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Posts posted by Canuckfanforlife82

  1. 2 minutes ago, kilgore said:


    I'd just say that IMO its not that they are losing their buddies.   I think they were pissed off that the veteran core of the team was ripped off the team. It's that they want to win a Cup at some point in their careers.  And the GM not only did not improve the team, he flubbed up and made it worse.  Misread how anxious Toffoli, Tanev, and Stecher would be in this shortened COVID season.  All of them expressed disappointment in the lack of communication. Felt they weren't wanted.  That is a huge error by JB.  He may at one time, been good a finding prospects, but he is not a people person.  He failed to appreciate how desperate they felt and how much time he could afford to let them wait in silence.


    Toffoli should have been a  #1 priority.  Marky and even Tanev were long shots at what they were asking.  After wasting so many picks and prospects already, JB could absolutely not afford to just burn Madden + another second round pick. I'm sure players were assuming that too. Seriously, why would you trade for him with such precious commodities, especially for the Canucks with our stable, if you thought you couldn't re-sign him?  I certainly never regarded Toffoli as a rental. I don't know why Jim thought he could be treated like one.


    Yeah they have to get over it. They probably are mostly. But you don't just turn off that kind of disappointment.  It doesn't help them to forget and move on when they face all that missing talent wearing a different jersey for multiple game series.  And losing. 

    Well said.

  2. 3 minutes ago, ShawnAntoski said:

    Human nature never changes and when the new person doesn't meet there high expectations they will be doing the same thing - calling for change.   

    Again it is the incompetence by the gm and asset management and cap management where I think is reason for dismissal. Being ok with making trades without retaining the asset you received is bad. He got nothing bc for the assets he gave up. Then he comes out and says we ran out of time. It just isn’t how a successful team should be run.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Devron44 said:

    It’s a 100% true. How do I make it sound like it’s Bennings first day on the job. This has been going on long before Benning was a GM. Ever since I started watching hockey. You got tankers and people that just don’t like what a GM or coach is doing regardless of results.

    Both the GM and Coach are in hot water. But that has nothing to do with my statement. I’m saying there are people that want to see the team lose so they can either prove their point or hope for lottery ticket imo 

    I see what your saying. I am just frustrated that he can be incompetent in important areas. Blantant incompetence like the Toffoli situation. Which is embarrassing. You want to hold the organization in high regard but he comes out and says things like he  ran out of time. It’s not acceptable and shouldn’t be. He just doesn’t seem very bright and it seems like he gets taken advantage of.

  4. Just now, ShawnAntoski said:

    Imo, the general trend for the team is still up and JB (as a first time GM) has made alot of mistakes with hindsight but with some context those same decisions did make sense when he made them.  Hope JB gets a chance to win with this core (also look at Poile & McPhee how long they were GM for these respective teams) and learns from his mistakes moving forward. 

    You realize that we are still in cap trouble next year? It’s not going to end anytime soon. Bad contracts are going to hold this team back. That’s on Benning.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, Devron44 said:

    I can think of quite a few on here that just want to see the team burn so they can get their way with firings they’ve been crying about 

    That’s not true. It’s about accountability. You make it sound like it’s Bennings first year on the job. He’s been here seven years. That’s a long time for any gm. He’s had very little success in that time. You can’t be going back and forth as an organization and expect to be contenders. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Nuxfanabroad said:

    What' the point of "IF...."


    Why not stay at home reading LOTR & go to sleep dreamin' of The Wizard Of Oz?!


    We'd best play the hand well(that we're holding). Looking back(w/ regrets) is for slack & idle chumps.

    It’s good to look back and see where we came from and the reasons for it. A lot of the problems stem from trying to cut corners to remain competitive. It was all money related and greed.

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  7. You know what the crazy thing is, is that if they had started the rebuild right away when Benning was hired we might have been in a position to contend with all the draft picks we could have had. They basically prolonged the losing and added years to not being legitimate contenders. Imagine all the young players we could have had and the money that could have been spent on impact players.  They were/are greedy and wanted to suck every penny out of the public to put it in their big fat pockets.

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  8. 1 minute ago, fanfor42 said:

    Petey's mentor was Marky

    Hughes mentor was Tanev

    Boeser's best college buddy was Stecher

    Pearson's best LA bud was Toffoli

    Malhotra was liked and admired as a coach

    Nobody disliked Leivo

    Plus we lost a 2nd and Madden


    And we lost every single one of them for nothing.  Zip. nada. Nothing.





    So who should be held accountable for that. Only one person I can think of but he won’t.

  9. Just now, NUCKER67 said:

    Well, Benning F***ed up the cap, gave some really bad contracts and these are the players they have. The coaching staff is inept, this team is stale, the players are angry., there's no chemistry or even a plan They need big change while Pettersson, Boeser, Hughes, Juolevi, Gaudette, MacEwen and Hoglander are still young.


    New GM, New coaching staff. Let's go.

    Yet Benning can just hang around and not be held accountable. I don’t get how he isn’t but I have the feeling ownership was involved in a lot of the decisions this off-season that’s why he is still here. They know they made choices that affected the team. It’s the only explanation I can think of.

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