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Steve Moore/Todd Bertuzzi Lawsuit Settled


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Todd Bertuzzi cost Steve Moore his career, plain and simple.

I think it is HIGHLY disrespectful to say stuff like "Oh, well Steve Moore was a crappy player anyways". That's really irrelevant. He was playing hockey on an NHL team... and he had it taken away from him.

Furthermore, to anyone thinking he is faking this injury... wow, just wow. He spent over 5 months in the hospital after this happened. According to Wikipedia, the incident happened on March 8, 2004, and he wasn't released from the hospital until August 22, 2004.... 5.5 months in the hospital!

I don't think anyone is accusing Moore of faking his injury. Rather, people are wondering why Moore has made zero efforts to get a career that he claims he could have gotten with his Harvard degree. People are just upset that Moore has done strength and conditioning training and also ice skating practice to try to get back to the NHL but claims to be unable to take a desk job.

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I don't get what the arguement is about. Hitting is part of the game, sucker punching is not and is by definition assault. Moore did not 'deserve' anything, using that as an alibi in Bertuzzi's defense is by far THE STUPIDEST arguement possible. There's no defending Bert for what he did.

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Naslund wasnt wih the team after being concussed...he didnt travel with them & was not with them on the bench when the Moore incident went down. The atmosphere was very media generated, ..and the league didnt do enough to deter this. The Canucks were getting whalloped on the score board... because Moore was being thrown-about like bait infront of insensed dogs, ....and who knows what barbs were being tossed between the benches...as the Av's executed their game-plan of distractions... & it worked! Sit Moore..its a normal game. But, Granato didnt trust his team to win... without deploying the "Moore" card.

There was little Naslund could have done to prevent what eventually transpired. Take that diss & and flush-it! If I recall, Naslund didnt advocate for retribution, at anytime,... he preached discipline & beat in 'em on the scoreboard. Perhaps without the team's more cool-headed captain,...(he had that over coach Crow & provided a balance that way that worked well)... sitting by him at the bench or playing beside him out on the ice,... to keep Bert's anger in check...Bert completely lost his cool, when the delicious bait kept keep drifting by him...in a 9-2 lopsided losing situation. Then - Moore disrepects him further by NOT acknowleding his presense,..or by answering the bell, his words, or by even turning around... nothing! This punk kid was definitely gonna listen to what Bert had to say.... & he was going to know his team's displeasure...& learn how the entire NHL fraternity felt about rookies taking head-shots at the league's super-stars...especially if the kid's OWN team - wasnt going to teach him this lesson, themselves.

A common decency apology,... by Moore was required after the Naslund hit & then *poof*... all would have been, somewhat better. But the Av's went dirty-pool & rolled with the strategedy of distractiuon & hung Moore out like drying-salmon for bears. They didnt demonstrate that they were training him up to be a proper or respectful PRO....and neither did the league. They all went THIS route, instead. See below.


Just look at Messier's reaction to taking out a fellow captain & league super-star with a cheap-shot. (55 sec)His face is divested of empathy...& pure evil.(1:07) I thought I was watching something WWE produced, ...especially with the airing of that "buggled" stretcher-drop...& those over-animated announcers,.. Oye ve! :picard:

Such a despicable piece "league-entitlement". He will probably never lead an NHL club's front office,... because any owner or GM would be a fool to let him. He's an over-glorified league-entitled punk... & he got away with so much crap,... 'cuz like Lucic & Keith...he was never properly-corrected with penalties or sanctions... to stop THIS. He continually tried to maim or destroy the league's best assets & their most valuable promotional tools...with his cheatin' desires & evil intents,...and DAMN the honor. He personifies everything... we DO not want to teach the next generation ..who are the newewst building blocks of our society. The fact that a leadership award in the NHL is actually named after him... for humanitarian reasons too..... is a farcial joke!!

I hear inklings now that he may have some regrets....as he starts to realize just how DIS-RESPECTED he really is.,,and here he thought that he was the cat's meow.... & all that.... for sooooo many years. If he got on a NY City soap box & apologized for the headshots & dirty-assed things he's done over his career,...I just might have a change of heart. But - if he's soul searching quietly, that's not enough. He needs to repent & undo the damage to help alter the frequently satired-notes with a culture that his actions helped to perpetuate. He could become a true leader by doing something pro-active like that. I'll wait for it....but I wont hold my breath.

