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3 minutes ago, JV77 said:

Reigns heel turn official.

Really? What segment were you watching? Lol.


He's tagging with a face Bray Wyatt against the League of heels. He positioned himself a bit like he did like last week, but that's not a turn.


I do like that they actually acknowledged for once "That a lot of people don't like him". Especially after last weeks "They're going to  boo the people they normally cheer and cheer the people they normally boo." That was something, at a=least.


The first hour of the show was pretty good. But that main event has no heat going for it. Even with Shane announcing it, it landed with a thud.


All that said though, Shane being a face GM is such a nice change of pace. Like I've had enough HHH, Steph, and heel authority promos, segments, and run shows to last a life time.

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Enzo and Cass vs The Dudleys might me the most engaging feud going on right now. Everyone's so on point right now.


I can see them beating The Dudleys in the next round of this tournament, then but the Dudleys costing them in the finals. That would lead to a solid PPV blow off match. 


Also, that they're having a tournament at all for the tag titles like this is very cool.

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1 minute ago, the last outlaw said:

Gallows and Anderson debut.

&^@#ing finally, eh? Good thing they debuted them in a place where people would know who they were. Don't get the context of attacking the Usos, but it'll be wait and see what sense that was supposed to make.

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4 minutes ago, the last outlaw said:

Wondering when HHH and Steph return and have the inevitable showdown with Shane. 

They can't not. Maybe it won't be literally right now, but there's no way that Shane just takes over while they disappear without pushing. Even the WWE and their lack of continuity and logic with their storytelling couldn't screw that up, lol. I mean it totally could suck, but it has to happen.




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That was another great Raw. The Raw after the Raw after Wrestlemania is when they tend to start trending drastically back downwards, but the show was full of great news, another great debut, and 3 great matches in the first 2 hours or so.


Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are actually getting a proper build to a proper feud. Having Owens escorted out, without him magically returning, and having Zayn lose clean was great. The match between him and Styles was awesome.


Natalya will probably get a chance at the title again at the PPV, due to this finish being screwy. And good for her. They need a filler feud, and her and Charlotte always put on great matches.


The Dudleys/Enzo&Cass thing has been fire on the mic, like I said earlier. About as solid of an incarnation of the hot shots vs. the old guard feud as you can do.


Cesaro's match with Owens was another solid one, and the feud with him and Miz should be a pretty fun one to follow. Literally since the first time I've seen the guy, I thought he just screamed Bond villain. But being Bond himself is working just as well. Love that they gave him the classic Gun Barrel video to his entrance. Feel awful for Ryder though. He's not allowed to have good things.


Jericho vs. Ambrose is a thing that should have already happened, but at least it's happening now. Jericho is a great heel, and Ambrose is a great face. Should be good.


Great to see Bray get to stand tall at the end of the show, with the death of his grandfather on their minds and all. That was a good idea, minus that the match itself shouldn't have been the main event.




The commentary continuously mentioning that AJ and Zayn are two of the very best in the world, and that we're fortunate to be watching this match on Raw was really a great. They kept putting them over, and the crowd was so obviously into it. Just a nice change of pace that along with gathering all of the best talent in the world, they're not only putting it on display, but making it a big deal. 


Talking about a change of pace, the absence of the Authority is just so nice. I hope they go away for good soon. It's been obvious that they've needed to go for the longest time, and they've overstayed their welcome by years, not months. Their promos to start shows always dragged things down, and nothing was ever gained. Someone needs to formally end them.


Though if Shane was just going to take over, then he should have won Wrestlemania. Having him lose, and then just working excuses around him doing whatever the stipulations of his loss said he could do, that's just weaksauce. Could have given more promise to Wrestlemania if people were walking directly out of it with that hope of the show getting better.




The only thing that really stuck out like a sore thumb these last two weeks among the fun is Reigns being there, and doing what Reigns does. 



Payback is actually shaping up to be a potentially great PPV. The PPV after Wrestlemania tends to be such a throw away, not quite as useless as the one before Wrestlemania like Fastlane, but a throw away none the less. This one seems like it will be better than Wrestlemania was... because I mean look at Wrestlemania, lol. Given that they keep on track again next week, this could continue to be a real recovery from that.

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It's funny. The 4 best matches on Raw this year by a pretty massive margin so far have been:

AJ Styles vs. Sami Zayn, from today.


AJ Styles & Y2J vs. The New Day, from March when Y2J betrayed him.


AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens, from before Wrestlemania, with the screwy finish.


AJ Styles vs. Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens vs. Y2J, from last week for the #1 contendership.



Those ones were easy, but if I were to stretch to a top 5, I'd even argue to include:


AJ Styles vs. Y2J, from his first match in the WWE after his Royal Rumble debut.



What's even funnier is that Styles hasn't even been carrying those matches on his own. That's how much talent the WWE has at its disposal when they want to use it. Not a single person in any of those matches was just along for the ride. It's why Payback looks as promising as it does. They really need to not dick around when it comes to all these guys moving forward. They all deserve a shot at some limelight.


And that's considering their most versatile performer in Seth Rollins isn't even back yet, and Balor, Samoa Joe, and Nakamura are just sitting around to be called up in the maybe not so distant future.

Edited by g_bassi13
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57 minutes ago, CaNuCkSLoUiE23 said:

When are they gonna stop talking about AJ Styles competing all over the world but that it does not carry over to the WWE? I hear it about 3 times from JBL every time Styles is out there. 

He mentioned though this time that both of him and Zayn deserve to be here. And also something along the lines of how these are two of the best the world has to offer.


The commentary certainly made it a point to make those two look great today. Which is odd. 

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Puerto Rico vignettes with Primo and Epico have started rumors of Carlito returning to WWE to be apart of it. The new gimmick looks familiar to when Carlito first debuted. Carlito has said in recent interview he's ready to return to WWE.



 "Hopefully, if things line up correctly, I am in the best shape of my life right now. I still got a couple of years left and it's really up to them. The ball is in their court. That's where I started, that's where I made my career. I haven't been anywhere else so far. My plan is to always go back under the right circumstances," Carlito told Hannibal TV.



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Another wrestler gone too soon:



We can confirm that Jonathan Rechner, known better to the wrestling world as Balls Mahoney, has passed away at the age of just 44 years old. Cause of death is unknown as of this time, but he just celebrated his birthday on Monday.

Social media began talking about the news Tuesday night with many of Rechner's former co-workers and compatriots paying tribute. 


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