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Everything posted by Zhukini

  1. We'd also have Nichushkin instead of Horvat if that were the case for 2013 as well
  2. Reports of him being last on the ice for practise and first off it. Plus he's a big party boy, and if you're into Vancouver nightlife, chances are you've seen him around more than any other Canuck
  3. He's a big nightlife connesieur to put it politely. So is Evander Kane. Some guys just don't get it, lets hope it's not like that for Jake.
  4. Kind of hard to do when they play in two different leagues no? Who was the last person Virtanen got a good hit on? Nichushkin more than a year ago?
  5. The problem is for every supposed Dustin Brown you get in your bucket of gritty physical pests, you have much higher odds of ending up with a Zack Kassian or Steve Bernier, and Raffi Torres on a good day.
  6. As long as young players buy in, Willie seems to have a positive effect on him. Jake will get there eventually, some humble pie in the A will do him good.
  7. The best part is the people who don't then complain about how hot it is during the summer
  8. No actually, a 50 minute drive to UBC today took close to two hours, and it's not hard at all. If you're complaining, you wanted something to complain about to begin with.
  9. Do you have winter tires/chains. It's no problem having no/little experience, but if people aren't prepared, they don't get much sympathy.
  10. Anyone in the Pacific Northwest who complains about the snow. I hope you feel ashamed of yourself.
  11. Hodgsonitis How hard is it to just go down and play? If he was doing all the right things he'd play up here. I get he's only 20 but it feels like he's still in highschool, all I hear is complaining.
  12. I personally think they were just enjoying themselves, or he's a Marshawn Lynch fan. It was with everyone not just Gudbranson after all.
  13. Jake was quoted saying that he doesn't know what he is doing in Utica or what the plan is, and that the Canucks haven't been communicating with him. This despite all reports saying Jake would be getting extra attention down there from the coaching staff. Im siding with management on this one
  14. It's nice to think that the AHL is a good thing for Jake, but what happens if he finishes the year there with 20 points in 60 games? Hes got this year and then not a lot of leeway after that
  15. He was spoonfed last year, and he's paying for it this year. Players of his type take longer to develop and the Nylanders and Ehlers of the world, but in the long run can be more effective. I think he'll get it eventually, but the Canucks aren't helping him in that regard
  16. Sure but is tonight not an example of what he can do in the cage as well? Aside from the first minute, it was a spectacle. You listed GSP before, and I'm a big fan, but even though technically he was close to untouchable, watching him in those wins left something to be desired. Not exactly the case here.
  17. A combination of both. You can be as good in the octagon as you wan't but you need to be able to sell a fight, and he's done it better than anyone. If you ask a casual who hasn't watched a second of the UFC, Conor is probably the one name you'll hear, especially in this generation.
  18. When you combine entertainment value, no one can touch him with a 10 ft pole
  19. That was unfair. Conor should have tied an arm behind his back and it still would have been 50/50
  20. Dave Tomlinson has noted that there have been a few times this season where Jake has been seen being the last one on the ice for practise, and the first one off it. Almost being late once. if that's not laziness then what is?
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