If you had taken the 90 seconds to do the research that I did (on this very website) you would discover that Naslund, who actually missed three games with his injury, did indeed participate in this game playing 13 minutes and posting a -3 (as did Morrison while Bert was a -4 in his abbreviated game) so now you are again posting hysterical nonsense which in this case is an outright lie, a giant shock to me. The Canucks weren't being "whalloped" on the scoreboard because Moore was in the building, they were getting blown out primarily because their goalie let in 4 goals on 10 shots in the first period and then they started acting like the sore losers that that particular team was. Moore's "disrespect"of Bert and the team by refusing to fight whoever on the team wanted a piece of him in a by then meaningless game points out once again the sense of entitlement that the Canucks team of that era (and way too much of their fanbase) had. It's like "we don't care if it was determined to be a legal check, Moore has to fight everybody on the team because we say so". Or "Granato had to bench Moore because our team was mad at him for a legal check that happened two months previously". To me this amply demonstrates the truly pathetic mindset that possessed this team during these dark days and illustrates why this team would never have come close to a championship. With this kind of mentality you have lost before the puck is dropped. It is a laughable conceit that a player has to apologize for a legal bodycheck. To suggest that had Moore not have been on the ice nothing would have happened is about as accurate as saying that had Granato played his stars the Canucks would have felt "disrespected" because, in their entitled minds, the Avs were rubbing it in and running up the score which would have set the table for old grumpy guts Bert to attack a player like Sakic or Hejduk. This argument simply doesn't wash for anybody other than an extremely biased Canuck fan. As for the poster that suggests Naslund and the city of Vancouver suing Moore for executing a legal bodycheck all I can say is stay in school fella...

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I don't think anyone is accusing Moore of faking his injury. Rather, people are wondering why Moore has made zero efforts to get a career that he claims he could have gotten with his Harvard degree. People are just upset that Moore has done strength and conditioning training and also ice skating practice to try to get back to the NHL but claims to be unable to take a desk job.

How do you know he's made zero efforts?

I think people are assuming way too much here. You don't know what he's done.

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I just came across this. Scott Parker's (former Av's player) opinion.


MHH: Hey, I still ‘boo' every time Bertuzzi touches the puck. Even when I'm at home watching on TV, I boo.

SCOTT PARKER: Yeah, yeah. He's a good man. He, he is. I mean, he did get dealt some bad cards, and the thing is, [steve Moore] always thought he was better than everybody else. He went to Harvard, you know what, blow me. College grad. I never went to college, but I can kick your ass. I'll bring you right down to my IQ level if you want. I'll hit you about four times in the skull, that'll bring you right down. So, you know, Todd just, it was one of those games. Markus Naslund, the captain of the Canucks, gets taken out. It was a little sketchy what happened, but, hey. And then Moore, he fought, I think Cooke came after him and then he fought, which wasn't really a fight. Todd wasn't really thrilled with it, they were losing, I think it was 8 to 1 in their home barn.

You don't do that in Canada. You talk about a sport that they love? You talk about Europeans and soccer? That's hockey in Canada. So it's the same way, if you don't respond up there, they will eat you alive.

And Todd, he might have gone overboard, and what's crazy is, even talking to him after the fact and talking to Moe, Morris and other boys that were in that, that happened, I watched that tape about a hundred times, and just the way Todd hit him, and he actually grabbed him to soften his blow when he went down, and what happened was when Moe landed on him, he actually hit the back of his neck and it actually popped up. You know, just the way Todd was holding him.

But you know, it wasn't vicious, it was just, it was the heat of the moment. It was one of those things where you, you want to do something, but you don't know if it's gonna be big, if it's gonna be small, or how it's gonna pan out. But you wanna do something. And Todd, he might not have been right and it might have been a little overboard, but you know, he did something. I mean, at least he responded, at least he tried.

