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The Workout Thread

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So there this tough guy at my gym, 2x my size, one day he's staring at me doing seated shoulder presses I notice it in the mirror and look at him once I finish my set, he giggles and looks away as I make eye contact...... today I'm on the cardio bike upstairs, you can see the weight area downstairs from the cardio section...... I just get this feeling to look down and I see this guy literally standing there and staring up at me.....?!

What would you do?


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Why is it that YOU always seem to have these problems?

Maybe you are doing something.

I'm not dude, it's that same gym though from my previous story so I guess its the fact im a black sheep there even if I don't do anything.

Yeah and I started going to a gym across town, its got better equipment and I can bench/squat/dead now.... never had a problem with anyone, everyone is nice and courteous....

I'm gonna stop going to this gym by my house.

Stare into his soul until he chokes from discomfort...

Jk but seriously, you gotta start ignoring these things. Just focus and ignore everyone else... Or if you can't, bring a friend to distract you between sets.

Yeah true, anytime I'm with a friend no-one looks at me. What you said is true, I have to learn how to ignore this type of crap and not let it get to me.

I would look the other way, mind my own business, and see what happens

Good advice, nothing is going to happen though, it's just a ego thing, the guy wants me to look away and then it inflates his ego and he feels he gain +10 manhood points

Edited by key2thecup
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That seems excessive. How much do you weigh? Minimum protein intake is 0.36-0.525g/kg/day and optimal for adult male is about 0.8g/kg/day. Professional athletes looking to gain muscles while working out intensively would require 2.0 g/kg/day. The fact that you are getting 100 g of protein from just shakes, it seems a bit too excessive especially if you aren't one of those Mr. Olympia guys.

I'm at like 176ish, my bf% is probably 14-17%

Off BB.com

Recent research shows that the RDA doesn't appear to meet the needs of exercising adults. One of the top researchers in this field, Dr Peter Lemon, stated in a recent review paper that, "the RDA for those engaged in strength training should be about 1.7 - 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body mass per day". Dr Lemon came to this conclusion after citing several studies (Fern, 1991, Tarnopolsky et al., 1992) which used amounts of protein ranging from 1.3 - 3.3 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.

At Kent University researchers tested 3 different groups of people:

  1. On a low protein diet which was 0.9 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.
  2. Another group eating 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.
  3. A group eating 2.4 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight.

Both sedentary and strength training groups were involved. The results showed that 1.4 grams resulted in protein synthesis while there were no changes in the low protein group and, finally, the group that ingested 2.4 grams of protein did not see any more increased protein synthesis than the 1.4 grams of protein group.

Another study conducted at the Letterman Army Institute of Research in San Francisco showed that subjects on a higher protein intake (2.8 g/kg/day), coupled with intense strength training, gained a whopping 3.28 kg (7.2 lbs) of lean mass. The study was done over a 40-day period and the subjects were trained to near exhaustion (2). Another study of weightlifters over a 3 month period, with the protein increased from 2.2g/kg/day to 3.5 g/kg/ day, resulted in a 6% increase in muscle mass and a 5% increase in strength (3).


176lbs to kg x 1.4 per kg , puts me at around 110g/day

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I'm not dude, it's that same gym though from my previous story so I guess its the fact im a black sheep there even if I don't do anything.

Yeah and I started going to a gym across town, its got better equipment and I can bench/squat/dead now.... never had a problem with anyone, everyone is nice and courteous....

I'm gonna stop going to this gym by my house.

Yeah true, anytime I'm with a friend no-one looks at me. What you said is true, I have to learn how to ignore this type of crap and not let it get to me.

Good advice, nothing is going to happen though, it's just a ego thing, the guy wants me to look away and then it inflates his ego and he feels he gain +10 manhood points

I'm kinda curious; which gym(If you live in the lower mainland) do you lift at?

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I'm at like 176ish, my bf% is probably 14-17%

Off BB.com

176lbs to kg x 1.4 per kg , puts me at around 110g/day

But you also get protein from food.

There's rarely a reason someone needs more than two scoops of whey a day.

I've stopped using protein all together. I get better results from chicken, tuna, steak, etc..

The only time I'd consider whey is when I'm cutting and need to keep calories low.

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But you also get protein from food.

There's rarely a reason someone needs more than two scoops of whey a day.

I've stopped using protein all together. I get better results from chicken, tuna, steak, etc..

The only time I'd consider whey is when I'm cutting and need to keep calories low.

Oh yeah I didn't factor that..... right now I'm still skinny-fat, a weird ecto-endo combo, my build is skinny and lanky at 6' but I carry way too much weight on my stomach, ass and a chubby face...... if ya'll remember I have cut down from 200lbs to 167, and now I'm hovering around 175ish.... so I'm hesitant to go all out bulking diet in fear that I'm going to bloat up again, since that cut didn't elimate my gut and other problem spots (did make a HUGE difference though).....

So I'm trying to eat clean, supplementing protein in, and training hard. My strength is going up all around.

My breakfast is like 2 whole eggs, a slice of toast, and a shake using 2% milk 500ml.

TL;DR version, I'm not eating a lot, more minimal meals plus protein supp

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Oh yeah I didn't factor that..... right now I'm still skinny-fat, a weird ecto-endo combo, my build is skinny and lanky at 6' but I carry way too much weight on my stomach, ass and a chubby face...... if ya'll remember I have cut down from 200lbs to 167, and now I'm hovering around 175ish.... so I'm hesitant to go all out bulking diet in fear that I'm going to bloat up again, since that cut didn't elimate my gut and other problem spots (did make a HUGE difference though).....

So I'm trying to eat clean, supplementing protein in, and training hard. My strength is going up all around.

My breakfast is like 2 whole eggs, a slice of toast, and a shake using 2% milk 500ml.

TL;DR version, I'm not eating a lot, more minimal meals plus protein supp

Sounds like your still pretty new to weight lifting. If I were you I'd focus on training for now and not worry about bulking or cutting. Wait until you hit a wall before worrying about that. Right now just try to lift consistently and get better each session.

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