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[Mafia] Game of Thrones (Game On)

Beluga Whale

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8 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

Hmmm, why is that? BW never said that in the rules or the post regarding the TBT...you'd think at least one of them would've tried to vote for the other one if they were both TP.

I swear he did say that somewhere, along with the thing about factional kills but will have to ask him in pm or find where he said it.

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On May 13, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Zfetch said:

Holy mother of pearl I was locked out of my account for the past few days due to that thread on title changes.

I pledge 200% activity.

Also forgot about zfetch this pledge seems to have gone out the window... Still looking for the post where I saw all the game info... If BW deleted that post or edited it out he should repost it again.

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Just now, Aladeen said:

I swear he did say that somewhere, along with the thing about factional kills but will have to ask him in pm or find where he said it.

I found the bit about factional kills, it's at the bottom of the OP I believe or the 3rd post, can't remember which, but it's at the bottom. I didn't see it before, and now knowing that a jail won't save from the Mafia kill, I have to say damn that's hard...then the only thing it'll protect is a VK? So in order for the jailkeeper to be effective, they have to either A: guess a Mafia special to roleblock or B: try to save a TP against the VK...which doesn't usually help the Town, as the Vig is trying to hit scum. Maybe I'm missing something.

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1 minute ago, Aladeen said:

Actually the factional kill part was in the OP just at the bottom of a spoiler box. Maybe I am wrong about the TBT voting.

I think it's strange that neither tried to vote for the other. I know I would've voted for the other player in a TBT, BW could've corrected me if I was wrong.

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2 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

I found the bit about factional kills, it's at the bottom of the OP I believe or the 3rd post, can't remember which, but it's at the bottom. I didn't see it before, and now knowing that a jail won't save from the Mafia kill, I have to say damn that's hard...then the only thing it'll protect is a VK? So in order for the jailkeeper to be effective, they have to either A: guess a Mafia special to roleblock or B: try to save a TP against the VK...which doesn't usually help the Town, as the Vig is trying to hit scum. Maybe I'm missing something.

Yah it doesn't actually seem that powerful lol jailkeeper in TOS has the ability to rb, interrogate and execute up to 3 times unless they kill a town player in which case they lose the ability to execute. 

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11 minutes ago, JAY JAY said:

So its the easy choice then?

They were the scummiest choices


7 minutes ago, falcon45ca said:

No, just that they're TP first & bad players second.


Only 4 players voted for both. Which of those 4 do you think are the scum?


Your hindsight is amazing. As if I could tell they were TP with the way they played.


Your question:


Heffy (like I already said)

Time Lord (who've I've been suspicious of all game)


Dr. S I'm leaning towards being TP playing poorly. Note that he had to vote Otherwise to save himself. My initial feeling towards Dr. S was town and I find it hard to believe 3 Mafia would be on both wagons.

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1 minute ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

Your hindsight is amazing. As if I could tell they were TP with the way they played.


Your question:


Heffy (like I already said)

Time Lord (who've I've been suspicious of all game)


Dr. S I'm leaning towards being TP playing poorly. Note that he had to vote Otherwise to save himself. My initial feeling towards Dr. S was town and I find it hard to believe 3 Mafia would be on both wagons.

I actually called FWY as TP when he turtled, so my foresight is 50/50...which is better than yours incidentally.


Who would you lynch this round?


Who would you choose to TBT?

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Just now, falcon45ca said:

I actually called FWY as TP when he turtled, so my foresight is 50/50...which is better than yours incidentally.


Who would you lynch this round?


Who would you choose to TBT?

Lynch Heffy who I already voted


TBT pretty much anyone who's not being an active part of discussion: Zfetch, Dr. S, Dral, Jazz, JL

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On 2016-05-16 at 8:50 AM, Alain Vigneault said:

Please don't leave the game again :lol: 


On a serious note, he didn't respond to my call out yesterday and hasn't given a decent response to any of my questions this morning.  Maybe he's frustrated but I think a townsperson would have at least attempted to answer, no matter how futile they may think the questions are. 


:lol: As I'm reviewing the thread, I guess not AV. :)

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On 2016-05-16 at 3:43 PM, Kakanucks said:

Impressions (very vague points, will need to re-read some posts later today):

Alain Vigneault - TP, MO is similar to TP AV when I played with him.

JohnLocke - Neutral, leaning abit towards Mafia. Seems to be hiding in the shadows.

Dr.Strangelove - Neutral vibes, nothing said up to now gives off certain vibes.

Time Lord - borderline mafia vibe for me, as I feel TL isn't as engaging in his posts than when he was TP in previous games, but may just be the long round 1.

Aladeen - 45%/55% on whether TP or scum. (I think 112/Aladeen either one is TP other may be Mafia, just a gut feeling)

g_bassi - no comments as not much posted.

112 - TP leader as of now, though constant changing of votes in the beginning was confusing. Legit scum hunting.

Kaz - Neutral. Helpful in trying to put focus on players that were slacking and

Chris (unknown whether to be subbed/GK) - was engaged to play in the beginning of the round, but got frustrated by players questioning/play too easily. No real read.**

Mau5 - was quite defensive when called out earlier by 112, just a scummy vibe, hasn't heard from much today.

Falcon - TP as of now, mafia falcon usually derails scum hunting by posting useless memes when questioned.

Kassian87 Jazz - No real read as subbed in. **

Zfetch - TP for now. Was offering insights to posts and tried to scum hunt early on. Haven't heard from today.


Qwags Dral - No real read as subbed in. **

Kakanucks - TP, no reasons needed.

fwybwed - Really no effort in fighting his lynch. No reasons for PM, etc.

King Heffy - Mafia KH usually slacks and rarely posts when he's mafia. TP for now.

Blue Jay - neutral vibes, 1st time playing here, but comes off very skillful in the mafia game. Hard to read in this first round.


Note: list was copied from BW's post on page 7.

** I feel 1 of the 3 players subbed/GKed could be mafia.

Curious stuff


Was I being set up here? - or maybe I don't exist.:o

Mau5 and TL seem scum to scum

JL, Dr.S, Kaz, and BJ seem neutral

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On 2016-05-16 at 4:13 PM, Dr.Strangelove said:

Alain Vigneault - His vote on Qwags was bad but other than that he's playing pretty TP

JL- Slanker

Dr.Strangelove - For what it's worth I'm TP

TL - Mafia IMO

Aladeenis - He started off playing like he does as mafia now he's become alot more like his normal TP self so slight town lean

Bassi - Slanking hard    Lynched and TP

112 - TP IMO but some of her posts seem slightly scummy so as far as my TP reads she's probably the lowest

Kaz - TP IMO

Mau5 - Slanking and I'm getting a scummy vibe from his posts  Voted Mau5 in the TBT

Falcon - Mafia IMO    Falcon is TP

Jazz -  subbed in. no read thus far

Zfetch - TP he's played like TP Fetchy thus far

JJ - His last few posts are giving me some seriously scummy vibes especially his posts after being asked about leaving AV off his list   JJ is TP

 Dral   subbed in no read thus far

Kakanucks - Scummy enterance but a pretty solid post listing her reads so neutral for now  Lynched and mafia

fwybwed - The PMing isn't an issue it's how he reacted to being called out for it that's scummy    Lynched and TP

King Heffy - KH is playing like scummy KH trying to hide in the shadows a bit and not really contributing much TP KH is usually pretty active   This says he's tp and not tp?

Blue Jay - TP IMO people need to lay off him btw he's playing good and frankly it doesn't matter if he's a dupe or someone who's played before elsewhere


Any one who's just listed as TP IMO or Mafia IMO are gut feels




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