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milk and honey

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  1. Should we trade Tanev in a package to get a higher draft pick/high rated dman prospect(s)? I love the guy as a player but just wondering what CDC would think of this.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. milk and honey

      milk and honey

      Ya I know but In a package in something like Tanev, Gaunce, and a 1st might be enough. 

    3. logic


      i was only open to moving tanev at the 2014 deadline to move up from 6 to 1 

    4. 87Crosby


      But trading Tanev makes our first Top 5 guaranteed. And any player we get for Tanev won't be an instant improvement to make this team better next year so that pick will be pretty high too. Say the canucks pick 5th, I don't think that pick plus Tanev and Gaunce will get you Puji or Laine. 

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