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3 minutes ago, Nail3738 said:

what have I missed? - Ziggles just re-signed, I get the feeling he's going to stick it out ala Mark Henry.

triple h cuts a long winded promo, ziggler randomly interrupts and gets put in a match. i would assume if he loses he gets fired or whatever the wwe logic is for this match

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Just now, Twilight Sparkle said:

triple h cuts a long winded promo, ziggler randomly interrupts and gets put in a match. i would assume if he loses he gets fired or whatever the wwe logic is for this match

Ziggler in Lucha Underground/Japan could be fun.

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8 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

triple h cuts a long winded promo, ziggler randomly interrupts and gets put in a match. i would assume if he loses he gets fired or whatever the wwe logic is for this match

I thought it was pretty good 

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5 minutes ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

oh, i forgot to add, ziggler was another casualty of steph cutting off another man's balls

It's so stupid, lol. Like if you're not having men beat up women, I can support that idea, with the connotations it has outside a performance in the ring. But when you have a women continually beating up guys, it leaves them nothing to do besides stand like goofs as they take it.


1 minute ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

it was for the first 2 minutes or so, but at some point, you're like, okay, we get the point. end segment please

That's anything the authority does. They don't know how to cut themselves off. Hell, that extends to their entire run they've had, lol.

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i'm sad how far my girl fell from the top of the womens division to this total divas nonsense T__T


5 minutes ago, g_bassi13 said:

It's so stupid, lol. Like if you're not having men beat up women, I can support that idea, with the connotations it has outside a performance in the ring. But when you have a women continually beating up guys, it leaves them nothing to do besides stand like goofs as they take it.

like zigs just smiling and nodding XD as if anyone can take any character seriously doing that. thats one of those, it's impossible to suspend your disbelief

Edited by Twilight Sparkle
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That Roman reaction, lol. That was their whole gambit to getting him over. Hide him for 2 weeks and hope for a monster pop on his return.


The stadium went deafly silent when his music hit. And then he was overwhelmingly booed as he beat down Triple H. Remember when HHH did the same thing 3 weeks ago? The crowd started chanting "Yes". Here, they just booed Roman.


I mean I knew this was going to be the result, but it's kind of sad to see it happen. Like I actually feel bad for Roman, the guy. But the WWE themselves deserve that falling flat on its face like it did. They keep stupidly stashing all their eggs in the same broken basket, so that's their fault.

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1 minute ago, g_bassi13 said:

That Roman reaction, lol. That was their whole gambit to getting him over. Hide him for 2 weeks and hope for a monster pop on his return.


The stadium went deafly silent when his music hit. And then he was overwhelmingly booed as he beat down Triple H. Remember when HHH did the same thing 3 weeks ago? The crowd started chanting "Yes". Here, they just booed Roman.


I mean I knew this was going to be the result, but it's kind of sad to see it happen. Like I actually feel bad for Roman, the guy. But the WWE themselves deserve that falling flat on its face like it did. They keep stupidly stashing all their eggs in the same broken basket, so that's their fault.

Meh, the only hope for the WWE is that Vince McMahon suffers a heart attack and dies.


And yes, I realize that's a $&!#ty thing to say, but that's the only way things are going to change fast enough for it to matter.

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And this was after a match where the crowd had just finished cheering against HHH, for a Ziggler win. They still turned on a dime to cheer for him when Roman walked in. They're throwing everything they can at the situation, but having Dean step in as his proxy for the last month and a half has been a mistake. You're teasing people with what they actually want. You can't keep telling people what they're supposed to want. You can't just pass over that "over-ness". You can hint and push things, but the overkill is what's hurting Roman. 

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3 minutes ago, Nail3738 said:

Meh, the only hope for the WWE is that Vince McMahon suffers a heart attack and dies.


And yes, I realize that's a $&!#ty thing to say, but that's the only way things are going to change fast enough for it to matter.

I assume Vince is the one guy shoe horning this thing. Maybe he'll eventually learn. But Wrestlemania and the Raw after it will put a stamp on how this whole thing has been.


Honestly, this may be the part where HHH steps in and starts to politic on his own behalf, if he wants to convince Vince that he doesn't want his crown jewel show to end in a disastrous crowd reaction. It will be its own special kind of cluster&^@#, but the complete non-reception to Reigns for everything he does makes it seem slightly more and more possible that HHH just wins. Still highly improbably, but $&!#, like I keep saying, everything about this matchup is a mistake.

