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Mafia: The Game [Cosi Grossi Testicoli] Game Over - Please Sign Up!


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Sorry yo, there isn't much to say. This was a trial run for me to see if I had it in me to keep up. I read and try to pay attention but in the end in first couple rounds I just don't see much to talk about that either hasn't already been said by someone or of what I would have to say would even mean anything. At this point my main role it to keep the tp numbers up in my eyes.

Pretty much same for me. Nothing worth saying IMO.

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After sifting through the 8 pages of stuff since I went to bed last night. I still don't have a very good idea who to vote for, so unless something major happens in the next coulple of hours I'll probably just end up voting for a random person. At this point the only person I think is special is PPC who I believe is the doc but other than that i dunno.

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Hodor, aside the PPCLI thing, there was also this PM between Kesler and 112

Transcript of entire conversation.


"Are you mafia?"


"It depends.

Who's asking?"


"I'm just a regular tp bro"


"Then no"


"Okay :("


"Keep your chin up, kid. :)"


"This is a completely hypothetical question

If you were mafia, what would you want the lackey to do"


"Well, speaking purely in hypotheticals, I would probably want the Lackey to use his or her block on a certain member whose username consists of three of the first four numbers in the Fibonacci sequence... Afterwards, I would hope that said Lackey contacts the user they blocked, who might be kind enough to introduce the Lackey to his family."


"Hmm 0 1 1 2

Not quite sure what you mean :bigblush:"




"Hypothetically why wouldn't you want the lackey to block PPL"


"Hypothetically, there's still only a small chance that PPCLI actually dies next round because the SK would have to be on the Mafia's side. Hypothetically, the Kingpin's investigation may have also been a hit, and the Mafia might feel it's best to take out a potentially special role rather than re-affirm PPCLI's alleged role of Doctor."


"Did you guys get sheriff?"


"Wait lol, nevermind. Just realized if a hypothetical member of the Mafia is blocked, the Mafia kill won't go through."

"And no, not Sheriff, which means we can hypothetically block them this round instead."

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Story Continues Here Before Nightfall Your Actions Will Determine the Outcome:

*****Warning Long Read*****

Episode 1

A Storm’s Brewing

Hicksville, USA


The cleanup of Hicksville has begun in the wake of the storm that rolled through the previous night. Today was a new day and the cleanup of the town didn’t just consist of branches and glass, no, the real work was to purge the mafia for good.

Sheriff’s Office

The sheriff was in a bad mood today, even worse than he normally is. He knew his town was crawling with the hooch and some days it seemed as if it was a never ending battle. Today he felt like he should just leave this town, maybe move to the city and become a private dick. Ha Imagine that, he thought to himself, me an investigator for hire.

His thoughts were interrupted by a whistling coming from one of his deputies:

“Hey Sheriff! Would ya check out the gams on that doll!” his deputy said while staring at a beautiful young woman who had just walked in the front door of the Sheriff’s office. Her blonde hair was cut down to her shoulders and she was wearing a very short red dress with matching purse and shoes. His words must have carried a little more than he meant for them to since she gave the deputy a sultry half smile and a wink as she walked towards the desk.

As the lady in red walked up to the deputy’s desk, she opened up her little red purse and pulled out a cigarette, then placed it between her crimson red lips.

“Got a light there officer?” she asked, as she provocatively leaned over the desk, puckering her lips around the cigarette, the filter now smeared red with lipstick.

The deputy, nodded quickly as he stared at the woman in red, transfixed, like caught in a siren’s call.

Impatiently, the woman in red snapped, “Well? Get a wiggle on, this ciggy ain’t gonna light itself you know.”

Scrambling, the deputy managed to fumble a lighter out of his desk and lit the cigarette. The woman took a big drag and blew the smoke right in the face of the deputy.

“You’re a real pushover ain’t yah?” she quipped as she rolled her eyes. Then her gaze became fixed on the sheriff, who was ignoring the scene, making like he was going over paperwork at his own desk. “Anyways, I need to speak with the sheriff.”

Before the deputy could answer she walked over to the desk where the sheriff was sitting and took a seat in front of him.

“Hey sheriff! A lady is here to see you.” the deputy said, obviously a moment late as his voice trailed off at the end.

The sheriff gave the deputy a stern look and the deputy quickly turned his attention to some papers on his desk. The sheriff looked up at the woman in red from behind his rounded glasses and with a gruff voice asked, “What can I do for you Ms…”

“Elliott, Doris Elliott.” she softly said, while exhaling smoke.