I know he's marked now. People hate him, and it's amazing what that can do to a man, too. It can make you feel this small, you know. And he's not a bad man. He's a great guy and a good family guy, and he just got marked. It's one of those things...

i seem to remember that prior to his sounding off on the Moore incident Parker was universally vilified as a complete moron by nearly everybody on this forum. Big lols at the "I'll bring you down to my I.Q. level"; that would be SOME drop. This case is sort of like when Don Cherry says something that everybody here agrees with (which is rare); everybody thinks he's alright... for a hot minute but the rest of the time he's a senile moron. Same goes for Botch, Tony G. hell, anybody who dares utter a discouraging word about the Canucks. Funny.

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i seem to remember that prior to his sounding off on the Moore incident Parker was universally vilified as a complete moron by nearly everybody on this forum. Big lols at the "I'll bring you down to my I.Q. level"; that would be SOME drop. This case is sort of like when Don Cherry says something that everybody here agrees with (which is rare); everybody thinks he's alright... for a hot minute but the rest of the time he's a senile moron. Same goes for Botch, Tony G. hell, anybody who dares utter a discouraging word about the Canucks. Funny.

And even if Moore is a complete jerk and hated by all his team mates, friends, and family that still has nothing to do with what happened (unless people want to play the "blame the victim" game which many have and still do).

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Not sure y you're ranting about messier though, different type of incident and modano played afterward.

Thanks for the vid though. Never saw that, can't believe they dropped his ass! Talk about a lawsuit, wonder if they paid anything for that accident.

I'm ranting & pissed that the NHL allowed Messier to become an idolized & over-lauded standard-of-leadership for their league, ...and for players like Moore to model themselves after....without considering the consequences.

He was a despicable role-model to hype for many reasons. He had been entitled to behave badly,..especially when the Rangers hadn't won a Cup in the era after expansion & he was the Captain of a team that finally had a statistical chance to succeed in this quest. He was neutered of that power in VAN tho'...cuz his arrogant schtick wasn't selling or nearly as acceptable out West... especially, as a role-model to the more self-respectin' & honorable players of their room,... and especially to their fans. Nor did the league let him deploy his old habits in VAN...like he could when he was on an O-6. Messier was stripped of his entitlements here... just one reasons why he faded away from statistical relevancy, thereafter.

The NHL has erred in glorifying NHL villians like Messier. This has resulted in molding the attitudes of players like Steve Moore. Good leadership is NOT uber-selfishness & arrogance. Good leadership IS having humility, honor & a respectiful nature...like Sakic, Yzerman, Modano or Linden. The league constantly meddles & waffles their standards of propriety & sportsmanship....in making allowances for certain teams in certain series,....sending horrible mixed-messages to the generations that have followed. The league has NO real concept of how precedent setting works! They make-up & then break more self-serving rule changes, as they go along,... to simply serve the Commissioner's & the Chairman's wims. That's my take...what's yours?

I just came across this. Scott Parker's (former Av's player) opinion.


MHH: Hey, I still ‘boo' every time Bertuzzi touches the puck. Even when I'm at home watching on TV, I boo.

SCOTT PARKER: Yeah, yeah. He's a good man. He, he is. I mean, he did get dealt some bad cards, and the thing is, [steve Moore] always thought he was better than everybody else. He went to Harvard, you know what, blow me. College grad. I never went to college, but I can kick your ass. I'll bring you right down to my IQ level if you want. I'll hit you about four times in the skull, that'll bring you right down. So, you know, Todd just, it was one of those games. Markus Naslund, the captain of the Canucks, gets taken out. It was a little sketchy what happened, but, hey. And then Moore, he fought, I think Cooke came after him and then he fought, which wasn't really a fight. Todd wasn't really thrilled with it, they were losing, I think it was 8 to 1 in their home barn.

You don't do that in Canada. You talk about a sport that they love? You talk about Europeans and soccer? That's hockey in Canada. So it's the same way, if you don't respond up there, they will eat you alive.

And Todd, he might have gone overboard, and what's crazy is, even talking to him after the fact and talking to Moe, Morris and other boys that were in that, that happened, I watched that tape about a hundred times, and just the way Todd hit him, and he actually grabbed him to soften his blow when he went down, and what happened was when Moe landed on him, he actually hit the back of his neck and it actually popped up. You know, just the way Todd was holding him.

