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Baer. last won the day on August 10 2019

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About Baer.

  • Birthday 05/16/1996

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    Victoria, BC

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Canucks Franchise Player (12/14)



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  1. If you haven't already, cancel your Netflix subscription. If you are wondering why, just look up #CancelNetflix hashtag on twitter because it would be inappropriate to post the content they put out on this website.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ReggieBush


      @Baer. No. This is literally the definition of cancel culture.

    3. Warhippy


      If you're willing to cancel Netflix over a show about dancing kids (which is gross by the way) but you're not willing to cancel Halloween because of the hyper sexualized children's costumes, sit the hell down.


      Went costume shopping with my 9 and 12 year old today and I saw crap for 10 year olds I wished my wife would wear in private for me.


      This is a hot button issue and rightfully so, but don't pretend to be the moral police piggybacking on a serious issue unless you're willing to commit please

    4. shiznak


      Might as well cancel Christmas while we are at it. This old fat creepy guy, sneaks into your house and watches your children, when they sleep.

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