“Well, what can I do for you Ms. Elliott?” the sheriff continued.

“Please call me Doris, and I need to speak with you regarding a private matter that may affect the town lynching that’s happening tonight.” She replied with a slight hint of urgency in her voice.

Without taking his gaze off of her the sheriff yelled out to the deputy, “Charlie! Make yourself scarce.”

The deputy looked towards the sheriff and slowly started to stand up.

“I said scram!” the sheriff added angrily.

The deputy rushed out of the office.

“Alright Doris, you have my full attention. Now please continue, what’s eating you?” the sheriff said in a softer tone.

Doris: “Well it’s about my fiance see. I met him in Chicago about two years ago when I was a hoofer at Domingo’s. A real classy joint you know, before the prohibition and all. The first time I saw him I knew he was real swell, he always dressed spiffy. I was stuck on him right from the beginning. I could tell he carried a torch for me, but was too shy to make the first move. He had the looks, and the money but I could tell he wasn’t so good with the dames. I didn’t want him to think of me as a flapper or some desperate Deb, so I just kept dancing and making eye contact with him. He would always blush whenever our eyes met and look away.”

The sheriff interrupted,“I’m assuming there is a point to all this and you’re not just looking for someone to beat your gums to, cause you can find the priest two blocks down.”

Doris: “I’m gettin to that. I want you to know that we was real goofy for each other and that everything I’m gonna tell you is because I want to protect him. He always treated me right and I ain’t tryin to rat on him. I ain’t no rat”

Sheriff: “Ok you two were in love, and you ain’t a rat. Let’s get to the point.”

Doris: “So anyways, we started seeing one another and were real happy. He would always take real good care of me, take me to swanky restaurants and buy me only the best glad rags. He always had a pocket full of dough. Some of the other hoofers thought I was some gold digger, but he handcuffed himself to me, bought me an engagement after 6 months. I never questioned where he got all those clams, I thought it was all on the level. Until one day he got himself pinched by some flatfoot bull. I had to go down to the station and bail him out, they said my Eddie was working for the mob. I didn’t believe it at the time and told anyone who said so to dry up and get lost.

After a while things started gettin tighter, he wouldn’t take me out to restaurants no more, sayin he had to work late. And one night a couple hard boiled type guys stop by our apartment lookin for Eddie. Askin when he’s gonna be home, I tell them to scram but one of them socks me in the kisser, so I kept my mouth shut after that. Before they left they told me to tell Eddie that he’s finished in this town. When Eddie gets home that night, he goes crazy, saying stuff like he’s not going to be the one left holding the bag. I ask him to tell me what’s going on and he says that we are going to have to leave Chicago soon, move to some small town for a while and he has somethin real big going down there. Something that will make him big time and those guys who socked me in the kisser were going to regret ever crossing Eddie the Nails.”

Sheriff: “Ma’am pardon me saying so but it sounds like you’re definitely a moll, there’s no doubt Eddie is working for the mob. But I still fail to see how this will affect the lynch tonight.”

Doris:“I’m almost there sheriff, I promise. Well everything was going fine here, I was seeing Eddie more and it seemed like he was making good money again. That is until last night. We was in the basement cause of the storm or whatever, when we hear a pounding on the door. Eddie says for me to stay put and goes upstairs to see who it is. I hear an argument and it sounds like a couple of guys roughing up my Eddie. I snuck a peek through the door and a see two guys with guns yelling at Eddie. They accuse my Eddie of being a rat and that now they’re on the lam, and they got coppers trailing them.

My Eddie ain’t no rat. I wanted to run to him and tell them, but he saw me peeking and made a motion for me to stay put. The guys tell Eddie he’s got to go with them for a ride to make things right. And I haven’t heard a word from him since, sheriff you’ve got to help me find my Eddie.”

The sheriff takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes.

Sheriff: “Well I suggest you file a missing persons report and we’ll see what we can do. Again I’m not sure I see how this affects the lynch besides us finding your Eddie and lynching him for being mafiosa.”

Doris: “No, please no sheriff, not my Eddie! Please help me find him and I know I convince him to leave this place for good, maybe we can go to California. I overheard those creeps talking about taking Eddie to a gin mill here in town.”

Sheriff: “Where?”

Doris: “Only if you promise to protect my Eddie, promise me he won’t be lynched by these rubes.”

