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Posts posted by ruilin96

  1. 19 hours ago, Spitfire_Spiky said:

    Even more favored when you factor in Malkin at 2OA, and throw in Toews at 3OA to really drill home the point that these top drafted players are key.

    2018 - Ovi

    2017 - Sid/Malkin
    2016 - Sid/Malkin

    2015 - Kane/Toews
    2014 - Doughty
    2013 - Kane/Toews
    2012 - Doughty
    2011 - Seguin 
    2010 - Kane/Toews
    2009 - Sid/Malkin

    To be fair 2011 Seguin was a rookie and nowhere near as dominant as the current Seguin and Julien limited his ice time so I don’t think it would of made any difference with or without him in that line up.


    There is a 3rd overall pick that year on the Bruins roster - Nathan Horton. However, you can also argue that he is not Toews level in terms of his play. He was just very clutch and shows up in the big games in 2011. Horton’s production in the regular season is a fringe 1st line/elite 2nd line production. It sort of is like Mikael Samuelson (a healthy Samuelson) would provide for the Canucks.


    The Bruins key to the Stanley Cup was Bergeron (2nd round pick), Krejci (2nd round pick), Chara (3rd round pick) and Tim Thomas (9th round pick). Their supporting cast is very good and the overall team was playing the same style of Big Bad Bruins style.


    To me they should be a good example of a team doesn’t need top 3 pick talent to win the cup (their 2nd and 3rd overall picks are not playing at other 2nd or 3rd overall pick level).


    It’s like saying this future Canucks core wins a Stanley Cup (lets just say pretend), and we we don’t win any draft lotteries the next year or two, the core will be led by EP (5th overall), Brock (23rd overall), Horvat (9th overall), Hughes (7th overall), OJ (5th overall), 2019 1st rounder (4th-15th overall) and Demko (2nd round pick). If Gudbranson is still on the team then, the Canucks would officially still have a top 3 pick in the line up cuz Gudbranson is a 3rd overall pick. In reality (and to no disrespect to Gudbranson and his game), Gudbranson’s play with the team could be replaced by another big physical D man, and is not as crucial as the elusive term of a “top 3 pick.”

  2. 6 minutes ago, King Heffy said:

    Makar's pretty damn good too.  Personally I think we got the best player in the draft, including Hischier. 

    We got Hughes which is basically the same kind of defenseman as Makar. I can already see a fast and exciting team to watch the next decade.

  3. Leafs and Oilers can keep talk about how great Matthews and McDavid are. Keep in mind that they tanked and luck out with the #1 pick in their draft year and pick a guy that everyone knows would go #1. Meanwhile the Canucks have to first get screwed over by the lottery system dropping from #2 - #5 in a so-called "weak draft" and able to steal this kid with the #5 pick because of our amazing scouting staffs. Wonder if New Jersey, Philadelphia or Colorado would be kicking themselves for not have drafted EP (excluded Dallas because I think Heiskanen fits their need perfectly and it is the only other player that I see would rival EP for best player in the 2017 draft). 



  4. 6 hours ago, canucklehead44 said:

    In Toronto Leafs fans give me the hardest time about Olli Juolevi. This draft in particular we were picking from the OHL - Tkachuk, Sergachev, Chychrun the other potential picks. Plus who have Keller coming off of an outstanding rookie year. McAvoy adds salt to the wound. 

    That said, is it justified? Major Canucks Fan broke down his game and he does a lot of little things right. Identifying this over the flashiness, big hits, and points is what separates real scouts from fans.

    But on the topic of points, his season/playoffs in Finland were pretty good. He still played pro, but going to Europe while other guys jumped to the NHL made him drop off the radar a bit. 

    In total he had a .53 PPG. Here are a few other dmen in their +2 draft eligible year with a few other draft eligible years thrown in:

    Lindell - .12 PPG / .28 PPG NHL Career (27 points last season)
    Vatanen - .55 PPG / .46 PPG NHL Career (28 points last season .34 - 0.50PPG )
    Lydman - .29 PPG / .28 PPG career NHL
    Pitkanen (+1 year) - .57 PPG / .53 PPG Career NHL
    Niinimaa - .40PPG / .43 PPG career NHL
    Timonen (+3) - .50 PPG / .515 PPG Career NHL 
    Salo (+3) - .44 PPG / .39 PPG Career NHL 


    A couple things to note:

    1. There are way less Finnish players than I expected and that is looking to change. In 2017 there were 6 Finns selected in the first round. In 2016 there were four, with three in the top six. 

    2. In the past Finnish defenseman seemed to get overlooked, with studs like Niinimaa, Timonen and Salo having long, solid careers despite being drafted in rounds that no longer exist. 

