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Everything posted by sassbs

  1. Glad I didn’t tune in. This is awful. Last game they shouldn’t have won, now this. You’d think they would’ve woken up after last game
  2. Just so damn refreshing to not hear the words “they’ve got a good team over there”
  3. Didn’t like how they lost a few gears and looked slow and sluggish just after 1 period. I’m just happy Toronto lost!!!!!!
  4. Bounce back game plus I hate the freakin laughs. van 4-2 boeser
  5. 5000 fans! Realistically they won’t even sell out! They’re are going to have to resort in giving away free tickets at the bottom of cereal boxes and even still people will just toss it in the garbage
  6. 100% agreed! Also, I’m pretty sure McDavid is just going through the motions and isn’t even playing 100%. Don’t think he cares anymore. This boy needs to demand a trade!
  7. Lol I went through the same kind of comments when I said the same thing about Virtanen. the only reason I think this is he has been given 3 Chances to really shine. And he hasn’t. For example, Martin. A guy who spends all of his time in the AHL, absolutely killed it when he was called up. Yes he lost games, but he was stellar. He deserves a backup chance. martin hasn’t been given many opportunities but when he has been given them, he capitalized. just saying….
  8. I feel DiPietro won’t be with Vancouver that long. He’s an AHL goalie at best. All the starts he’s had, he has not impressed.
  9. People who do not take responsibility for their own F’ups and do not own up to it, should really explain everything you need to know about their character. These are the people you stay away from.
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