Sheriff: “I promise I will do my best to protect him if I can.”

Doris: “Ok I trust you, I don’t know why, but I do. Maybe you remind me of my Grand Pappy. It’s about two miles out of town at the old abandoned farm.”

Sheriff: “Alright, I’m going to go check it out, you go home now, I’ll have Charlie take you there. You’ll be safe with him.”

Doris: “Thank you so much sheriff, please bring my Eddie back to me!”

The sheriff stood up quickly and grabbed a revolver out of his desk and put in the holster on his hip. He blew the whistle around his neck and four deputies came quickly into his office.

The sheriff spoke to them in a voice that commanded their attention, “Alright, boys we have a lead on a suspected mafia racket and we’re gonna check it out. Charlie, I need you to take the dame home and keep an eye on her. Donald get your ass down to the Justice of the peace’s office and get us a warrant for the old Thompson’s farm. Robert, James, you’re both with me, grab some revolvers and scatterguns and bring the hayburner around. We’re going on a raid.”

Driving toward the abandoned farm deputy Robert asked the sheriff, “Do you really believe the doll knows the mafia is operating a bootleg operation here in our town boss?”

“I don’t know what to believe Robbie, but it’s worth checking out, I have bad feeling in my gut that a storm is brewing here in Hicksville and I ain’t speaking about the weather.” the sheriff replied ominously, his gaze fixed on the leaf-littered road.

To Be Continued…

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Story Continues Here Before Nightfall Your Actions Will Determine the Outcome:

*****Warning Long Read*****

Episode 1

A Storm’s Brewing

Hicksville, USA


The cleanup of Hicksville has begun in the wake of the storm that rolled through the previous night. Today was a new day and the cleanup of the town didn’t just consist of branches and glass, no, the real work was to purge the mafia for good.

Sheriff’s Office

The sheriff was in a bad mood today, even worse than he normally is. He knew his town was crawling with the hooch and some days it seemed as if it was a never ending battle. Today he felt like he should just leave this town, maybe move to the city and become a private dick. Ha Imagine that, he thought to himself, me an investigator for hire.

His thoughts were interrupted by a whistling coming from one of his deputies:

“Hey Sheriff! Would ya check out the gams on that doll!” his deputy said while staring at a beautiful young woman who had just walked in the front door of the Sheriff’s office. Her blonde hair was cut down to her shoulders and she was wearing a very short red dress with matching purse and shoes. His words must have carried a little more than he meant for them to since she gave the deputy a sultry half smile and a wink as she walked towards the desk.

As the lady in red walked up to the deputy’s desk, she opened up her little red purse and pulled out a cigarette, then placed it between her crimson red lips.

“Got a light there officer?” she asked, as she provocatively leaned over the desk, puckering her lips around the cigarette, the filter now smeared red with lipstick.

The deputy, nodded quickly as he stared at the woman in red, transfixed, like caught in a siren’s call.

Impatiently, the woman in red snapped, “Well? Get a wiggle on, this ciggy ain’t gonna light itself you know.”

Scrambling, the deputy managed to fumble a lighter out of his desk and lit the cigarette. The woman took a big drag and blew the smoke right in the face of the deputy.

“You’re a real pushover ain’t yah?” she quipped as she rolled her eyes. Then her gaze became fixed on the sheriff, who was ignoring the scene, making like he was going over paperwork at his own desk. “Anyways, I need to speak with the sheriff.”

Before the deputy could answer she walked over to the desk where the sheriff was sitting and took a seat in front of him.

“Hey sheriff! A lady is here to see you.” the deputy said, obviously a moment late as his voice trailed off at the end.

The sheriff gave the deputy a stern look and the deputy quickly turned his attention to some papers on his desk. The sheriff looked up at the woman in red from behind his rounded glasses and with a gruff voice asked, “What can I do for you Ms…”

“Elliott, Doris Elliott.” she softly said, while exhaling smoke.

“Well, what can I do for you Ms. Elliott?” the sheriff continued.

“Please call me Doris, and I need to speak with you regarding a private matter that may affect the town lynching that’s happening tonight.” She replied with a slight hint of urgency in her voice.

Without taking his gaze off of her the sheriff yelled out to the deputy, “Charlie! Make yourself scarce.”

The deputy looked towards the sheriff and slowly started to stand up.

“I said scram!” the sheriff added angrily.

The deputy rushed out of the office.

