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Everything posted by vancan2233

  1. Was looking to read some insight on Pod, but see two idiots having a dick fight.
  2. What I love about this team is with : Pettersson, Horvat, Garland, Hoglander, and Podkolzin there is going to be a "never quit on the puck" attack player on the ice all game long. Miller when on his game is the same and Dickerson seem like a never quit player too. This forward group is going force most teams to play in their own end most of the game.
  3. There so much false information out there, the anti maskers and vaccination groups would pass it off as vaccine death or false claim of cause of death.
  4. I have a hard time understanding some of the people I work with, they are heavy smokers and drinkers and they worry that the Covid-19 vaccine will kill them.
  5. New level of stupidity! The Covid-19 vaccine is dangerous, but I will take horse dewormer Ivermectine, to fight it.
  6. What lost the Canucks the Cup was Vigneault not playing Schneider in Boston. Luongo was awesome at home and terrible in Boston's building.
  7. Not out of his element as he played against top lines in Dal. His role on the first line would not change much in the above situation. Not out of Greens thinking to try that during a game. More than likely not going to happen though.
  8. Troll Seeing how both Pettersson and Horvat are first line centers. Pettersson being top 10 in the NHL and Horvat top 30. Canucks center depth is top ten in the NHL. Miller is top ten LW Boeser is top 15th RW and going up. Hoglander was top 5 rookie last year. Podz is going to push for top rookie 2022. Dickinson top 60 center/ top 10 defensive center. Sutter is one good 4th line center, could be tops in the NHL. Garland is a dark horse top 30 RW in the NHL. He is top 60 right now. Defense is under rated. Could be one of the best mobile D in the NHL. The Canucks transition game is going to exciting and push other teams to defend.
  9. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Ryan+Reaves&&view=detail&mid=031AE0A96ADDC3F8484E031AE0A96ADDC3F8484E&&FORM https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Ryan+Reaves&&view=detail&mid=5606FBF37FECC4A5472A5606FBF37FECC4A5472A&&FORM
  10. Yes, but one of my main traits of dyslexia (a little different and of different levels for everyone) is hearing. My dyslexia was describe as being an inner ear problem, effecting (affecting) my ability to comprehend spoken words and writing down what was said or repeating back what was spoken. I still have to, to this day concentrate very hard when given orders at work. My reading of words was also reversed both the letters of a word and the placement of the word in the sentence. The test my teacher would have people do, to understand was to write their name well holding a paper to their forehead. She also would have people try reading a book while looking at it in a mirror. Now this how they got me to re- trained my brain to see words normally (most the time now) by using mirrors at different angles as I tried to read.
  11. When Mogilny had 127 points, Pat LaFontaine had 148. Bure's top year was 110 point, that same year the next best was Ronning at 85.
  12. Yes spelling has never been my strength. Could be my dyslexia. I did not learn how to spell or read until I was 10. I was lucky I had a mother who demanded I see a specialist in dyslexia. If it was not for this two strong women in my life, I would still be struggling to even speak or pronounce everyday words.
  13. Disagree, they where close but Bure was the better. Career points per game: Bure 1.1 Almo 1.04 Bure top players played with: Ronning. Linden, Geoff Courtnall and a weak Florida Panthers team. Almo top players played with: Dale Hawerchuk , Pat LaFontaine, Dave Andreychuk and a strong 2000 NJD team and ok Toronto team.
  14. The subject in that sentence is " more things" which the 15 years refers to. The career over, only reflex that he would not be playing hockey some time during those 15 years.
  15. How could you guys read that as, him suggesting he would still be playing hockey. I see it as in 15 years, more will come out, and he will be long gone from the game.
  16. Why would Reeves have to go after Wilson make everyone he on the ice with game a nightmare. If this about sending a message then make Wilson watch his teammates suffer for what he did. Wilson crossed the unwritten rule now his team will pay the cost, the Rangers will gladly lose a few game to the Capitals to punish them physically.
  17. Exactly like cherry picking advance stats to evaluate a hockey players. Except this is also proclaiming false interrupting of the cherry picked stats.
  18. Nice research LIZ WILLNER , should be charged with some kind of breach of law.
  19. Are we talking the will to educate, because if you have the will there are many resources. These people are not limited to education if they are sending their kids to school. It is the kids who have no access or the parent do not allow them school who have education problems. These people chose to believe what they researched or were told. It is an intelligent level to chose what you think is right.
  20. I find that the truly intelligent people find a way to educate themselves regardless of their situation.
  21. Linden in his prime was better than Kesler for sure. Linden was a leader on and off the ice. Kesler was a A hole any where he went. Linden = I'll do anything for the team, even if it kills me. Kesler = I will try, but only if it makes me look good.
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