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Riviera82 last won the day on December 18 2016

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About Riviera82

  • Birthday 09/01/1982

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    Comox, BC
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Canucks Third-Line

Canucks Third-Line (8/14)



  1. 1040 hands down. I think the personalities are better and the sound quality on the radio is better too.
  2. That was the goaltending duel I've wanted to see Markstrom win since he became a Canuck. I wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to do it because he's never been a "shutout-goalie", but he showed me! Tied for second place in Canuck history with Cory Schneider in saves (43) for a shutout. Kirk McLean remains in first with 46.
  3. I don't think this is a good deal at all. Vasilevsky has never shown very well in the playoffs and that's of course where performance counts the most.
  4. I was driving in my car when I heard the news and my jaw practically hit the steering wheel. I couldn't believe my ears. I always enjoyed Botch, whether it was his articles, TV appearances, but mostly the Power Hour or other appearances on 1040. I find this news incredibly sad, not just on an entertainment level, but more so on a human level. To pass away so suddenly, so unexpectedly, and at such a relatively young age with a wife and young family left behind; it's tragic. I know many folks on this forum weren't crazy about Jason Botchford, but I was a big fan of his. Rest in peace, Jason.
  5. To be perfectly honest, I hate it. I really hope they go with a different name.
  6. Just saw Infinity War tonight and was not at all disappointed. Highly recommend. Although I would suggest it's important to catch up on previous MCU films beforehand so this movie will make more sense. I went with my brother and he was asking a lot of questions and yet still enjoyed the show.
  7. Someone's probably already mentioned this, but when people write/type "would of", "should of", or "could of". The word you're looking for is 'have' or the contraction - 've'. Would've, could've, should've. This is what 'of' looks like instead of 'have' in a typed conversation - Of you ever been to Disneyland? No, I of not. When you were down in L.A. could you not of gone? I could of but I didn't of the time. You should of made the time, you could of gone. I of been hoping to someday. Maybe I will of another chance next time. I hope so, not too many folks of the opportunities you do. I of thought about it a lot. Next time I will of to go. Have and of are not the same. This annoys me to no end.
  8. I think this weather is fantastic. Why anyone in their right mind would want gloomy, damp, and generally miserable weather year-round is beyond me. We get plenty of that as it is. This is why I've never understood why anyone chooses to live in Port Hardy or the Queen Charlottes.
  9. Man, I dont understand a lot of people in this thread. The weather on the south coast is usually mediocre to miserable for at least 9 months out of the year, and yet there's people here talking about wanting more rain and saying that 20 degrees is too hot. F that, we'll get more crap weather than we can handle in a month or so. Summer around here is very temporary, and a good summer is far from guaranteed every year. We should all try enjoying it while we have it, it'll be gone soon enough.
  10. No thanks man, 9 months of rain per year is enough for this guy. Sorry to hear your summer has been lousy too, I guess the crap weather is province wide.
  11. This summer has seriously sucked so far. Very disappointed with the weather we've been having on the south coast.
  12. Comfortable with our tandem for now because the Canucks are not yet ready to contend anyway. Let Lack and Markstrom learn and grow together as hopefully the other younger players will do at the same time. Once the team is ready to challenge in the playoffs, if our goalies are a problem then seek out an upgrade.
  13. Yeah that's 3 times it's happened since maybe the 1980s? And the difference with Luo is that he never outperformed his regular season stats except for his first year.
  14. That seems to be about it. Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object. Wouldn't be surprised to see several more cups between the two of them over the next number of years. Also, LOL at the Rags. No chance in this series.
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