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Posts posted by Nave

  1. I don't think the Canucks were ever going to take Roy in the first round. I think they were trying desperately to get a 2nd hoping that he would be there.

    I'm happy with Boeser and Brisebois. I think Brisebois fits the same mold of what we need, he's just not as high profile.

    Both Boeser and Brisebois were not high profile because they were on bad teams, which could benefit us in the end
  2. I am not sure we should throw Jake on the Sedin line right out of the gate. They will likely eat 18-20 minutes and face the toughest competition. Assuming Jake proves he is ready this season sliding him in the 3rd/4th line which would eat 10-13 minutes against so-so competition might be more beneficial.

    He is super young there is no rush to make him a top 6 player. Let him learn the system and get his feet wet with little expectations in the bottom 6. Maybe throw him some PP time with his wicked shot, being right handed is also a plus. No rush.

    No one is saying he should be with them full time right out of the gate. Just that he can get some time with them eventually
  3. Yeah, you see the Sedin's reliance on cycling makes them easy to defend - all you have to do is cut off the passing lane between them (not like Gretzky who wouldn't exclusively pass to Kurri, or take the shot himself), or play them physically. A north-south Virtanen on their wing should complement them by at least warding off defenders, or even helping altar their usual game.

    Yeah it's not as if the Sedins are bad on the rush. They're near the best I've seen in terms of moving the puck up the ice fast. Having a fast guy who can shoot can be deadly with outlet passes. You bring up a great point with their shooting hands too. I think we should see how Burrows goes with Sutter, and then Virt with the Sedins could have serious consideration. We don't have many puckmoving defensemen but Virtanen's north south style might help there.
  4. Heading into the draft, it seemed like Jeremy Roy was the concensus first pick among the fans. We needed an offensive defenseman badly and Roy seemed like the ideal fit.

    In hindsight, if we did the draft over again, who would have picked Roy over Boser?

    I for one wanted Boeser. Wasn't convinced with any of the low round defensemen. And I'd do it again
  5. Yeah I definitely think Boeser would be a better fit. Virtanen could get some time with them that's all.

    That being said, Boeser will remain with the University of North Dakota for awhile, and Virtanen could be up as near as next season. Jensen is another guy who I think could spend some time with the Sedins, if he ever redeems himself and becomes an NHL'er

  6. I really don't think Virt's as good of a fit with the Sedins as people seem to think. Different games entirely. He plays North South and they most certainly do not.

    I can see how his speed(puck retrieval)/physicality/shot might seem attractive on the surface but they don't play very complimentary styles. How effective is his speed while they're patiently cycling the puck? I'm not convinced his positional awareness (while good for his age) is anywhere near Burrow's or Vrbata's.

    IMO, if he does get promoted to the top 9, it's with Sutter or Horvat. (He could basically be a bigger, faster Kenins with more offensive talent on Horvat's RW).

    Besides, if he's starting anywhere, it's almost certainly sheltered on the 4th line with minimal expectations so he can ease his way in. If he's on the third and one of the PP units by the end of the year, we call that a huge success IMO.

    Virtanen worked on cycling a bit last year. I don't think he would be with the Sedins right away, but he very well could be in two years. Virtanen's ability to jus launch guys trying to hit him would meld well with the Sedins. Playing with other players could teach him how to forecheck, playing with the Sedins could teach him how to use his teammates. He wouldn't necessarily play with them in the playoffs, but it could be very good for his development. It gives us options.

  7. Holy man crushes Batman lol.

    But seriously, kids that just turned 19 don't look like that typically. Fastest skater forwards and backwards in his draft class. His first shot in practice at Utica went through the net. Draft +2 is fine for his skill set. Just give him some coaching and some Sedinery.

    Agreed. Although I don't think he will be with the Sedins right away, I think he will be down the road.

    Sutter with Burrows jus sounds good. If Vrbata stays he could play with Horvat.

  8. who plays center? I have wondered what Henrik would be like as a winger as he gets older.

    I was thinking of putting the Sedins with Sutter, as that could be like Kesler on the powerplay; with Sutter and Henrik taking turns taking draws. I think Cassels will be a very good center, but I'm not sure where he'd get to play.

    However, I think Gaunce Cassels Grenier would be a good line. Might even work well with Virtanen.

  9. I like this a lot.

    That first line has some serious speed and nastiness.

    I also would only question Jensen

    Yeah not sure where Jensen fits in. Has proven chemistry with the Sedins so if he survives all the cuts and proves himself he could play with them.

  10. Personally I think McCann might be better (at least offensively) than Horvat when they reach their primes. McCann largely needs time to build bulk.

    He's reminds me a lot of more naturally offensively gifted Kesler.

    Baer, McCann, Virtanen

    Shink, Horvat, Boesser

    Gaunce, Sutter, Jensen(?)

    Kenins, Cassels, Grenier

    That's a good line up considering that Sutter is going to be in for awhile.

    Here's a line up with the Sedins in 3-4 years:

    Shink Horvat Virtanen (If all reach their potential, they can play first line)

    Baertschi McCann Boeser (Playmaking winger, 2way forward, sniper)

    Sedin Sedin Jensen (If Jensen improves he's the one to play with the Sedins when they're old)

    Gaunce Sutter Cassels (An absolutely annoying line to play against)

    We could play all four lines about equally. Cap may become a dilemma though.

  11. Sven BO BESTer

    Shink Mcann Jake

    Kenny Cole Gaunce

    Greenie Vey Jensen

    Not a bad top 12 future

    Although I'm not sure if the last 3 will be full time NHLers

    But hope 9 of the 12 are Canucks thru the next 10 years

    Good top 6.

    Although I'm starting to think McCann should go with Boeser, because they both have quick releases.

    Put Bo with his 'best friend' in Shink, and bodyguard in Virtanen.


    For bottom 6 I would have--

    Gaunce Cassels Grenier

    Kenins Vey Jensen

  12. Highly doubt Subban and Hutton become #1's. Maybe Tryamkin in 3-4 years.

    Seabrook next year maybe...one can wish

    I would bet on Subban or Hutton being #1's over him. Not that I think any of them will be #1's, but Tryamkin definitely won't be

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