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Ask A Gumball

Guest Gumballthechewy

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Gumball: how many WN'ers would you say could use a good lay right about now?

I'll have to go with my master of statistics on this one:


Myself included. <_<

except with twister you don't get escorted off the plane and stink eyed by anyone who is a parent

I didn't get escorted off.

I didn't even get off... :sadno:

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Not this guy B)

Though projectile vomiting babies are likely to cut in to the supply :sadno:

If a little vomit turned me off my résumé would only be half as long.

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Tell that to mother of said baby :lol: Adding no sleep to the equation of sick babies to care for = no fun times.

Damn! That sucks!

I gotta find myself a nympho... :P

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Damn! That sucks!

I gotta find myself a nympho... :P

Just don't get her pregnant... :lol: They nymphiest of nymphos is not going to be in the mood on like under 5 hours of sleep and a full couple days of caring for clingy, whimpering babies who projectile vomit on you ;)

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Just don't get her pregnant... :lol: They nymphiest of nymphos is not going to be in the mood on like under 5 hours of sleep and a full couple days of caring for clingy, whimpering babies who projectile vomit on you ;)


I thought nymphos were always down for a pound?

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Guest Gumballthechewy

Easy fix, if you ask me


No, the mile high club is overrated and I'm glad it didn't count.

Oh hai...



hmm.. what say we get this back to gum?

gum, what's the allure of working as a police officer for you?

Having power and being able to abuse said power.

But seriously, I don't know, helping people maybe? I'm also considering joining the volunteer fire department out here.

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