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They've Figured Out Where The Biggest Gathering Of Idiots In America Are


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To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that Buffalo's emerging economy which is based on people with advanced degrees, we'd be a lot lower on the list. The Buffalo public school system is churning out morons at an alarming rate. They are one step away from being taken over by the state and/or federal governments.

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Hmm, I would have thought Californians are educated (although not at the greatest schools), but they're just some of the stupidest people you'll ever meet. Of course, I'm mainly going off stereotypes about Southern Californians, but when I've been there the stereotypes don't seem that far off.

California has 6 of the top 13 ranked public universities in America. Many of these schools, like Berkeley and UCLA, are world class institutions in almost every field they offer, and run circles around most other faculties

as far as private institutions go, Stanford, Cal Tech, USC, Pepperdine aren't exactly poor choices...

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California has 6 of the top 13 ranked public universities in America. Many of these schools, like Berkeley and UCLA, are world class institutions in almost every field they offer, and run circles around most other faculties

as far as private institutions go, Stanford, Cal Tech, USC, Pepperdine aren't exactly poor choices...

It's based on the populace, not on the higher education schooling that is offered. If you go to the best schools around and don't stay in the area after graduation, you aren't part of the populace.

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California has 6 of the top 13 ranked public universities in America. Many of these schools, like Berkeley and UCLA, are world class institutions in almost every field they offer, and run circles around most other faculties

as far as private institutions go, Stanford, Cal Tech, USC, Pepperdine aren't exactly poor choices...

Not everyone goes there. Besides, of course California is going to have a lot of good universities, the place has more people than Canada.

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Not everyone goes there. Besides, of course California is going to have a lot of good universities, the place has more people than Canada.

sorry, thought you were trying to make a point earlier that educated people in California aren't going to "great schools" -- when in fact the vast majority of them probably are, as the public university system there is great.

but no, you're right. a lot of people don't go to post secondary at all

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It's a shame that community colleges have a stigma attached to them. The big one here in Buffalo has been offering skill-based associate degrees that are helpful for low income people who want to work their way into the middle class. It's not that way for many of the community colleges around the country. Yet another promise that Obama along with congressional Republicans failed to deliver.

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