    3. Another easy comparable is Olli Maata who played on the same team in the OHL. He had .52 PPG vs Juolevi who had .73 PPG. Maata has averaged .31 PPG in the NHL. 

    4. The Finnish league is not an easy place to rack up points, and the PPG numbers are quite comparable in +2 and +3 years to the NHL. 

    So lets first look at Maata. Juolevi had 40% higher production in the OHL - if that translates to the NHL he will average .44 PPG or 36 points/ 82 games. 

    Next I am going to look at Finnish numbers. I am going to use Lindell's +3 year as he skews the stats, and I'd rather go conservative (.61 ppg). 

    AVG PPG Finland = .48 
    AVG PPG NHL = .42 
    = -12.5%

    .53 PPG - 12.5% = .46 PPG. 

    So when we distill it down based on his performance to date, Juolevi is trending to be a 38 point per year defenseman, which is actually in line with what Sergachev and McAvoy did last year. Now they are young and should improve, but that doesn't see to always be the case with defenseman as we know with Hutton & Stecher. Maata for example has played four full seasons and his rookie campaign was his best. 

    I will take a 38 point Juolevi over at 45-50 point Sergachev. Olli understands the game very well and plays really well defensively. Meanwhile, Sergachev is a high risk player who will rack up a lot of points but will also make many plays that will have the coach screaming from the bench. McAvoy looks to be the best D out of the 3 you mention but it is still too early in all their careers to put it into any conclusion. McAvoy defnitely exceeded the expectation of many scouts for that draft. Players are human, and human chance adn develops differently over time. It is easy to use hind-sight and said who we should of picked in stead. Just like atleast 15 other teams wish they have picked Boeser in the 2015 draft and atleast 3 other teams wish they drafted Pettersson in 2017. I am happy with the Juolevi pick and I will continue to support him for his career. Once a player gets drafted by the organization, whether we like the pick or not, as fans we should stand behind and support the player. The last thing fans should do is to run a player out of town. Once that happens, you truly lose the draft. 


    Also worthy of note is that Juolevi has a much higher points per game in the Finnish league than John Klingberg at the same age.

  5. I also think EP in his prime would be at his best playing C. However, short term I see him on the wing to start his career and he needs to work on his face offs. I was at both prospect games, and he hardly won any face offs in both games.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 18 hours ago, wildcam said:

    I agree the #14 jersey should not be retired..There should only be Bure #10, Linden #16, Smyl #12 and wayne Maki #11 that was worn by Messier for short time...Naslund #19..


    Let the next super star wear #14 jersey..Better decide soon as fans will want to start buying this Pettersson jersey.. Looks Good!!!!!



    I want Pettersson to wear #40 instead of #14. Traditionally, #14 are often wear by wingers. I see EP as a center in his prime and i think EP40 looks good on him.

    • Cheers 2
  7. 9 hours ago, Phat Fingers said:

    If QH can develop a shot to compliment his toolbox then watch out. 


    His shot looks rushed IMO when it comes after some moves. He lets go a riser and off his back foot. 


    He needs a solid point shot, both a better wrister and slapper. IMO. Hopefully this year with some strength development and tons of reps. Take the Kesler school of shot improvement. 


    Spending time with EP40 and Boeser won’t hurt in the future either. 


    In the future 3 on 3 OT, we can have EP+Brock+Quinn.

    • Like 2
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  8. 20 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    There will soon be six teams wondering how they could be so stupid to pass over Hughes.  He will, by far, be the most impactful playing in his draft.  

    At most, 5. I don't think Buffalo will never regret drafting Dahlin. Though I do like Hughes chances to have bigger successes at the NHL level ahead of any of the 5 guys drafted from 2-6.

  9. 42 minutes ago, Analyst82 said:

    Should just call Toronto or Chicago and get advise on how to get rid of the contract without buying it out. 

    Eriksson could either “fail his physical” or “allergic to hockey equipment.”

    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, Rob_Zepp said:



    I think this kid stacks up to all those goalies taken in the third round.    He was ranked quite highly.   VERY good pick.   Wow.   Nice!   I am nearly as excited about this pick for Vancouver as I was for Hughes.   He really could rise nicely through the system.    

    Agree, you can never just assume the goalie prospects to just properly develops and becomes the number 1 goalie you expect. Even if everything pans out and is on schedule, we will be facing with a goalie controversy with Demko and Dipietro both eyeing as starters. In that case, we will have to trade away one of them and we have to have the next guy ready to step in. It is a good pick either way, whether our current goalies pan out or not.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 7th round 192nd overall selection





    • Position
    • Height
      6'2" / 188 cm
    • Weight
      190 lbs / 86 kg
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