“Alright Doris, you have my full attention. Now please continue, what’s eating you?” the sheriff said in a softer tone.

Doris: “Well it’s about my fiance see. I met him in Chicago about two years ago when I was a hoofer at Domingo’s. A real classy joint you know, before the prohibition and all. The first time I saw him I knew he was real swell, he always dressed spiffy. I was stuck on him right from the beginning. I could tell he carried a torch for me, but was too shy to make the first move. He had the looks, and the money but I could tell he wasn’t so good with the dames. I didn’t want him to think of me as a flapper or some desperate Deb, so I just kept dancing and making eye contact with him. He would always blush whenever our eyes met and look away.”

The sheriff interrupted,“I’m assuming there is a point to all this and you’re not just looking for someone to beat your gums to, cause you can find the priest two blocks down.”

Doris: “I’m gettin to that. I want you to know that we was real goofy for each other and that everything I’m gonna tell you is because I want to protect him. He always treated me right and I ain’t tryin to rat on him. I ain’t no rat”

Sheriff: “Ok you two were in love, and you ain’t a rat. Let’s get to the point.”

Doris: “So anyways, we started seeing one another and were real happy. He would always take real good care of me, take me to swanky restaurants and buy me only the best glad rags. He always had a pocket full of dough. Some of the other hoofers thought I was some gold digger, but he handcuffed himself to me, bought me an engagement after 6 months. I never questioned where he got all those clams, I thought it was all on the level. Until one day he got himself pinched by some flatfoot bull. I had to go down to the station and bail him out, they said my Eddie was working for the mob. I didn’t believe it at the time and told anyone who said so to dry up and get lost.

After a while things started gettin tighter, he wouldn’t take me out to restaurants no more, sayin he had to work late. And one night a couple hard boiled type guys stop by our apartment lookin for Eddie. Askin when he’s gonna be home, I tell them to scram but one of them socks me in the kisser, so I kept my mouth shut after that. Before they left they told me to tell Eddie that he’s finished in this town. When Eddie gets home that night, he goes crazy, saying stuff like he’s not going to be the one left holding the bag. I ask him to tell me what’s going on and he says that we are going to have to leave Chicago soon, move to some small town for a while and he has somethin real big going down there. Something that will make him big time and those guys who socked me in the kisser were going to regret ever crossing Eddie the Nails.”

Sheriff: “Ma’am pardon me saying so but it sounds like you’re definitely a moll, there’s no doubt Eddie is working for the mob. But I still fail to see how this will affect the lynch tonight.”

Doris:“I’m almost there sheriff, I promise. Well everything was going fine here, I was seeing Eddie more and it seemed like he was making good money again. That is until last night. We was in the basement cause of the storm or whatever, when we hear a pounding on the door. Eddie says for me to stay put and goes upstairs to see who it is. I hear an argument and it sounds like a couple of guys roughing up my Eddie. I snuck a peek through the door and a see two guys with guns yelling at Eddie. They accuse my Eddie of being a rat and that now they’re on the lam, and they got coppers trailing them.

My Eddie ain’t no rat. I wanted to run to him and tell them, but he saw me peeking and made a motion for me to stay put. The guys tell Eddie he’s got to go with them for a ride to make things right. And I haven’t heard a word from him since, sheriff you’ve got to help me find my Eddie.”

The sheriff takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes.

Sheriff: “Well I suggest you file a missing persons report and we’ll see what we can do. Again I’m not sure I see how this affects the lynch besides us finding your Eddie and lynching him for being mafiosa.”

Doris: “No, please no sheriff, not my Eddie! Please help me find him and I know I convince him to leave this place for good, maybe we can go to California. I overheard those creeps talking about taking Eddie to a gin mill here in town.”

Sheriff: “Where?”

Doris: “Only if you promise to protect my Eddie, promise me he won’t be lynched by these rubes.”

Sheriff: “I promise I will do my best to protect him if I can.”

Doris: “Ok I trust you, I don’t know why, but I do. Maybe you remind me of my Grand Pappy. It’s about two miles out of town at the old abandoned farm.”

Sheriff: “Alright, I’m going to go check it out, you go home now, I’ll have Charlie take you there. You’ll be safe with him.”

Doris: “Thank you so much sheriff, please bring my Eddie back to me!”

The sheriff stood up quickly and grabbed a revolver out of his desk and put in the holster on his hip. He blew the whistle around his neck and four deputies came quickly into his office.