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i loved it LOL as soon as roman's music hit, you could just embrace the silence and then the impending boos. its as if michael cole, just doing his job to try and sell the guy, was like "the crowd's just saying uhhh.... boo-urns! boooo-urns!" just deflecting the situation, and jbl being all like "OMGAD WRESTLEMANIAS ONLY 3 WEEKS AWAY!" and... that token black guy? is just there. nobody cared about that beat down. nobody wanted to see it

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34 minutes ago, Nail3738 said:

Why is Vince McMahon on my Television in 2016?


Why is Undertaker on my Television in 2016?


I miss CM Punk.

I don't take too much issue of it, as its within a specific context. One thing is that they're not there often at all. But they failed to get the dynamic for the match right there. I mean it's the first time that Vince wasn't acting as a proxy for either Shane or The Undertaker in a discussion with the other. But I don't think their really failing to nail it down could really dampen my excitement for that match.

Edited by g_bassi13
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Also, why are these Raw's alternating between exciting, and barely passable. After Fastlane, good. Next week, meh. Last week, good. This week, meh. I assume if the pattern holds up, the go home show for Wrestlemania in Brooklyn will just end with something like this again.



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4 hours ago, Twilight Sparkle said:

i loved it LOL as soon as roman's music hit, you could just embrace the silence and then the impending boos. its as if michael cole, just doing his job to try and sell the guy, was like "the crowd's just saying uhhh.... boo-urns! boooo-urns!" just deflecting the situation, and jbl being all like "OMGAD WRESTLEMANIAS ONLY 3 WEEKS AWAY!" and... that token black guy? is just there. nobody cared about that beat down. nobody wanted to see it

Man the hate and boo's is so uncalled for.  They all boo the guy once they realized he was getting the spotlight and push.  When Batista came back everyone booed him for winning the Royal Rumble saying he is an old, washed up part timer and wanted fresh faces getting the push.  The next year Reigns gets the push being a young guy and wins the Royal Rumble and fans boo him.

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Apparently the Usos vs, The Dudleys has been confirmed by the WWE to be on the Wrestlemania card. Somehow it's officially the 5th announced match on the card. Only Ambrose/Lesnar, HHH/Reigns, Shane/Undertaker, and the Divas Triple threat have been announced so far. Y2J/AJ, The Battle Royale, Kalisto/Ryback, and New Day/League of Nations, and the Intercontinental Title are also 5 matches that are happening as well, so that's why I find it so odd that this beat those to the punch as an announcement.


Along with that Divas 6-8 woman tag match that they're now pushing, there's just way too much going on. There's essentially 11 guaranteed matches already, when even including the pre-show, they have really done a max of 9 matches of late. Giving matches more time is important. Like the 3 major ones that had been announced essentially require a 20-30 minute length to start with. The Divas Title match, IC match and Y2J/AJ can't be much shorter than that either.


Just a massive logjam of time. I heard that they wanted more time to put the show on, but what exactly does that mean here? There have to be at least, 3/4 matches on the pre-show, minimum. Either that or the main show will be more than 4 hours long, straight up.


I guess I can't complain if they actually expand the time to accommodate them, rather than cut into others, but still. If Ryback/Kalisto was already lacking any kind of big match feel (let alone Wrestlemania title match feel), then what does that make the Team Lana/Team Brie or the Dudleys/Usos matches? A lot of filler. I just hope it's compensated for, like I said.


To break it down, this is what it looks like right now (From kind of long/important matches, to quicker throw away ones):


1) Shane vs. The Undertaker (Hell in a Cell)      [25-30 minutes]

2) Ambrose vs. Lesnar (Street Fight)                 [20-25 minutes]

3) HHH vs. Roman (WWE Title)                         [20 minutes] 

4) Charlotte vs. Sasha vs. Becky (Divas Title)    [15 minutes]

5) 6 man Ladder match? (Intercontinental Title)  [15 minutes]

6) AJ vs. Y2J                                                      [10-15 minutes]

7) Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal (30 man? Somehow, lol) [15 minutes]


That's already more running match time than at least the last 6 Wrestlemanias (I stopped counting after that I assume it's every one ever). Even if I overestimated by a few minutes here and there, it's already surpassing them. That's without the other 4 matches, even if most of them will be a lot shorter.


8) Kalisto vs, Ryback (US title)                        [5-10 minutes]

9) New Day vs. League of Nations (tag titles) [5-10 minutes]

10) Usos vs. Dudleys                                      [5 minutes]

11) Team Lana vs. Team Brie                        [5 minutes]



The minutes just rack up. And that's without including any other unannounced matches or segments.

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On the flip side though. It's nice to see them running what are essentially 10 major storylines or so on Raw at the same time like this, and still having enough time to include The Wyatts, Ziggler, Miz, Goldust/R-Truth, and The social outcast on a weekly basis. That's impressive organization for a company that has a tough time balancing more than a few at a time.

So good on them for that, even if some of the storylines do suck.

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