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Junkyard Dog

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The STH’s of this team should be able to have a rational discussion with Francisco about being honest with himself. We all know that Benning and Green being axed will not fix this teams issue. It’s the impatience and trying to cut corners of a rebuild and this is the result. When you see teams like LA and Detroit ascending up the standings with the way they rebuilt. It’s really depressing being a fan when deep down you know we didn’t build our team the right way. We rushed it, to “make the playoffs where ANYTHING can happen” 

i can see clearly now why Trevor Linden left the club. 27 years of being a fan of this team and I’ve never seen two straight seasons where the players have no will or effort. As a fan it’s really hard to support a team that doesn’t give a dusty puck out there. So why should the fans? As a quarter ticket member myself, I am reluctant to go to my packaged games right now with the lackluster play. 

Ownership really is the issue and it needs to acknowledge it and get out of their own damn way or you will lose more of the fanbase and that is what FA cares about butts in his maroon seats. Hire an experienced GM, let him hire a competent coach and wait just like every other fan of this team has to do. 53 years and no cup screams patience as long as the construction is proper. I love this team but I hate it’s identity right now. Vancouver’s identity is not giving a puck on the ice as far as I’ve watched in the last two years. I don’t want to hear another “bubble Canucks” that was an anomaly and what has happened since that compels you we are close? Make it right Frankie,  

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