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Captain Canuck #12

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Posts posted by Captain Canuck #12

  1. 6 hours ago, Slegr said:

    If there is any truth to this, he would be one selfish SOB. There is absolutely no reason for him not to be vaccinated. He’s a professional athlete who signed a contract in the best hockey league in the world. 

    But in the worst case scenario, he has bought into some fringe anti-vaxxer theory that tells him he would be putting his daughter more at risk if he got vaccinated (yes, there are people out there who believe that kind of thing!).  In this case, his response would undoubtedly be that he is putting his daughter's health above everything, including his pay cheque and his NHL career, and some people would call him a hero.

    • Cheers 1
  2. 6 hours ago, mantishawk said:

    the canucks require him to be vaccinated, the nhl doesn't reqiuire it, but there are severe conditions in place, so he is not in breach of his contract, i am sure that his agent has

    told the canucks that he will report but not be vaccinated and the canucks have told him to stay home, so he is in the best situation for him, he gets paid, doesn't have to vax, and doesn't have to leave his family, he has the canucks over a barrel


    And the Canucks also wouldn't want him to report to Abbotsford if he is not vaccinated, so he doesn't even have to worry about going there either.  As you say, he can just stay home and collect his full salary.  The best the Canucks can get out of this situation is a bit of cap relief by burying his contract in the minors, if I understand this right.

  3. 23 minutes ago, Alflives said:

    Looks like we will (soon) have Juulsen, Bowey, and Woo all competing for that third pair D spot.  

    Yes, but looks like they'll all have to beat out Burroughs (at least in Green's mind).  I would have preferred to see Bowey given that opportunity at this point, but maybe Green sees something in Burroughs I don't see!:lol:

  4. 1 hour ago, GoldenAlien said:

    With Sutter still out and Gadjovich claimed, getting Lammikko kills two birds with one stone -- adds some size to the bottom 6, and can play C. He's a better fit for 4C than Petan, I imagine he'd get a chance there to start the season until Sutter comes back. Maybe they move him to the wing after, but this prevents Miller having to move to C and creating a hole in the top 6. 


    I think this is more of a question of whether Green just likes having Miller play C, so that he can potentially have 3 scoring lines.  If so, maybe he just stays there,  Dickenson centres the fourth line (until Sutter returns) and Lammikko plays wing.  If not, then probably Dickenson moves to third line C and Lammikko gets to play centre until Sutter returns (that is, unless Green likes Dowling there better than Lammikko).

    • Vintage 1
  5. Actually, considering how highly regarded he was coming out of Juniors, the fact that he has bounced around to several NHL teams now, his combination of size and skill, and even his RHD status, I think his closest comparable is Madison Bowey.  It will be interesting to see which of those two, if either, comes closest to playing to their potential with the Canucks.

  6. 46 minutes ago, CRAZY_4_NAZZY said:


    Reading this, it sounds like Lammikko is exactly the type of player the Canucks most wanted and needed to add to their forward group.  It's hard to imagine him not sticking with the big team.  The only caveat relates to his poor face off percentage.  Makes me wonder if they will play him as a winger instead of a centre.

    • Cheers 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, JM_ said:

    it does if Jim thinks he will come back at some point this year.

    Do you mean if he isn't named to the starting roster today and doesn't go through waivers today, that he would have to clear waivers to join the team at a later time?

  8. I'm thinking that Gadjovich being lost on waivers is what will ensure that Juolevi at least starts the season in Vancouver.  I doubt that JB will risk losing two high draft picks on waivers within such a short period of time -- and as much for the bad PR this would bring as anything else!

  9. 2 hours ago, Dr. Crossbar said:

    Haha ... was wondering when this thread would show up! 


    Impossible not to think of ... 



    A memorable bow by Burrows.  But have to say that I'm a bit surprised how much more of an opportunity the current Burroughs has been given over Bowey.  Has he really looked that much better?  I don't think so and I think Bowey might still have some untapped potential that Burroughs likely doesn't have.

  10. 33 minutes ago, Elias Pettersson said:

    He played centre in Utica and was taking draws.  He's not Bo Horvat or even Jay Beagle, but I am sure he would be an upgrade on little Petan and Highmore isn't even a centre and is much more effective on the wing.  Maybe there is a better option on the waiver wire or maybe Benning needs to trade a winger for a 4C.  Honestly, I would explore a Motte trade for a 4C at this point.  He is always injured and his contract is up at the end of the year.  We have a surplus of wingers who can play on the 4th line now.  We really need a quality 4C who can kill penalties.

    As long as Miller stays at centre, we already have that quality 4C in Dickenson.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Junkyard Dog said:

    If Hamonic opts out I would check the waiver wire and/or just rotate through OJ/Rathbone/Schenn all year. One of the LD might have to hop over to RD.


    We could make a trade if we're willing to give up assets but it might end up being to costly.


    Tough spot. 

    Actually, signing Demers to replace Hamonic shouldn't be that tough.  Or is that doesn't work, waiting for all the upcoming waiver assignments and scooping up another RHD from there.

  12. 6 hours ago, DeNiro said:

    Unfortunately Green likes to go with guys he knows and he seems to like MacEwan.


    If they put Gadj on waivers to keep MacEwan I’ll be pretty disappointed.

    Judging by the look of today's practice, that seems to be exactly what they are going to do.  Maybe figuring (hoping) Gadjovich is still enough of an unknown commodity that no one will take him. 

  13. 2 hours ago, mll said:

    He’s allowed to opt out by this Friday but would then be back next season as he has a year left on his deal.  Vancouver could also toll the contract and have it start next season for 2 years.  


    If he doesn’t opt out they can put him through waivers - he doesn’t have an NMC per CapFriendly, but the cap rules will apply and only 1.125M can be buried this season.

    But if he won't report to Vancouver, it's pretty certain he also won't report to Abbotsford.  Then the Canucks can terminate his contract, if they want to use that money for Hughes and Pettersson, as well as finding a cheaper right hand D (e.g., Demers).  Assigning him to Abbotsford seems like the ideal solution if he won't play for us this year.

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