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Mafia: The Game [La Mano del Padrino]; Game over


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Ties ensure that one of the two get hung. There's a re-vote the next round in addition to the regular lynch.

I think Gally is more likely to be TP, but I think historical precedent should stand. 10:30 votes have never counted in the past.

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It’s 10:30! Now is time for Aladeen Brodcast Network’s nightly news report from your Glorious and Perfect Leader: Admiral, General, President-For-Life Aladeen.

Your only source for the latest non-zionist Western media influenced News!

As always we will start with Vote results from Execution Idol:


In Second Place [Gally] with {7} votes - always the bridesmaid!

And the Winner of Execution Idol with {8} votes is:BurrDaMan

Congratulations!!Now your fate is to be decided like how I decide who I will sleep with each night: with the W-H-E-E-L of DEATH!


Looks like you spun: Electric Chair


Oh good now I get to use my brand new electric chair I bought off of ebay! It just arrived today.

Aladeen looks at the invoice.

What 200 dollars for shipping?! and they call me an international criminal!

Dead man Walking the Green Mile!

BurrDaMan is dragged down the hall past various prison cells containing B-list celebrities like Randy Quaid, Dennis Rodman and that goofy looking kid from Malcolm in the Middle. BurrDaMan is then strapped into the chair and the electrode is placed on her head. As Aladeen gives the command:


The lights flicker and BurrDaMan’s body shakes as blue electricity is sent coursing through her. After a minute it stops and a black puff of smoke rises off the now still body. Aladeen pulls out a bottle of misty mountain febreeze air freshener and sprays it all around.

I think that one Aladeened in their pants!

And in other news,


Everybody’s favorite Serial Killer has done it Again:

It seems VICanucksfan5551 was found dead and disemboweled in his recording studio by his girlfriend. Working into the night on his latest flop of a rap album, it seems the whole killing was recorded. Let me play the audio for you:

VICanucksfan5551: “My Name Is VICanuksfan5551, I’m a gangsta but I need no gun. My rhymes are my weapon, I kill mafia for fun… huh? Who’s There?”

Serial Killer: “Well Hello VICanucksfan5551, you’re late for dinner. I brought the farva beans and nice little Chianti made with the best sangiovese grapes. You brought the liver I expect.”

VICanucksfan5551: “AHHHHHHHH!!!! Shlurgle Urgle Gurgle”

Hey that’s your best rhyme yet!

Serial Killer: “Sorry but your last record sucked so bad, I had to do the world this solid. I like to listen to good music while I eat, perhaps a little Il Trovatore:Anvil Chorus? What do you say VICanucksfan5551? VI? Oh right.” Munch munch munch

Classical music quietly plays in the background along with flesh cutting and eating noises.

HaHaHa SK you’ve outdone yourself this time.

The Coroner reports that VICanucksfan5551 was actually HIV Aladeen! His GF may want to get tested!

Now on to sports,


The Vigilante, after vanishing very hastily, vowed vengeance from last night’s vexation. With a renewed vivacity to kill a villain, his view was that a vicissitude of Fate was the verdict. Lighting a votive in vigil to his very painful vesiculitis, the Vigilante popped a viagra to validate his erections from violating his victims. He vocalized “It is time to Vanquish and vivisect the venal vermin vanguarding vice who would victimize the virtuous! Verily I realize the verity and the verisimilitude that I have been vigorously verbose in vainly talking to myself.”

Leaving his Vig cave, he goes out and finds Spoderman just pulling up in his driveway. Without saying a word he taps Spoderman on his shoulder and as he turns around the Vig unloads his revolver into Spoderman’s Chest!

Pulling the trigger repeatedly until he hears click click click.


Way to go Vig that’s the first notch in the belt! The first one is always the hardest!

This just in! We have breaking news on the Mafia front.


It seems the Godfather has Done Nothing on this, the day of his daughter’s wedding.

And on the Lighter side of the News,


The Mafia continues to Terrorize the good townspeople in Wydia’s most remote and inbred town. We have confirmed that there was an attempted gangland style hit of OurTimeToShine.


Eye witness accounts that the Mafia attempted a drive-by shooting of OurTimeToShine in the street! Apparently the Lackey, clad in all leather and a ball gag, began doing an erotic pole dance on a street lamp on the corner. The Mafia were so distracted that they missed their target 397 times.

Now that’s a pole dance I would execute someone to see!

And You’re up to date in the World Of Aladeen. Now for 5 straight hours of Aladeen Twerking. Have an Aladeen Night!

LYNCH - BurrDaMan (TP)

SK - VICanucksfan5551 (TP)

VIG - Spoderman (Mafia)

GODFATHER - Did Not or Could Not Act

MAFIA - Our Time To Shine - Blocked by the Lackey

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1. King Heffy

2. Kesler87

3. Gally

4. VICanucksfan5551 (TownsPerson)

5. Peaches

6. Bombay Javelin

7. Alchemy Time

8. CanucksLegacy

9. Burrdaman (TownsPerson)

10. kumar2013(TownsPerson)

11. Kryten

12. OurTimeToShine

13. Lemons

14. SOB for MVP

15. Go Faulk Yourself

16. Magikal

17. JE14

18. Ryp


20. Spoderman (Mafia)

21. Not A Fruit (TownsPerson)

22. Wilfred

23. One One Two

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