing, Rollins pinned Reigns and even was heard thanking Reigns “so much.” This led to many assuming that Reigns was willing to give up his spot to Rollins, which might have very well been the case.


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WWE wants to do Ronda Rousey vs. Steph at WM 32.

According to Dave Meltzer on Wrestling Observer Radio WWE have plans for Stephanie McMahon vs. Ronda Rousey at WrestleMania 32 on April 3, 2016, in Arlington, Texas.

"The whole thing is it's up to Dana (White) and her also, obviously, on whether she wants to do a match. Now, she has acted like she wants to do more. Everyone is saying it's not in her contract for anything more, and she's not under contract for anything more. But there is an understanding that she's going to do 'Mania next year. What I found out is that the idea is a singles match with Stephanie (McMahon) and not a mixed tag and not in the corners. It's a singles match, that is the idea. ... And it always was. This goes back to SummerSlam. They talked to her and she wanted to do it."

The main obstacle will be UFC President Dana White, who will first have agree to Rousey working a match. Rousey is UFC's biggest name right now and how WWE book her against McMahon would be of great interest to White to protect his business interests.

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