The sheriff spoke to them in a voice that commanded their attention, “Alright, boys we have a lead on a suspected mafia racket and we’re gonna check it out. Charlie, I need you to take the dame home and keep an eye on her. Donald get your ass down to the Justice of the peace’s office and get us a warrant for the old Thompson’s farm. Robert, James, you’re both with me, grab some revolvers and scatterguns and bring the hayburner around. We’re going on a raid.”

Driving toward the abandoned farm deputy Robert asked the sheriff, “Do you really believe the doll knows the mafia is operating a bootleg operation here in our town boss?”

“I don’t know what to believe Robbie, but it’s worth checking out, I have bad feeling in my gut that a storm is brewing here in Hicksville and I ain’t speaking about the weather.” the sheriff replied ominously, his gaze fixed on the leaf-littered road.

To Be Continued…

Awesome story Aladeen

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Does this mean we get an epic nightfall tonight ? :)

I say we lynch this Eddie character asap!

lol no epic nightfall, nightfall will be pretty anti-climatic, just a summary, I will write the story as the game progresses so I don't reveal any information in the story.
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lol no epic nightfall, nightfall will be pretty anti-climatic, just a summary, I will write the story as the game progresses so I don't reveal any information in the story.

sooo..... you forgot to add


And you're not getting any more +1s from me until we get an epic nightfall :P

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Seeing as people are voting out for personal reasons and targeting potential valuable TP who have at least shown some worth RD one, lets try to change that.

Hodor: has been dead silent since this game has now actually began, however, from the one time I've seen her play Mafia, she played the same way. VIC, get your girl into the game like you are!

Ryp: Although I'm against voting people, as I said, for personal reasons. If you are going to do that, this would be your best target with his shenanigans last night of changing peoples criteria in their post, fake quoting people. It can be quite a piss-off, but maybe that's apart of his game plan? Who knows, I've never truly played with this guy before.

Mikeyboy44: I am actually surprised throwing this name in here. I've seen him lurk the thread a few times since the game has begun, but heard nothing from him. I'm curious as to why he'd be so silent this game. Usually he's quite fond of calling people out to get a feel for if they're Mafia or not, but I've yet to see any life from him.

Mau5trap: The only reason I throw his name in here is because, while he did vote for someone, it was PPC. I find this rather interesting considering that over the span of game start to this point, we've concluded that he is likely the Doctor and that the Vigilante shouldn't attack him at risk of the DPG not saving him, and Lackey interfering, but he still goes ahead and votes for him anyways. I'll just go and say he likely didn't have time to read through the whole thread, at least for now. However, it seems eerily similar to the last game where it was Otherwise, Burr, and him left, and he tried to convince Burr.


Now I usually don't go and make a suspicion list, exactly, but other people who have caught my attention at this time,


The Purple Panda (Playing the same as last game, was Mafia, but hasn't had a lot of input in thread overall still)


That's all I've got for now! These are just my thoughts so don't look too much into it.

Go ahead and kill me to find out. I'm gonna vote with my instincts. Just didn't like the way he kinda put the TP behind on the penalty kill right way (metaphorically speaking, if that even makes sense)

I was totally hinting at the Mafia to kill GFY. You got me.

I don't even know what you're getting at here.

It was at least 6 games in a row IIRC. May have been one game where I survived to the second round or something like that, but it went on for longer than 4 games for sure.

Hodor: Agreed. Would be nice to hear from her soon.

Ryp: It's worth noting that he did the absolute bare minimum to stay alive last game as a TP. Could be the type of player to only show interest when he has a role. Even if he is a TP, we're not losing much by getting rid of someone whose only contribution is editing quotes.

Mikeyboy: I want to agree, but he's been really quiet the last few games he's played. I don't think his silence is enough to be suspicious of him, but it would definitely be nice to hear from him today.

mau5: His vote for PPCLI was odd, but I think he's played enough to know that he shouldn't be trying to grab the spotlight like that as Mafia. He seemed a lot more concerned with flying under the radar as a Mafioso last game, for what it's worth.

Dral: Disagree, but it's possible.

The Purple Panda: Needs to speak up or I'll be inclined to agree.

JE14: No clue.

I appreciate the vote of confidence, and it worked for the most part, didn't it?

