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12 hours ago, shiznak said:

I wouldn't say Reigns doesn't have any charisma, it's just that the current character he's playing doesn't mesh well with his looks. He's not a loveable superhero or a white knight, like John Cena. He's looks like a legitimate badass, who looks like he can knock you out with one punch. 


Remember when Reigns would come out, looking like that, in his earlier days, and was super over with the crowd? They should have kept him booked that way, but Vince probably knew Cena's star was slowly fading and wanted to speed up the process, which utlimately turn the fans against him. 



Now this is the Roman Reigns, people can get behind.


I think the only way to save Reigns from being booed out of the building is to have him go back to this character, and be a tweener with an attitude. 

I don't know about being a tweener. Not yet. I think a massive heel turn would serve him better. Hide his weaknesses more.


He has that charisma to an extent, but it's better served being cocky. He doesn't have to be silent, just not pandering to anybody. When he comes out and does his stupid sideways smirk, laughing like "can you believe the words coming out of his mouth? How disrespectful to you guys. I'm going to fight him later under sanctioned terms. Hang 10, bros."

That murders him and his character. Yet he does it every week. He doesn't have that kind of charisma to make you buy him, or the mixed bag of what his motivations are.


If he was a cocky bad guy for a while who bathed in the negative reaction to him, people would begin to gravitate towards him. Then he could be that "bad ass" tweener, possibly. He needs to be largely self serving and relentless either way.


16 minutes ago, Grapefruits said:
Bryan Alvarez noted on Wrestling Observer Live today he's heard that we can expect to see an edgier WWE product between now and the biggest show of the year.

Good. Made this last episode great. Felt very late 90's-esque. Indifferent towards some of the characters in play, but the tone is right.

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Bryan Alvarez is speculating Shane was only brought back to be on-screen character and will have nothing to with company behind scenes. Alvarez believes he will do the 1 match at WM, which he will win and have control of Raw and continue to only been on-air character. Alvarez isn't sure if the rumored brand extension return will happen or not.


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When Undertaker returns on Raw what if he tells Vince he refuses to do the match or if he sides with Shane and Vince has to find someone else to face Undertaker.


Can you imagine if they did "Finger Poke of Doom" at WM.


Maybe somehow Sting returns, gets involved and faces Taker finally giving us that dream match. Yeah, that's not happening.

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F4WOnline reporting that deal to bring Shane back was made about a month ago once Vince believed Cena vs. Undertaker wasn't happening at WM. Very few people knew about Shane's return until day of the show. Vince was said to be devastated about Cena's injury as he felt Cena vs. Undertaker as "Legend vs. Legend" match would carry WM. Because of Cena's injury, Vince decided to go outside the box to make sure WM had a major attraction.


Cena vs. Undertaker should have happened a few years ago when The Streak was still around. There's no point in having it now. Honestly.



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Dave Meltzer reports that Shane's deal is currently for him to be short-term performer through WM.


Meltzer reports the plan currently is for Reigns to win at WM and remain the top babyface in the company for years to come. While WWE remains hopeful of making Reigns the next Cena, he notes that Reigns' merchandise sales are good but nowhere near Cena's level. It's possible Vince could get cold feet again like last year but the problem is that there aren't any other guys in WWE or NXT that fit the criteria of a "new" John Cena.

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Glad I wasn't the only person whose mind this crossed, lol.


Hopefully this show is anywhere near as good as last weeks. Needs more things to make Wrestlemania look like it won't be crap. Last week added 2 good looking matches/feuds. Hopefully they find a way to get both Becky and Sasha into the Mania match against Charlotte. Would be upset if either would be lost.

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HHH beats up Reigns. A massive baby face crowd cheering pop for Hunter.


HHH beats up Ambrose. Crowd boos hard, wants him to stop/are stunned silent.


I know this was Nashville, but really, still. Figure your $&!# out WWE. That was exactly what they wanted in Detroit last week, but they got the complete opposite. At least they managed to get heat on HHH this time, rather than the damage in the reverse that happened last week.


Ambrose just sells it well. His booking for this entire last year is a more legitimate "almost there, but not" story, and his beat down but getting up actions, as well as his work on the mic (or a combination of the two, like his "hey, thanks" remark while nearly passed out just now) has just gotten him so over. By just using him as a pawn to prop up other people's stories for an entire year, they've accidentally booked him with the exact momentum, audience sentiment, and audience reaction that they wanted for Reigns. But he'll continue to just prop up Reigns, lol.




I like the idea of Y2J and AJ facing the New Day for the tag titles, because everything about that is pretty awesome in and of itself. I'm worried though, because those were probably the #1 and #2 best options to face Kevin Owens for the Intercontinental belt at Wrestlemania. He better not be facing the Big Show, because dear God Owens deserves better than that. That's a nothing program for him. He'll almost certainly win in that scenario, but he still loses momentum by virtue of being in that situation.

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Not much of answer from Undertaker just him saying the blood will be on Vince's hands and then he left.


Pretty obvious someone in going to interfere and help Shane win. Here's hoping it will be Sting, and sets up them wrestling next year at WM and having entire year build.


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15 hours ago, the last outlaw said:

Angle did Q&A over the weekend and he is very interested in returning to WWE part-time. He mentioned and expressed interest in Team Angle Reboot with Jordan and Gable. He said they could wrestle regularly and he could work PPV's.

They should bring back "The World's Greatest Tag-Team" with Kurt Angle.

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