But you know, it wasn't vicious, it was just, it was the heat of the moment. It was one of those things where you, you want to do something, but you don't know if it's gonna be big, if it's gonna be small, or how it's gonna pan out. But you wanna do something. And Todd, he might not have been right and it might have been a little overboard, but you know, he did something. I mean, at least he responded, at least he tried.

I know he's marked now. People hate him, and it's amazing what that can do to a man, too. It can make you feel this small, you know. And he's not a bad man. He's a great guy and a good family guy, and he just got marked. It's one of those things...

Bertuzzi,...is not a repeat offender,..it was never really in his nature to be goonish or a retribution-seeker. He was apologetic, remorseful & repentant...and I agree with the sentiments of Parker...that his part was over-blown. The greed & selfishness of Moore is becoming off-putting. And I expect we will see more evidence of this once he receives a settlement & the case is closed. The "Bertuzzi Incident" will become Steve's new career....mark my words. This guy needs to face-up to the fact, that he played a part in his own tragedy, and at many points along the way, he could have made choices,...that would have seen him playing in the league still...or being respected in life for his choices. He needs to flush-it. He should be able to look ahead to a life that doesn't include blaming 1 man for all of his woes.

Get on with it man! Earn an honest living, gheezz! Why wont he try to get a measure self-respect back,..let alone the respect of his peers, can't he see that his lot is no where near as hard as some of those people his peers visit within cancer wards & in other hospitals across the league. He's become like a bitter pill that many won't take, anymore.

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The "Bertuzzi Incident" will become Steve's new career....mark my words.

You might be right but you conveniently ignore the fact that it was Bertuzzi's criminal assault that abruptly ended both his hockey career (which he had been working on since he was a child) AND his career in financial management.

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I'm ranting & pissed NHL allowed Messier to become an idolized & over-lauded standard-of-leadership for their league, ...and for players like Moore to model themselves after....without considering the consequences.

He really was a such a despicable role-model to hype... for many reasons,...mainly because he was entitled to behave so badly,..especially when the Rangers hadn't won a Cup in the era after expansions... & he was the Captain for a team that finally had a statistical chance to succeed in that quest. He was neutered of that power in VAN...cuz his aarogant schtick wasnt selling or nearly as acceptable..... as a role-model to the self-respectin' & more honorable players in their particular room,... and especially to these fans. Nor was the league letting him deploy old habits in VAN...like he could when he was on an O-6. Mess got stripped of his entitlements... just one of the reasons why he faded away from relevancy, thereafter.

The NHL really erred in glorifying NHL villians like Messier. This mold the attitudes of players like Steve Moore. Good leadership is NOT uber-selfishness & arrogance. Good leadership IS having humility, honor & a respectiful nature...like Sakic, Yzerman, Modano or Linden. The league constantly meddling & waffling of the standards of propriety & sportsmanship for their league over a a couple of decades in making allowances for certain teams within certain series,.for financial or historical-pride reasonsings,... sent horrible mixed-messages to the generations that follow. The league has NO real concept of how precedent setting works. They make-up ....& then break more self-serving rule changes,....as they go along,... to simply serve the Commissioner's & the Chairman's wims. That's my take...what's yours?

My take on it is that the NHL named a leadership trophy after the guy and if Moore wants to use him as a role model that is fine by me. Also I believe the NHL knows a whole lot more about what "leadership" is than you do.

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Anyone who still considers Moore responsible or of equally accountability for what happened must have some serious homer glasses on.

There's no doubt in my mind that Bertuzzi, CSE and the NHL would want to settle. I think Moore changed his number to simply draw a line in the sand and say they are NOT willing to settle unless it's a gross over payment. He has to know that going to trial won't net him nearly that much (as calculated in my earlier post), however he probably has another agenda, maybe exposing the NHL and the NHLPA's lack of protection for it's players. Can the NHL be charged with negligence? Bertuzzi has already beed found guilty and Moore will receive compensation, it only makes sense to me that there is a bigger fish to fry.

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My take on it is that the NHL named a leadership trophy after the guy and if Moore wants to use him as a role model that is fine by me. Also I believe the NHL knows a whole lot more about what "leadership" is than you do.