This game has changed the way I trust people lol. There's so much stuff that goes on in the behind the scenes (like our last mafia game), it's hard to trust anyone. Everything always seems like an elaborate plan being set in motion. Because of this, I'm gonna remain circumspective.

I'm gonna keep my vote on PPCLI for now, if there's a game changing vote that I need to make, I'll make it. As of now it seems like it's not gonna count for much anyways.

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sooo..... you forgot to add


And you're not getting any more +1s from me until we get an epic nightfall :P

Lol I didn't add that cause it's all happened in an alternate dimension already and this game's outcome is already fixed by the cosmos. Every choice you all make or don't make is exactly what has already played out ;)
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Story Continues Here Before Nightfall Your Actions Will Determine the Outcome:

*****Warning Long Read*****

Episode 1

A Storm’s Brewing

Hicksville, USA


The cleanup of Hicksville has begun in the wake of the storm that rolled through the previous night. Today was a new day and the cleanup of the town didn’t just consist of branches and glass, no, the real work was to purge the mafia for good.

Sheriff’s Office

The sheriff was in a bad mood today, even worse than he normally is. He knew his town was crawling with the hooch and some days it seemed as if it was a never ending battle. Today he felt like he should just leave this town, maybe move to the city and become a private dick. Ha Imagine that, he thought to himself, me an investigator for hire.

His thoughts were interrupted by a whistling coming from one of his deputies:

“Hey Sheriff! Would ya check out the gams on that doll!” his deputy said while staring at a beautiful young woman who had just walked in the front door of the Sheriff’s office. Her blonde hair was cut down to her shoulders and she was wearing a very short red dress with matching purse and shoes. His words must have carried a little more than he meant for them to since she gave the deputy a sultry half smile and a wink as she walked towards the desk.

As the lady in red walked up to the deputy’s desk, she opened up her little red purse and pulled out a cigarette, then placed it between her crimson red lips.

“Got a light there officer?” she asked, as she provocatively leaned over the desk, puckering her lips around the cigarette, the filter now smeared red with lipstick.

The deputy, nodded quickly as he stared at the woman in red, transfixed, like caught in a siren’s call.

Impatiently, the woman in red snapped, “Well? Get a wiggle on, this ciggy ain’t gonna light itself you know.”

Scrambling, the deputy managed to fumble a lighter out of his desk and lit the cigarette. The woman took a big drag and blew the smoke right in the face of the deputy.

“You’re a real pushover ain’t yah?” she quipped as she rolled her eyes. Then her gaze became fixed on the sheriff, who was ignoring the scene, making like he was going over paperwork at his own desk. “Anyways, I need to speak with the sheriff.”

Before the deputy could answer she walked over to the desk where the sheriff was sitting and took a seat in front of him.

“Hey sheriff! A lady is here to see you.” the deputy said, obviously a moment late as his voice trailed off at the end.

The sheriff gave the deputy a stern look and the deputy quickly turned his attention to some papers on his desk. The sheriff looked up at the woman in red from behind his rounded glasses and with a gruff voice asked, “What can I do for you Ms…”

“Elliott, Doris Elliott.” she softly said, while exhaling smoke.

“Well, what can I do for you Ms. Elliott?” the sheriff continued.

“Please call me Doris, and I need to speak with you regarding a private matter that may affect the town lynching that’s happening tonight.” She replied with a slight hint of urgency in her voice.

Without taking his gaze off of her the sheriff yelled out to the deputy, “Charlie! Make yourself scarce.”

The deputy looked towards the sheriff and slowly started to stand up.

“I said scram!” the sheriff added angrily.

The deputy rushed out of the office.

“Alright Doris, you have my full attention. Now please continue, what’s eating you?” the sheriff said in a softer tone.

Doris: “Well it’s about my fiance see. I met him in Chicago about two years ago when I was a hoofer at Domingo’s. A real classy joint you know, before the prohibition and all. The first time I saw him I knew he was real swell, he always dressed spiffy. I was stuck on him right from the beginning. I could tell he carried a torch for me, but was too shy to make the first move. He had the looks, and the money but I could tell he wasn’t so good with the dames. I didn’t want him to think of me as a flapper or some desperate Deb, so I just kept dancing and making eye contact with him. He would always blush whenever our eyes met and look away.”

The sheriff interrupted,“I’m assuming there is a point to all this and you’re not just looking for someone to beat your gums to, cause you can find the priest two blocks down.”

