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Everything posted by MystifyNCrucify

  1. Now now. Dont play that card with me. You know what I said, and more importantly what i meant. Puppet PM. Its obvious. His father was an A-Hole too from what ive been told. Can you name a Canadian Prime Minister that didnt bend over every time a US president licked their lips?
  2. Lets throw in global warming shall we? Global warming swallows up X amount of land mass. There is Y amount of people still alive, that need to be fed. Unfortunately, the ocean cant provide food because its been over fished and its now toxic. Because, dumbass. If you are seeing my “warplan” here, if North America does not fight for what they have, someone else will happily throw disposable bodies at trying to take it.
  3. I will try to enlighten you. The world is overpopulated by square kilometre. People need food to live. China is overpopulated by square metre. They need food to live. The oceans are getting over-harvested to the point where their fishermen go into neutral waters illegally. Their land mass cannot support their population without importing goods. Yes. China exports a significant amount of goods, especially when you look at the world statistics. China has almost 20% of the worlds population, not including immigrants. Now you have Russia, their next door neighbor. Whats plan A) ? I dont know, not get run over by china, try our best to control the situation, maybe control an iceberg? forking idiot for even challenging me
  4. Pretty much. Ideas for some people are like dropping turds in the toilet. “Not the right consistency? Wipe and repeat tomorrow”
  5. Should i feel honoured that he used his last ten brain cells remembering that he didnt need to validate his argument with words, just remember that i deserved a capital C ?
  6. Thats all you have to say? What you think im lying? I dont believe what im saying? You dont believe what im saying? Elaborate please. If you dont, well you just look like an idiot for even taking the time to waste the five brain cells it took, for you to spell all three of those “Big Boy” words correctly.
  7. The US is tops on the “pee contest” but when “weenies are thrown down”, i dont think they have what it takes. The whole country is in a shambles. They are focusing on “pronouns” and perceived “racism”. These are all tactics of warfare. “Destablize the government. Incite rebellion”. Because the US has believed they were “holy and right and invincible “ since world war one, they are doomed to fall..and bring canada down with it. Cause canadians trusted them.
  8. Russia and China want the world. Russia is going passive aggressive, china is going aggressive passive. Russia is trying to control information. China is building up for a huge expansion.
  9. True dope is a pretty face put on a podium, so cowards can get the courage to make these kind of decisions. *and so they dont get blamed when lemons dont turn into lemonade
  10. There is absolutely zero reason why canada shouldnt have kept their fleet, infrastructure, and research development up after world war two. We are 70 years behind. Time for canada to be a real power not subject to America.
  11. I know. I read that and thought “his two years experience watching canucks” and now hes throwing down? Luongo wasnt on the canucks in 17, let alone chubarov.
  12. But what happens if all the canucks are injured, or serving a suspension? We have an alumni game? (I feel like i need to put a sarcasm disclaimer here because theres inevitably going to be someone thats all like “omg what a stoopid thing to say omg. Alumni arent allowed to play under cba rule 15335633. I wear velcro shoes because laces confuse me, but ive studied the cba. You are just wrong, good sir!”)
  13. Its more like realizing that despite their parents telling them they were “unique and special”, theres nothing about them that is either unique, let alone special. Coming out of unicorn fart land where dog turds taste like candy and words are evil does that to someone who has been sheltered and coddled their whole life. These people move like sheep. They bleat like sheep (angry delusional sheep), and they are being sent to the slaughter house by the people they revere, because they never learned to think for themselves. Like sheep.
  14. Seriously though, you are describing the whole human race there. We all inherently want whats best for us. It is biologically programmed in our brains.....and then we have children....which introduces a new variable. Then it becomes “whats best for my child, that i can still maintain life and perhaps some luxury” then its “oh god theres so much screaming im gonna take that firetruck and smash it but i love you buddy but if that thing plays its god damned music in the bedroom again im gonna throw it out the window”. Little bit of cleaning on the driveway, crisis averted.
