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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. Hard to keep pace with a guy that can go off for 5 point nights like Barzal can. Sure Boeser has goals down but the sheer amount of points Barzal is getting is too much, even if Boeser were healthy. Still a fantastic year for him. Hopefully he's not seriously hurt. We don't have much to cheer for as it is.
  2. Considering Dowd and Gaunce bring next to no scoring I'd say it wouldn't be too ballsy to say he is better all around than them.
  3. Wouldn't they have to wait until their NHL team loses the rights to them? Isn't that like 21? How many 21 year olds are even in the draft? I am not entirely sure on the rules regarding CHL players not signing with their NHL team. I assume they can't re-enter the draft at 19, since their NHL team still has their rights.
  4. Name a few players in today's NHL you'd consider franchise level talents that are better than Patty Kane
  5. Lind was gift wrapped to us in the second round. His draft spot is not indicative of his offensive skills at the CHL level. Seemingly everyone here was surprised Lind made it to the second round. Hell I wanted an additional 1st to grab Lind. But Glass can score and is superior defensively imo. His skating has taken major strides this year alone. Glass has elite skill, whether or not you want to believe it doesn't matter. Elite skill is more than just dangling really nice, which lets be honest Pettersson has him beat hands down. The fact you said Glass has "decent to good hockey sense" is a joke as well. I love Pettersson as much as the next guy but you don't need to devalue other players skills to up sell Pettersson. As for the WJC thing, it's really not that big of a deal. At this point a good few of us don't put much stock in it anymore. Pettersson in the 2 years he's been there has 8 points in 13 games, nothing to really write home about. You gonna freak out about it? Probably not cause it doesn't really matter. Owen Tippett didn't make team Canada, is he bad too? Is Gadjovich better than Tippett, Glass, and Lind?
  6. They are both highly regarded for their elite skill and hockey sense. So I don't really see how that situation is the same as 2014. Pettersson is taller than Glass, and could very well be heavier or just as heavy as Glass at the NHL level. Unless Glass turns out to be more like Ryan Johansen (which I believe is what Button said he seems like). 2014 was down between a power forward that can skate really well and score and a playmaking winger. Last year was between two playmaking centers (hypothetically, we don't really know who Vancouver coveted if Pettersson was for some reason taken earlier. Probably Heiskanen or whoever dropped outta the top 4). 2014 is hardly a "disaster". We got a NHLer that can still become a top 6 forward if the coaching staff ever gives the guy a chance.
  7. Juolevi is gonna look real good next to Boqvist one day. Real. Good. Good to see him playing well.
  8. As much as I love the hockey side of the Olympics I actually spend more time watching other events I wouldn't normally get to watch. Don't tune out the Olympics cause Pettersson didn't make a team he wouldn't make if NHLers were going anyway. He went to the World Juniors. That's enough fancy, somewhat meaningless hockey for one year. He's young, he needs to play games that matter. Olympics are cool but they aren't indicative of what most hockey games are like in the NHL. Being in the SHL would be more beneficial at this stage imo.
  9. I interpreted it as "don't leave any doubt about your ability to play at this level". And maybe Button is implying that Goldy feels he isn't getting a fair opportunity. Which might be the case, but as it stands some shifts he looks like he could be great. Other shifts he looks disinterested or non-existent. Gotta battle from the minute the puck drops to the minute the final horn blows. Or at least don't look like you are not completely invested. Having a bad game is one thing, but not battling is another. You can control one of those more than the other.
  10. Sooooo, we can expect another 9th overall pick one day?
  11. Button is an interesting feller. I find myself on the fence about how I feel about him. In this case though I gotta agree with what he said.
  12. If he had that sort of power surely he could get in touch with the hockey gods to throw us a bone in the draft lottery
  13. Guy makes Team Canada, and for some reason. Complaining. Did he light up the tourney? No. But who cares. He looked solid. That's exactly what was expected from him. Solid, two way, team first kind of guy. He played his role and played it well. It bodes well for us next year. Either in the A or in the NHL. He is good positionally. Knows where to be. Sounds like good hockey sense to me. Goes to the hard areas for goals, around the net. I love his game and I am very happy he made team Canada. Good for him.
  14. I know you are worried about it too. College kids are scary. What if he goes Vesey on us?
  15. Yeah I imagine on the forehand more NHL players will get that top cheese. Still a great save. Demko is a beauty.
  16. Haven't seen it brought up a lot, but to keep up with the status quo I should bring up the "what if he doesn't sign here" comment.
  17. Your hate for Gagner and Vanek have blinded you my friend. But thank you for the laugh. Your criticisms lose weight when you make claims like these.
  18. I also feel Sergachev is benefiting greatly from one of the most devastating offensive teams in the league, but he did make that team. Juolevi isn't good enough to get on one of the worst teams in the league but Sergachev cracked one of the best rosters in the league. I still think we have a good player, don't get me wrong. Draft is so hard to predict, even the first round of the draft can be hit and miss.
  19. Yeah it's doubtful he'll make a super impactful difference like McAvoy or Sergachev, but he can still be a solid do it all defencemen. Hammer is one of my fav Canucks of all time. So if Juolevi follows a similar path I'd say that's pretty good for a 5th overall pick. People just gotta simmer down with expectations on the guy. Draft is over and done with and he did not choose to be selected where he was. Just gotta cheer for him and hope for him to succeed.
  20. If you lack speed you just gotta be smart. Gaunce is a good example of not being quick but being in the right places when he needs to be. Of course because of this he doesn't get many offensive chances cause's too afraid to be caught out of position. Doesn't have the speed to recover. It would be pretty good for him to be a bit quicker. He will be a good PP net presence at the very least, but without the speed he'll likely be average 5 on 5. Otherwise he'll just be another Gaunce, with a bit more of a physical edge/meanness.
  21. Juolevi is the one pick I can't bring myself to defend completely. He is still young and I still think he'll be good for us. But I wanted Sergachev at the draft. Seeing some of the d-men taken after Juolevi not only in the NHL but doing quite well is a tad disappointing. He could still outperform them overall, but it is very unlikely. With that said I don't consider him a 3rd round pick. He is 1st round talent, just maybe not 5th overall talent as of right now. Banking a lot on Salo making something of Juolevi. Still gotta believe in our young guys. Not to outperform other people in the draft but just to become productive members of the organization.
  22. Oh, I definitely see fans making a bigger deal out of it than they need to, just not hearing or seeing it being a problem on ice. With the way the NHL is now if you are quick enough and shifty enough weight isn't as big a factor as it used to be. Of course it matters a bit and I doubt a center would be particularly effective at 160 pounds but if he's a winger at the NHL I don't think his weight will matter much. If he plays center I for sure would like to see him pushing 190 pounds. There's no doubt in my mind he'll be 180+ by the time he is a instrumental part of the team.
  23. I think he signed a 3 year deal. 2 years after this year he can come back. Could be wrong though.
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