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PK's Bodyweight Workout Regimen

Patrick Kane

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There's nothing inherently wrong with sugar, as long as it doesn't lead to overeating. It's not the sugar that makes you fat, it's the binge eating that tends to follow. The only way one can accumulate fat/mass is by eating at a caloric surplus. If you ate nothing but 1,000 calories of pixie sticks per day, you would not be fat. You would look like crap, but you'd not be fat.

Regarding soda - switch to diet. There are 0 calories in diet soda. I agree that the switch from regular to diet is the easiest way to "save" 100 - 500 calories per day, depending on the amount that you drink. There is nothing wrong with diet soda. Anybody who tells you otherwise is an alarmist hippie, or a Ukranian.

Anybody who tells you there's nothing wrong with over indulging in sugar and diet pop understands little about nutrition. But by all means, go for it.

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And keep in mind that fruits = sugar. Even some veggies (carrots). Of course, there's no discouraging these options, but too much will also increase overall sugar intake.

One of the BEST things you can do in your lifetime is eliminate pop and sugary drinks...stick to water. The calories you'll saving in this alone will make a difference.

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There's nothing inherently wrong with sugar, as long as it doesn't lead to overeating. It's not the sugar that makes you fat, it's the binge eating that tends to follow. The only way one can accumulate fat/mass is by eating at a caloric surplus. If you ate nothing but 1,000 calories of pixie sticks per day, you would not be fat. You would look like crap, but you'd not be fat.

Regarding soda - switch to diet. There are 0 calories in diet soda. I agree that the switch from regular to diet is the easiest way to "save" 100 - 500 calories per day, depending on the amount that you drink. There is nothing wrong with diet soda. Anybody who tells you otherwise is an alarmist hippie, or a Ukranian.

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saying "fruit = sugar" is simplistic, misleading, and could lead people from eating fruit in exchange for something else, like some 'diet' product, which is idiotic and infinitely more unhealthy than a handful of berries

fruit can cure a 'sugar craving' in a great way, because yes, it is sugary, but it's NATURAL sugar. The body CAN handle natural sugar, and you will digest and burn natural sugars with ease.

sugar-sugar (refined) does not digest well at all, and is difficult to burn.

everyone, fruit is good for you. eat it.


he seems like the only honest person on the planet, and will tell you that all of this food science people are spreading around is complete and utter garbage

And keep in mind that fruits = sugar. Even some veggies (carrots). Of course, there's no discouraging these options, but too much will also increase overall sugar intake.

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So King....in all of this, do you consider nutritional value and things like caffeine, sodium, etc? Because generally, people interested in working out also want to take care of their bodies and make healthy food choices. So no hippy or scientific evidence required....just common sense.

You keep eating your snickers and diet pop and I'll have my tuna and water. My program works for me and maybe, yours for you? And the fruit thing wasn't to say "don't eat fruit"....I eat it daily. But some will think they can devour fruit all day long as a "diet food" but the increase in sugar can have some negative effects/results. Moderation in all things is my rule of thumb....and yes, even with diet soda.

But we're derailing and this isn't supposed to be a "I know more than you" thing. I'm offering some sensible advice and there really is no need for disputing it. To each his/her own....

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