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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. he should be in Utica next year scoring 150+ points easy. Otherwise he isn't a bonafide superstar - said some guy on CDC
  2. Nothing wrong with being in Utica. Ripping up the SHL is impressive, and yeah he kept that rolling into the playoffs. But watching these NHL playoffs. Not many 170 pound players are dominating. He has immense skill, fantastic hands, good skating. But he's 19/20. I don't personally believe he needs Utica, but if he does that's fine. There 10-20 pounds of reasons why it would benefit him from being in Utica. That and the physicality of the NHL/AHL is different than that of the SHL. The rink is different. Could be numerous reasons why AHL might be best for him. I still think he'll be in Vancouver all year next year. Still doesn't hurt to have AHL as a possible destination for him.
  3. Never said he was a 4th line player, but presume my meaning some more. I am one of the biggest Baer defenders around here but I don't let that cloud my judgement of him. Being an elite 3rd liner that can contribute in the top 6 is not a slight on his skill. There are plenty of players that can give you 40+ points and would generally be considered 3rd liners. Can he play in the top 6? Sure, lots of people can. Maroon did. Wouldn't consider him a solidified top 6 player. Baer is a tweener, anyone that says otherwise is deluded. If he is a solidified top 6 player why is everyone here saying he isn't worth more than 3mil? What solidified top 6, 25 year old winger makes less than 3 mil that isn't on a ELC or a bridge deal? The only legit top 6 players we have right now are Bo and Boeser. I believe Baer can be that kind of player. But as of right now he hasn't proven it over a full season. Not saying he can't or won't ever be that guy. But he isn't right now. He has been scratched more than a few times now, in multiple seasons by 2 different coaches. He plays a hair over 15 minutes. Which is pretty low for a top 6 winger, no? He is barely a 40 point guy, that's by per game numbers too he's never actually had a 40 point or 20 goal season. Next year is the biggest year of his career. He's gotta put it all together and maintain it all the way through a year. Until then, he's a good 3rd liner that can slide into your top 6 with the right linemates. Which he was lucky enough to play with our two best young stars mostly.
  4. Was a healthy scratch this season. Soldified top 6ers don’t get scratched. Lol.
  5. Baer hasn't been able to solidify himself as a top 6 guy. A decent middle 6 guy. Preferably a 3rd liner that can play top 6 with elite level talent. With the Sedins gone this does open up a lot of possibilities for guys like Baer and Eriksson though. Neither of them are Sedin beneficiaries so with them gone that's open opportunities on the PP and 5 on 5. Eriksson thrives 5 on 5 it seems. He didn't score a ton on the PP in Boston. In his time here he spent the bulk of his time in the bottom 6 with our lesser centers. When the Sedin experiment didn't work. So it makes sense that his scoring had dried up here. The more I think of it the more I think you might be onto something with Eriksson and Bo together.
  6. Jake gets a good amount of shots ON net, problem isn't hitting the net. It's shooting past the goalie. I also think he needs to position himself better. The best scorers aren't just great shooters, they know where to be. Brock was always in the perfect position for rebounds or one timers. Something tells me Jake isn't 100% confident in himself yet either. There are times he throws the puck at the net with no purpose. Right into the crest. Doesn't want to miss the net or hold the puck for long. Said he'll be working on his hands this offseason. Which sounds good to me if that includes his aforementioned shot. Imagine a guy with Jake's shot power, speed and frame but can actually control the puck AND pick his spot on the net. That's deadly. He won't instantly become a 60 point player or something but he could potentially be a really deadly middle 6 player. 10 goals with no PP time, 12 minutes icetime per game and primarily dzone starts is not too shabby for a guy with an "inaccurate" shot. If Bo had Jake's PP deployment he'd have 12 goals in 64 games for instance. Take that for what you will.
  7. To be fair pretty much anyone paired with Bo could probably vastly over perform. Kenins anyone? Who did Eriksson play with primarily in Boston? Bergeron or Krejci? His zone deployment was 50/50 pretty much in Boston, I assume he had a bit of a defensive role there as well. Maybe a Eriksson - Bo - Boeser line could do some real damage and reinvigorate Eriksson's offence. For whatever reason he didn't click with the Sedins but maybe Bo's two way, powerforward style could open up the ice for Eriksson. Clearly at the NHL level he thrives with two way centers. Probably too soon to throw Gaudette's name in the ring to bring up Eriksson's offense.
  8. Could be worse. When the pick was made the expectation was he was the closest to a sure thing. Solid top 4 that is steady in all areas of the game. Nothing flashy. That could be a top 2 guy. Hammer was a top 2 guy in his prime. Not saying they will be the same kind of player just that top 2 doesn't necessarily mean Karlsson or Doughty status.
  9. We are getting the second best D-man in the draft at 7 anyway. May as well keep SHL Gretzky and win some cups with him.
  10. Nah it’s all good. Misunderstandings happen. It’s hard to differentiate trolling with sarcasm. Completely understandable.
  11. Yeah I never jumped on him for not catching my sarcasm. It's tough to catch and this place does have more than a few trolls floating around. Apparently I am one such troll now.
  12. That was my thought as well. I kinda forget this place is also a bit more formal. I usually hang around heavily sarcastic areas of the interwebz where it's more easily understood. Oh wells. lol
  13. My sarcasm gets me into trouble again. This is why I have no friends.
  14. Look into my eyes. i r 4 reel. Draft + 1 year and you still have the body of a 13 year old boy? SMH. Should have drafted Tkachuk.
  15. He was a bust the second I found out he still might be 160 pounds. Get him outta here.
  16. If our PP with Boeser on the left side wasn’t deadly enough Pettersson is gonna be a nightmare on the right. Get Boqvist/Bouchard/Hughes on the point and it’s GG.
  17. Little under a year to hit 500. Unless he marries a Kardashian over the summer I doubt it.
  18. I hope he wins the Norris personally. We need a Norris trophy winner.
  19. I can't wait for Pettersson to throw his Calder trophy into the crowd cause he wants the Stanley Cup.
  20. Very true. Looks like Greener wants Jake to be more of a PKer type guy with the way he deployed Jake too. Played him a lot with Sutter early before injuries hit. They looked good too. 56% defensive zone starts for Jake on the season. That's either a lot of trust in him or grooming. Or even both. But please get him out in OT more at LEAST. There's no excuse to not have him there. He is by far our quickest skater. Watching him torch, a somewhat tired, McDavid says all it needs to say.
  21. Jake has the tools to be groomed for a lot of things. I hope he gets groomed to be a powerplay force before PK though. He has a big body, a decent shot, and is a very underrated passer. I remember one pass he made behind the goal line that was picture perfect. Of course that was one instance but he can maybe replicate it.
  22. Only problem I have with Jake defensively is sometimes he gets caught watching the play. He is generally in the right spot, but he has to keep active or he risks falling asleep. Same with the offensive zone. If he's not constantly in the action he starts to become a spectator. His back check is the best on the team though. For sure. His speed surprises a lot of opposing players.
  23. Shame Swedish folks are gonna shaft Lias and Pettersson just cause they are kids with NHL dreams. You’d think that winning was all that matters. Oh well. More rest for him for next season.
  24. They are Swedish players, they are clearly all soft small perimeter players without a tough bone in their body. We made the mistake of not taking good North American kids instead of Pettersson and Juolevi. This will tarnish Benning's legacy.
  25. What does this have to do with DiPietro
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