  15. I think thats the big “eff the world im happy lettin you all burn cause ill laugh my ass off because its gonna happen, cause i bet my last 40 grand on this house...hahahaha screw you all you called me crazy but you were only partially right hahahahaha” that one yeah
  16. Im finding more and more each day that its just describing “common sense willing to come to a common goal with equal outcomes “ *I must reiterate. Centrist describes anyone, everyone, who does not follow the rules and regulations set forth by the far right conservatives, yet still doesnt follow the strict dogma set forth by the high priestesses of the far left religion
  17. I favor intelligence, compassion, common sense, accountability, self respect, and a common goal. That goal is peace, however slim i believe the chances are. There is proof of social media blowing up a story about a girl who claimed to be raped by a fraternity, that couldnt have happened. Rolling stone magazine. Gender studies in school? Do they focus on biological male issues? Or do they push forward a narrative that “women are oppressed and blah blah pay gap need to take legos away from boys because that makes girls not wanna be engineers”. As far as transgender people goes....everyone has the right to live their life in happiness, to the best of their ability. No one can take that from them. If you want me to give a gold medal to a transgender female in weightlifting without laughing at the ridiculousness, i cant help you there. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Rape_on_Campus
  18. You wanna play with the big boys, you have to be a big boy. This is twice youve skittered off when i called you out.
  19. I dont get it. You took two posts where i was responding to different things, now you are somehow immune to criticism? How about i dig up some of your “gems”, put a random spin on it, then throw it in your face?
  20. The problem you have Jack, is you believe “centrists” place themselves out of the conversation, because you cant imagine a group of people trying to hold constructive debates on the actual issues without trying to get a “leg up” on some imagined opponent. Thats right Jack. Everyone different than you is evil. Follow your dogma.
  21. *Is it paranoia? Or is it a growing trend that social media is largely biased towards left leaning agendas, even at the cost of printing incorrect information, with no real backlash? Schools teaching things like “Gender studies”? Courts being told to “Trust the victim #MeToo”? TrueDope hiring half his cabinet, on the basis that they have the almighty Vajayjay? *People throw the words “nazi”, “fascist”, “homophobe”, “misogynist”, “transphobe”, around like they are candy they got from a word of the day calendar. Those words are evil. The people that sling that sheet generally dont understand evil, let alone what those words truly mean. “Left and right” however, in political terms is generally crazy no matter which way the boomerang is spinning. In my view, the “far leftist” side is incompetent, delusional, racist, self serving, and pandering to ignorant people. That doesnt mean its correct. It doesnt mean im wrong either. You just sound angry in this paragraph. This is typical of people that either dont want to fight for their opinion to be heard and understood, or just know their opinion holds little weight under scrutiny. Its an anger tactic used by unintelligent lazy people, in the hopes that they dont come across as lazy and unintelligent.
  22. China scares me. Found it a little odd that they had a restriction on amount of children, then one day “oh its ok now you can have children again”, despite having almost 20% of the total people on the planet. Next day they are sending unmanned probes to the far side of the moon, with plants and fruit flies on it in some kinda test to see if life can thrive or even survive.
  23. The senator was actually very patient. Never even denied a so called “wage gap”. He just asked if they took into account hours worked and the women just looked at each other in disbelief. Was as if hours worked had never come up in their conversations.
  24. I especially loved the part when she says “Well sitting at a desk for 12 hours doesnt mean you get 12 hours of productivity.” Not sure where she was going with that. Men are lazy? Sure some are. No more than women though. Women can complete in 8 hours what a man needs 12 for? Dont think gender has anything to do with skill and competence. It was very cringey. Five women on the panel, only two spoke, looked like the one to the blondes left was mentally face palming. Five of them, and their best argument for the wage gap was “women should get the same salary as men because men are stupid and lazy and women are much more efficient and smarter”. Maybe thats true. Certainly wasnt the case with that brain trust though.
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