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Van-TBay in Feb(PROPOSAL)

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Slow news day for our boys, so decided to try & drum up some swap-talk..

Let's say the next few wks go rather poorly. In Feb, I'd consider something like this proposal. It's mostly based upon accepting TBay is closer to taking their conf(PO's) than we would be.

Their contract/cap situation is going to be a concern soon(with all that fwd wealth). I think Bishop's kicks in next yr; & God knows what Stammer will pull down, the yr after? Yzerman might pay a high price, to fill key needs, if he thinks the conference is ripe to grab...

we send: Lack, Tanev, Kassian, perhaps a 2nd?(please comment whether we need to add a pick, etc...)

-Last yr BB was injured at PO's; this yr his numbers aren't great. They'd prob like to upgrade depth there(feeling Vasilevsky is still too young/ inexperienced, to lean on heavily).

-Kass would give them more fwd size for the PO-grind.

-Tanev is hard to let go. But his PK excellence & RH, smooth, intelligent game would surely compliment guys like Garr & Hedman.

Possible returns?..

1)DROUIN, Nabakov, Koekkoek. Yes I realize it's unlikely..but has the kid looked good at the NHL level so far?(I haven't seen enough of their games)..I'm guessing we'd have to add??

2)Connolly, Rags 1st, Nabakov, Koekkoek.

3) Swap Namestnikov for Connolly. In that event, would we forget about the 2015 Rags 1st? I heard this Russian kid is pretty smooth.

Assuming Koekkoek is one of the young, talented PMD's out there, he's definitely in the package. Lack's value may be on the rise, if a few teams are sniffing around. Also the value goes up if we let them dump Nabby on us.(we'd likely send him down, if poss).

I really like these 3 guys we're dealing; yet they all say gotta' give to get.

Are any of these three packages worthwhile, and/or realistic?

edit: Wanted to add, we'd be calling up Corrado permanently with such a deal. With him & Hamhuis added, we might be ok.

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^Agreed Stromer, however I think a top D-oriented team like Nashville could take Tbay in a series, but their offense is pretty powerful.

Wouldn't surprise me if Stevie Y packages a few pieces to get a high 2015 pick. Gotta do something with a pending backlog of young talent.

Too many pieces..when an expansion draft finally arrives, teams like TBay or Ana should lose some of their enviable depth.

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I don't think Stevie Y will trade Drouin but I like your idea. Tampa has a wealth of young players to look at. I really don't want to trade Kassian and especially not Tanev, but I do understand you have to give to get.

I agree with this, I hate the idea of trading some of the young (hopefully) Canucks players of the future or even the important players. Man, would I make a bad GM or what? I would never be able to trade anyone lol.

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i think it would be smarter to trade a defense vet like bieska or hamhuis to their team for a young good forward or something and not tanev

tanev is still a young guy and will be part of our core in the future, but hamhuis prob has higher value to a contending team like tampa bay now as well won't be as good and valuable to the canucks in a few years time where as tanev will.

ja feel?

but yeah tampa has a wealth of good young forwards up front and prob a goof team to target to try and pry away a young guy for a good price

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SO, It's a valid point to mull.

Tanev's weak points are grit & shot. We need to acquire young, emerging D with some of these elements.

His merits of skating, shot-blocking & on-ice vision are better utilized on a contender with great fwds to feed. Almost a wasted gem right now, in our lineup.

Sign him back(in 5 yrs) when we're flyin'. :^)

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