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Ask A Gumball

Guest Gumballthechewy

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Guest Gumballthechewy

k. But can I be Knuckles the Echidna instead?


Ok, but only if you tell me why he has Legos on his shoes. :blink:

I've been grumpy for a week or so, would taking copious amounts of meth solve my problems?

Yes, copious amounts of meth and butt loads of sex with many anonymous women...

..who are also on meth.

At least, that's what I do to dull the anger and frustration...

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Gumball why is humanity so depraved and terrible?

That just human nature.

What is life?

Life is waking up each day and being glad you made it through the last.

Why are we considered so special when we're made of the same stuff as plastic and yeast?

Because we are pretty special, unlike plastic and yeast we are capable of thought and can create a build and make art and all that jazz.

Aside from humans and elephants and certain robots what else can do that?

Why are the girls on my Facebook such stupid vapid optimists linking those stupid pictures of landscape with some dumb crap written across it?

Because they're spoiled, pampered and have eveything handed to them on a silver platter and have no idea what real life is like.

That's my guess.


Just because.

Why is Mash's grumpiness contagious? Should he be quarantined?

Yes, we should quarantine him immediately and have him examined by professionals!


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Guest Gumballthechewy

goosebumps books, pokemon, nap time, cookies, no responsibilities and of course dunkaroos are socially acceptable to eat when you are 8. What's not to love?

Oh and I didnt get a chubby every time I played twister back then either....

I did....

i have a charmander plushie, okayy

That's ok then, at least he evolves into the most badass of pokemon.

Don't ask me, ask Sega.

Oh, I'm askin' you bubba!

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The same people hijacked many threads by going severely off topic, and now every thread is pretty much the same.

This is worse than Spam Threads.....

Oh man, here I was thinking this was the 'ask a gumball' thread, my apologies sir!

Gumball: how many WN'ers would you say could use a good lay right about now?

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