Wouldn't expect you.. to say anything different, thema. Thanks, for not disappointing.

There are many different types of leadership in the NHL, But - as far as humanitarian efforts go,...cue the myriad of clips that say Mess hasnt been the best example of that on the ice over the years. Off the ice & outside of hockey,....many aspects of his life,... also point to a lack of accountability & a pretty warped moral compass, as well. The NHL is a very broad entity... made up of many people of conflicting opinions. If polled I would expect there would be just as many who would agree with my sentiments ...as might agree with yours. And that's the point...which way is this league trending now & why? There is NHL leadership in the form of the League Commissioner & the Chairman of the BOG & their appointees...& I say...too often that Messier was aided,...abetted...and entitled by them. The entire NHL..is neither agreeing nor disagreeing with either of us, on that point, too.

If the Commissioner of this league, is the NHL...& is influential in steering policy & procedures, and is responsible for filling the head-office posts with hirings.....he is possibly the most hypocrtical & 2-faced of the lot. He's been selling us for years, on the safety & anti-violence movement... yet endorses Messier as an icon of leadership? Say what?! And - his most senior officials perpetuate antiquated-thinking.... that may well cause more... Moore/Naslund, Bertizzi/ Moore, Keith/Sedin, McGrattan/Alberts type of incidents to occur. He has NO proper handle on the NHLOA Head of Officiating & the his deployment of officials or their consistancy. Or does he? Are the results fitting a pattern - for other purposes? Bettman is a leader who's booed loudly.... in almost every arena he appears in. Yes - he makes the league money,..but why isnt this kind of PR bothering these owners? Something is seriously wanting here, right? But, I'm NOT at all surprised that one villain would choose...to hype the other & their shared values.....where ever possible.


BREAKIN'-IT-DOWN: This articles' head-line & its placement in Parent's Magazine,...is personally great hype, for Messier & Bettman's NHL...BUT, is also worth exploring, further. A poll asking 875 families across Ontario & Nova Scotia....had 90% of them say, they will not put their children into hockey for safety reasons,.. or due to lack of affordability,.. or due to many poor experiences that make the game,no longer fun. Messier chooses to address affordability with Bauer, & hype his name & helmet. He adds his name & I will assume some time, to the cause... but NO mention of any money? Hmmmm. And - NOTHING said about addressing the other numerous safety concerns, eliminating those poor experiences or bringing the fun back?! Say what? Quelle surprise! So, Messier.

The Messier Project, attempted to address helmet issues as the key solution to safety,...and NOT the culture of violence, disrepect or acts of retribution in hockey. There's been a lot of splashy press, nice affiliations & a lucrative endorsement deal for Mess, now that he & Cascades Sports have been bought-out by Bauer. BUT - why did they not get a more "believeable" spokesperson, who can actually speak to the issue of "discipline on the ice" with a straight face?! Why not try discouraging players/children from becoming arses who don't respect their fellow human beings, out there? Messier won't help to solve the "real" core problems, that keep parents from putting their kids into hockey. His core values say..." Ya better be nasty enough to beat'em up in the alley with a blind-side hit or 2 in succession - before you can ever hope to beat 'em on the ice or on the scoreboard'. Messier's got that mantra tattooed on his psyche, with blinders on.

The day anyone hears a humble speech of contrition, accountability, regret or repentance from Messier or an acknowledgment from Bauer, Cascades Sports, Hockey-Canada or the NHL, that he should be delivering-up a proper message like that for the good of the game & minor hockey....call me up!

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Wouldn't expect you.. to say anything different, thema. Thanks, for not disappointing.

There are many different types of leadership in the NHL, But - as far as a humanitarian efforts go,...cue the myriad of clips that say Mess hasnt been the best examples of that one the ice of over the years...& off the ice or outside of hockey,....many aspects of his life, also point to a lack of accountability & a pretty warped moral compass, as well. The NHL is a very broad entity made up of many people of conflicting opinions. If polled I would expect there would be many who would agree with my sentiments ...as might agree with yours. And that's the point...which way is the league trending now & why? There has been NHL leadership in the form of the League Commissioner & the Chairman of the BOG & their appointees...& I say...too often that Messier was aided,...abetted...and entitled! The entire NHL..is neither agreeing nor disagreeing with either of us, on that point, too.

