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Nicklas Bo Hunter

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Nicklas Bo Hunter last won the day on June 24 2015

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Canucks Second-Line

Canucks Second-Line (9/14)



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  1. Elder being gone for that long basically sets us up to be sellers. the race is to close to go for with the injuries we have. I believe a perfect trade scenario has opened up. JB has said that he would like to get more picks. WPG has stated they are looking for a 3rd line energy winger with vet experience. perfect player for Wpg to get? Hansen. great energy cheap 3rd line player with an easy to swallow cap hit. also helps Ehlers transition with a older danish vet to guide him. Wpg now has 2...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. HowYaDrouin


      Markstrom has value to our organization, but not alot to other organizations. He's turning 25 and has done nothing at the NHL level, that alone makes other GM's weery of paying a premium on a player like Jacob. His value hasn't risen from clearing waivers to a 1st round pick in the best draft since Crosby's year in the span of 5 months.

    3. Odd.


      Winnipeg DOES NOT need goalies. They have Hutchinson is a really good young goalie who is younger than both Lack and Markstrom, and they have Eric Comrie, who's definitely got lots of elite goalie potential. Last thing they need at the moment is goalies. They don't need Markstrom since they have Hutchinson, and they'd want Pavelec going the other way because Eddie Lack has not been better than Hutchinson, and so If Lack were to be traded to Winnipeg, it'll create a logjam betw...

    4. Odd.


      between Lack, Pavelec, and Hutchinson.

      Wouldn't make sense for Winnipeg.

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