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Round 3 - Remaining Players


1. - Alain Vigneault
2. - Aladeen
3. - Blue Jay 22
5. - g_bassi13
7. - Dral
8. - fwybwed
11. - Kazmanian Devil
13. - Baka
14. - ilduce39
15. - Master Radishes
16. - Virtanen87
17. - Yachty
18. - thejazz97
19. - JohnLocke
20. - One one two

22. - falcon45ca


4. - Beluga Whale - Agnes Skinner
6. - Stamkos - Moe Szyslak

9. - milk and honey - Patty Bouvier
10. - Zfetch - ICB 3 - Mr. Burns
12. - Time Lord - Nelson Muntz




21. - HashtagNucks - ICB 5 - Miss Hoover 


The following players must vote in Round 3
or face a GK.


Master Radishes

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Round 2 - Vote Pattern


BJ        ( - ) - Milk, 1122
Virt       ( 1 ) - 112, Dral
Yachty  ( - ) - AV
112      ( 2 ) - JL, Zfetch, Jazz, Kaz2, Alad
Milk      ( 7 ) - AV2, Kaz, TL2, Milk2, Bassi, Kaz3, AV4, Alad2, BJ2, Virt, TL4
Zfetch  ( 1 ) - TL, TL3, JL2
Falcon ( 1 ) - Yachty, BJ
Kaz      ( 4 ) - Duce, Milk3, fwy, Baka
fwy       ( - ) - AV3
Jazz     ( 1 ) - Falcon
MR      ( 1 ) - 1123, 1125
Alad     ( - ) - 1124

Strike through is an unvote, super script is the player vote number.

Pattern is generated from the vote occurrences.

Top to bottom is player voted for in order.

Left to right is vote order on player.


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LOL I'm pretty sure falcon is just copying AV going after me simple because i'm me, the difference is AV is being natural and you sir are being forced. Dral has also been pretty useless to the TP i might add, not sure why people are praising fwybwed either, what has he done really?

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1 hour ago, Kazmanian Devil said:

And why did you vote for me?


1 hour ago, Dral said:

vote Kaz


I followed him the other night, he's got chocolate ice cream stains on his shirt... definitely mafia...



52 minutes ago, Yachty said:

Dral has also been pretty useless to the TP i might add,

How do you know the things I've said and done are useless?

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3 minutes ago, Dral said:



How do you know the things I've said and done are useless?

If i had my guess as to who the mafiosos are i would go with;









This would have been a decently fair opposition to the TP, you could get away with swapping out one or two of Virt or Kaz with the likes of MR or some of the other inactive players.

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On; Alain Vigneault; "I can confidently say that he and BJ22 are both TP and have been doing a decent job at scum hunting and putting in a decent effort in doing so, whilst being clean and crisp in their wording, they are both pretty UN-suspicious if you ask me." -- lil yachty

On; Blue Jay22; "He tha real MVP!" -- lil yachty


On; Aladeen; "I'm unfortunately not too too educated on his play style from game to game... Sometimes he likes to goof off with his wordy rants (that I actually hate to be honest, because they cloud my judgment) Overall though he has put in some effort but definitely not on a scale as either BJ33 or AV. He also hasn't been as sharp as them. There really isn't anything self deprecating to his own case, yet nothing reinforcing his TP affiliation." -- lil yachty

On; Baka, Ilduce39, Gbassi, and MR; "All of these guys vary from good to great all the way to,      underrated - mafia players, especially when scum hunting, which none of them are doing, nor have been doing consistently enough, not enough activity from them at all to warrant a free pass, some definite mafia scum in this group. Maybe even 2/4 we shall see if any of them become more active in the thread this upcoming round " -- lil yachty

On; Dral, Virtanen, and Fwybwed; "The three of these boys have been posting when its convenient to them and not really helping at all for that matter, the two of Dral and Virt avoiding any serious scum talk and fwybwed coming in and out of the thread with his vanilla talk is boring as all hell and suspicious af to me. Not sure why he is getting praise from anybody here. I'd like see some harder work done by these guys or it looks like they may be suspicious too" -- lil yachty

On; Kazmanian Devil and Jazz; "I don't have the best read on either Kaz or Jazz, they definitely could be mafia though, there's absolutely nothing directly ruling it out per say that i know of...some insight or defense from some other posters would be nice for both thier cases i think. because if he is infact TP, he would be helpful to the culture" -- lil yachty

On; Johny Lockey; "Good ole fella playin a meet n potatoes kinda game, getting into the dirty areas where nobody else will go and just start sniffin away smellin all BWs nether regions" -- lil yachty



On; 112 and Falcon; Both seem to me to be confirmed scum, riddling the thread with nothingness fright from the get go, if anybody wishes to withhold their silence they may speak, otherwise i'm condemning them both to be lynched!! -- lil yachty


"Town leans" -- Blue jay22, AV, John Locke, and Aladeen


"On the Townie Fence" -- Baka, ilduce, Master Radishes, Gbassi


"On the Mafia Fence" -- Dral, Virtanen, Fwybwed, Kaz, Jazz


"Mafia Leans" -- Falcon, 112

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