If the Commissioner of this league, is the NHL...& is influential in steering policy & procedures, and is responsible for filling the head-office posts with hirings.....he is possibly the most hypocrtical & 2-faced of the lot. He has been selling us for years, on the safety & anti-violence movement... yet endorses Messier as an icon of leadership? Talk about perpetuating antiquated-thinking.... that may well cause more... Moore/Naslund, Bertizzi/ Moore, Keith/Sedin, McGrattan/Alberts,-type of incidents to occur. He has NO proper handle on the NHLOA Head of officials & the deployment of officials or their consistancy. Or does he? Are the results fitting a pattern... for other purposes? Bettman is a leader who gets booed.... in almost every arena he appears in..., yes - he makes the league money,..but why isnt this kind of PR bothering these owners? Something is seriously wanting, right? NOT surprising that one villain would choose...to hype another & their shared values.....where ever possible. Wondering what those core values are exactly?


A poll question asking of 875 families across Ontario & Nova Scotia....had 90% of them say they will not put their children into hockey for safety reasons,.. lack of affordability,.. or due to too many poor experiences that made the game ,no longer fun. Messier chooses to address 1 of those factors. Guess which? Yup - affordability. He adds his name, ...& I will assume some time,... but no mention of any money...to the cause? Hmmmm...,,,and NOTHING said about addressing, those safety concerns...or of eliminating those poor experiences ....or bringing back the fun?! Say what? Hmmm....quelle surprise! So very Messier.

The Messier Project ...however, attempted to address the equipment issue...as the solution to safety,...and not the culture of violence & retribution in hockey..tho. Splashy press...now the Cascades Sorts & Mess joined Bauer. Why not get a spokesperson who can speak to the issue of discipline on the ice, with a straight face? Why not discouraging players/children from becoming arses who dont respect their fellow human beings, out there. Messier wont help to solve the "real" core problems, keeping parents from putting their kids into hockey,...which is to alter the grass-roots culture of the game, away from....'better be nasty enough to beat'em in the alley with a blind-side hit'...before you can hope to beat 'em on the ice or the scoreboard'. Messier has that mantra tattooed in his psyche...and his blinders still on.

The day anyone hears a speach of contrition, accountability, repentance or regret & he preaches a proper message on that...call me up.

I don't really... understand what you are... trying to say here... is it a bad thing that messier is doing something...that helps less affluent kids play...and enjoy the game of hockey...makes me think that you would crap all over him...no matter what the guy tries to do...but I understand because you are a "true" Canuck fan...and we all know that Messier was the anti-christ of hockey when he was here..just like Moore is a...greedy and...ambitious golddigger who...never had any chance of a proper NHL career and...despite his IQ is content...to sit on his behind for a decade or more just to...show what a classless guy he is...in order to vilify a nice guy like...Bertuzzi who simply "made a mistake"...while involved in a "fight" with Moore...which Moore obviously deserved for daring to lay...a legal bodycheck on our...twinkie captain...a guy so devoted to the game that he...walked away from a $4 million contract...rather than pretend that he cared.

Wouldn't expect...anything different from you either since...you have demonstrated that you will simply...lie rather than do the most cursory research...in order to advance your...warped agenda... most of your posts are simply...bursts of hysterical and mostly...nonsensical gibberish that can be...difficult to understand if one is...conversant in basic English usage...which makes your posts... falsehoods and all...so entertaining...thanks for not...disappointing...

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I can't even believe that he still has headaches and concussion symptom now...

What Bertuzzi did was not right but what you're doing is just plain stupid

What makes you believe this? Medical expertise? Or an irrational hatred of a guy who was criminally assaulted by a hometown hero? He has suffered a SEVERE BRAIN INJURY. Remember Stu Sutcliffe, the fifth Beatle? He got mugged in the street where he suffered what by all accounts was a severe head injury. He had recurring headaches and severe pain on and off for the next couple of years until one day...he died. This is not new news; brain injuries are devastating and if Moore can assemble any number of reputable medical experts to testify that Moore has suffered a life altering brain injury as a result of Bertuzzi's criminal assault then Bert is up the creek. My guess is that the outcome of this case will effectively bankrupt him. Bet he's spending money right left and center as I type this...

