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Shanahan's shame

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If ever there was a more kneejerk reaction to making a suspension, I would like to see it. Shanahan has been made to look like the fool or puppet that he is, you can decide for yourself. His decision shows who is holding his leash when it comes down to handing out punishment. He has shown how easily he is influenced by the hysterical rantings of an organization that has the ear of the commissioner.

What the result of Hossa's miraculous recovery has proven is that Shanahan has no clue how to make a rational judgement. He has shown a bias that certain teams can control his decisions.

This goes to show that more time is needed before a suspension is handed down, such as a review from a doctor. Once again Vancouver gets the short end of the stick.

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I am most amazed by the fact that, the hit to Kesler's head in the Blues game was infinitely worse, but not only didn't the league look at it, I can't even find it anywhere. Yet Hansen's love tap can be seen at thirty different angles with super slo-mo and second to second play by play of psychics telling us all of Hansen's Malicious thoughts.

I guess players will learn to sprawl out on the Ice after anyone comes near to touching their heads, cause that is all that could be learned from this.

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I am most amazed by the fact that, the hit to Kesler's head in the Blues game was infinitely worse, but not only didn't the league look at it, I can't even find it anywhere. Yet Hansen's love tap can be seen at thirty different angles with super slo-mo and second to second play by play of psychics telling us all of Hansen's Malicious thoughts.

I guess players will learn to sprawl out on the Ice after anyone comes near to touching their heads, cause that is all that could be learned from this.

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Hansen deserved one game. It was unintentional, but he hit him in the head. Regardless of injury that should be at least one game. Now I can understand if people are mad because similar things go unsuspended or even looked at.

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