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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. I have next to no clue, but I feel like because he won't be the defensive anchor on the pairing that it'll be fine. Or at the very least is worth checking out. It is something I also wondered myself, "how good is Hughes in the right side". We have lots of time, and by we I mean Green and company, to figure it out.
  2. I see a lot of people throwing Hughes next to Guddy or Tanev (if he’s good enough for the NHL), but hear me out. What about next to Edler? Takes the offensive workload off Edler, takes the puck carrying load off him too. When Edler was at his best, he had a puck moving D-man with him. Edler is a good two way guy being asked to do too much. Hughes and Edler I think could synergize really well. Like Erhoff and Edler did.
  3. I don't think Hughes has much more room to add weight to his frame. Which is why I don't think he necessarily needs the weight room time all that much. Getting used to a pro schedule sooner, in my humble opinion, seems more beneficial than adding 10 pounds in college. Which he could do in Utica or even during the summer. Not to mention we get the benefit of bringing him up to the big boy team if he deserves a sniff, if he doesn't outright crack the roster outta camp. I am pro- him going pro right now. Lol.
  4. After the draft is said and done I think it’s dumb to compare players. We got our guy. Just gotta focus on him and what he can do for us. Although in a few years I guess it’ll be fun to look back.
  5. ..then we drafted a really good player in the 2nd round and should be really happy? But will find a way to be mad about it and poop in a nice bowl of Cheerios?
  6. I seriously doubt they want us to drop 3 spots in another draft lottery rather than show fans the team is getting better. Hardcores see light at the end of the tunnel, but casual fans see us bottom out again they aren't gonna keep showing up/supporting. There are no downsides to having a guy, as talented as you claim, on the roster next season.
  7. If he's as godly as you say why hasn't he signed yet? I mean, management that has spent all year watching this kid, reading about him, learning everything there is to know about him I'd say knows him far better than some random feller on the interwebz. I don't think he's as sure fire of a NHLer next year as you think. I dunno. Just seems like massive overevaluation to claim Hughes as it stands now shreds Gaudreau in skating, puck handling etc.
  8. He said he is open to going pro, whether that be Utica or Vancouver. I don't think he's the type to force one situation. All the interviews I've watched he sounds open to pretty much all the options. Whether it be College, AHL or NHL (NHL being obvious everyone would be okay going to the NHL lol). He said he trusts what our management thinks is best and trusts the opinions of people close to him. Good kid, good head on his shoulders.
  9. He could just sign his contract when his college season ends. Like Gaudette/Boeser. Thus not saving a season regardless of being in College all year.
  10. Seen a video on the Canucks’ youtube of Palmu and Gadjovich having an axe throwing conpetition. Palmu is built like a beast.
  11. Can't believe Jim Benning didn't send 18/19 year old Calgary Hitman Jake Virtanen to Utica. What a goof. If only we just did that. Karen is so smart.
  12. Not gonna lie, that sounds like a damn good time. He says some of the stupidest things I have ever heard.
  13. Exactly, same here. That's why it was so jarring for me to start getting The Province videos on youtube, not sure if that's new or something. I almost never seen or read anything from our media guys like Botch and Kuzma. All my information came from here. I come here first and foremost any time anything happens. We have a wacky group of folks but I do enjoy the conversations that happen here.
  14. Our media should consist of actual fans. I'd support you as one of the media guys. The ones we currently have don't seem like true fans. I am not saying they should be full on homers or anything. They aren't just out of touch with human contact outside of their own negative circle but they don't seem to care. I dunno. The negativity and stupidity of our media is just embarrassing. We don't get coverage outside of them either. So it's just rough being a Canuck fan as far as the media side is concerned.
  15. He seems like a really good kid. I am not worried about him not wanting to be here cause of the media, but it's still so embarrassing that these media guys somewhat represent the fanbase.
  16. Oh gosh, that media scrum. I am usually pretty fortunate that I don't get to hear much from our media but for whatever reason no matter how many times I dislike or click "not interested in this video" youtube keeps giving me videos from the Province about the Canucks. I can't not click, I am a sucker for pain. But anyway, I swear they asked Hughes like 3 times about his contract, and he gave them the same answer all 3 times. I dunno why that bothered me so much, but I hate our media. Then he was pretty much asked if he had the runs. Come on now. I wouldn't even jokingly ask my friend that. Let alone someone I don't know. Be less embarrassing.
  17. If he helps bring a cup to Vancouver he can Palm u PP any day.
  18. "Jack Hughes over to Jack Hughes back to Jack Hughes. JACK HUGHES SETS UP JACK HUGHES!!! Jack Hughes and Jack Hughes with the beautiful give and go for the easy tap in to put the Vancouver Hughes up 1-0"
  19. They lost Komarov, Polak, JVR, Ballsack and they brought in Tavares, Cracknell, Jooris and Jordan “He’s better than me” Subban. I dunno man.
  20. Watched a couple episodes on the youtubes to see what it was, cause the thumbnail doesn't show his dumb face, and I instantly wish I never did. Yet my stupid self decided to watch for a few minutes. I swear we have the worst media in the league. I know it's bad to generalize but geez. That was hard to listen to.
  21. Pool party had one more point than Laine in 20 fewer games. Just to put that in some perspective.
  22. Instead of fans/media crying about calling him up, now you have the "Will he bail on us as a free agent instead of signing?" all year. Even though it's the first year after his draft. People will always have something to cry about. Never make a decision to quiet people down. I agree, it's all about doing what's best, they'll do just that. They don't care what we or the media say. If they did Tanev would have been traded a long time ago.
  23. I remember seeing someone say they wanted to see Benning target another Palmu with a late pick, Benning ended up 1 uping himself getting mighty mouse here. Lol. I don't mind drafting high offense little guys with later picks. They are the lowest odd players, may as well swing for the fences.
  24. Jake's acceleration is so much better he only needs like 2-3 strides to hit Ferland's top speed. Lol. It's one of those things where you can't judge one player by the same metric as another. NBA has a similar problem with offensive fouls. James will get called for an offensive foul on Curry, but will do the exact same thing to say Kawhi and it's fair game.
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