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I don't really... understand what you are... trying to say here...

Messier's allowed these folks to use his name ,...I've searched high & low for confirmation that he has given Cascades Sports, Bauer or GROW the GAME any money... & it appears he's a hired gun & spokesperson receiving re-numeration from Bauer. NOT Sedin-like generosity after-all then? Hmmm,..how expected.

In any case, the goal of making safer equipment like hockey-helmets ..he apparantly supports. But he does little to affect real change for over-all safety, because he endorses & has modelled Bettman's & the Chairman's desired version of the NHL hockey... and that keeps his mug & what it stands for at the fore-front of youth & hockey-affiliated promotions....giving everyone mixed messages - thema. <_<

The players' heads are spinning. They dont know how to behave out there. Will they be in trouble & suspended or be given a miraculous pass for a dirty deed? They try to learn as the year goes on, which way the trade-winds are blowin' & scramble to adjust, yet again. This league needs a Commissioner with a concise vision & message ....that wont be bent to appease the wims of the BOG Chairman or the ol' boys club. A Commissioner of integrity would also be nice....someone who has ALL of the owners' interests, the long-range health of the game & the safety & proper marketability of the league's players, at heart. Bettman doesn't even come close to nailing all of the points on that list. He's been totally willing to screw-over some of the Chairman's own business partners, to appease the chief power-monger a times. This puppet show really needs to end! I cannot believe there is not already some movement within the BOG to make it so, by now.

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What makes you believe this? Medical expertise? Or an irrational hatred of a guy who was criminally assaulted by a hometown hero? He has suffered a SEVERE BRAIN INJURY. Remember Stu Sutcliffe, the fifth Beatle? He got mugged in the street where he suffered what by all accounts was a severe head injury. He had recurring headaches and severe pain on and off for the next couple of years until one day...he died. This is not new news; brain injuries are devastating and if Moore can assemble any number of reputable medical experts to testify that Moore has suffered a life altering brain injury as a result of Bertuzzi's criminal assault then Bert is up the creek. My guess is that the outcome of this case will effectively bankrupt him. Bet he's spending money right left and center as I type this...

Why don't you pay the 68 mill for Bertz then Mrs. Moore

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I don't think anyone is accusing Moore of faking his injury. Rather, people are wondering why Moore has made zero efforts to get a career that he claims he could have gotten with his Harvard degree. People are just upset that Moore has done strength and conditioning training and also ice skating practice to try to get back to the NHL but claims to be unable to take a desk job.


There's vet's with missing limbs that go on to start their own business with no degree and no experienceand and are succesful. There's men and women with terminal illnesses that are life altering that go on to make them selves succesful. He has the opportunity and ability to still be a very succesful businessman, even within the NHL. He could've made a book, "player whose career end's tragically becomes scout, agent, gm, president..." Instead he wants to take the lazy "poor me" approach and throw the longest pitty party on record.

Not to say Bertuzzi is clean in all this. What he did was despicable and he should pay but 68 MILLION, RUFK ME! I'd take the average carrer length of a player who plays Steve's position, what Steve was making, multiply them and make Bertuzzi pay that. assuming Steve would've played longer or made more is nothing more than assumption/speculation, he could've just as easily played less and earned less.

HE chose to end his financial management career, Bertuzzi had no part in that. Steve probably decided from a legal stand point he could get more money from the lawsuit if he chose not to work due to "the incident". he acts like hes the only guy whose had a broken neck before. TONS of people in this country(im in the USA) break their necks due to accidents(mostly auto) and return to work. Unless their job was labor intensive or they're rendered a quadrapalegic. even then most make a career changes to suit their needs. Steve, however, is not a quad or parapalegic and actually conditioned in an attempt to return to the NHL. My wife fell from a 2nd story window, broke 2 vertebrae in her back required an emergency spinal fusion surgery. She works a desk job full time with no problem, she also takes care of our two year old!

It is quite obvious Moore is trying to milk the Bertuzzi teet for all it's worth so he doesn't have to work a day in his life.

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