Doris: “I’m gettin to that. I want you to know that we was real goofy for each other and that everything I’m gonna tell you is because I want to protect him. He always treated me right and I ain’t tryin to rat on him. I ain’t no rat”

Sheriff: “Ok you two were in love, and you ain’t a rat. Let’s get to the point.”

Doris: “So anyways, we started seeing one another and were real happy. He would always take real good care of me, take me to swanky restaurants and buy me only the best glad rags. He always had a pocket full of dough. Some of the other hoofers thought I was some gold digger, but he handcuffed himself to me, bought me an engagement after 6 months. I never questioned where he got all those clams, I thought it was all on the level. Until one day he got himself pinched by some flatfoot bull. I had to go down to the station and bail him out, they said my Eddie was working for the mob. I didn’t believe it at the time and told anyone who said so to dry up and get lost.

After a while things started gettin tighter, he wouldn’t take me out to restaurants no more, sayin he had to work late. And one night a couple hard boiled type guys stop by our apartment lookin for Eddie. Askin when he’s gonna be home, I tell them to scram but one of them socks me in the kisser, so I kept my mouth shut after that. Before they left they told me to tell Eddie that he’s finished in this town. When Eddie gets home that night, he goes crazy, saying stuff like he’s not going to be the one left holding the bag. I ask him to tell me what’s going on and he says that we are going to have to leave Chicago soon, move to some small town for a while and he has somethin real big going down there. Something that will make him big time and those guys who socked me in the kisser were going to regret ever crossing Eddie the Nails.”

Sheriff: “Ma’am pardon me saying so but it sounds like you’re definitely a moll, there’s no doubt Eddie is working for the mob. But I still fail to see how this will affect the lynch tonight.”

Doris:“I’m almost there sheriff, I promise. Well everything was going fine here, I was seeing Eddie more and it seemed like he was making good money again. That is until last night. We was in the basement cause of the storm or whatever, when we hear a pounding on the door. Eddie says for me to stay put and goes upstairs to see who it is. I hear an argument and it sounds like a couple of guys roughing up my Eddie. I snuck a peek through the door and a see two guys with guns yelling at Eddie. They accuse my Eddie of being a rat and that now they’re on the lam, and they got coppers trailing them.

My Eddie ain’t no rat. I wanted to run to him and tell them, but he saw me peeking and made a motion for me to stay put. The guys tell Eddie he’s got to go with them for a ride to make things right. And I haven’t heard a word from him since, sheriff you’ve got to help me find my Eddie.”

The sheriff takes off his glasses and rubs his eyes.

Sheriff: “Well I suggest you file a missing persons report and we’ll see what we can do. Again I’m not sure I see how this affects the lynch besides us finding your Eddie and lynching him for being mafiosa.”

Doris: “No, please no sheriff, not my Eddie! Please help me find him and I know I convince him to leave this place for good, maybe we can go to California. I overheard those creeps talking about taking Eddie to a gin mill here in town.”

Sheriff: “Where?”

Doris: “Only if you promise to protect my Eddie, promise me he won’t be lynched by these rubes.”

Sheriff: “I promise I will do my best to protect him if I can.”

Doris: “Ok I trust you, I don’t know why, but I do. Maybe you remind me of my Grand Pappy. It’s about two miles out of town at the old abandoned farm.”

Sheriff: “Alright, I’m going to go check it out, you go home now, I’ll have Charlie take you there. You’ll be safe with him.”

Doris: “Thank you so much sheriff, please bring my Eddie back to me!”

The sheriff stood up quickly and grabbed a revolver out of his desk and put in the holster on his hip. He blew the whistle around his neck and four deputies came quickly into his office.

The sheriff spoke to them in a voice that commanded their attention, “Alright, boys we have a lead on a suspected mafia racket and we’re gonna check it out. Charlie, I need you to take the dame home and keep an eye on her. Donald get your ass down to the Justice of the peace’s office and get us a warrant for the old Thompson’s farm. Robert, James, you’re both with me, grab some revolvers and scatterguns and bring the hayburner around. We’re going on a raid.”

Driving toward the abandoned farm deputy Robert asked the sheriff, “Do you really believe the doll knows the mafia is operating a bootleg operation here in our town boss?”

“I don’t know what to believe Robbie, but it’s worth checking out, I have bad feeling in my gut that a storm is brewing here in Hicksville and I ain’t speaking about the weather.” the sheriff replied ominously, his gaze fixed on the leaf-littered road.

To Be Continued…


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