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Blast from the past: old highlight coverage of 1994 SCF game 5 ft. young John Shorthouse


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Back during the 90's when Shorty and Dave Randorf were doing Sports Page, Robin Williams was doing a movie in town and was hanging around the bowels of the Coliseum one night after a game. Geoff Courtnall invited him into the locker room to meet the fellas. Robin went into crazy mode and mocked a hockey fight, picking on Shorty, who was working the postgame interviews that night. It was priceless. I don't know that any video of it survives, although it's probably in some CKVU vault somewhere.

I haven't seen it but that's gotta be on one of the "Yulin' with the Page" segments

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I remember watching game 7 at a friends house. He had just recently turned 19 but still lived upstairs in a suite above his parents. After the Canucks lost another guy who was there threw his tv off the balcony onto the driveway. We were drinking a lot and man it seemed funny at the time. The guys parents were not amused though.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think there was some guy who climbed a street light and another who walked on electric wiring. In 94 there was more craziness and less damage which was actually kind of fun to watch :ph34r:

2011 had way too much damage, was just depressing all around..

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Oh the memories, if only we could've pulled out the cup win...

It's funny watching the old highlights, the goals that were scored looked so easy, almost effortless, and yet somehow Captain Kirk finished that postseason with a .928 save percentage. Remarkable!

Shorty's little moustache and goatee looked hilarious.

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