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Posts posted by Canuckfanforlife82

  1. Yep the feeling of being losers. That’s all this team has gotten out of this trip. Toronto is good if they don’t even have to play 60 minutes and can pull out a win within a couple of minutes not even. Something has got to change. They will cling to playing well today but now your going to be 6-10. It’s pretty likely we won’t be in the playoffs this year. I don’t get the sagging after a goal. That’s just a losers mentality. What is truly evident is that this team the way it is constructed just isn’t good enough. I still think our stars have more to give. I am disappointed in Horvat.

  2. 5 minutes ago, oldnews said:

    I'm not sure your judgement can 'judge' wadr.


    Kesler deal was excellent, particularly under the circumstances.

    Miller trade was outstanding.

    Schmidt was a helluvan opportune deal for a longshot pick.

    Pearson = not a bad placeholder at all / good hockey trade.

    Motte was a resounding victory of a deal.

    Leivo was a steal.

    The Shinkaruk trade thread was epic - but Benning got the better player.

    People can whine about deals like Baertschi - but no one could foretell concussions.

    Make your counter list - pick your whipping points - Sutter, Vey, Gud - whatever.

    There are lots of decisions I don't agree with - that is true with every single administration.


    If you want the good - you have to take the bad with it - because there is risk in every move - and every single GM in the NHL has wins and losses.


    I am not concerned about 'making trades'.   I'd be happy to see some players moved - I'd be shopping Roussel and Benn - would unconditionally waive Eriksson, would proabably be looking for a hockey trade for (a better fit than/for Gaudette).   I'd also be testing the market for Pearson.  People would love to throw the 'foundation' centers in that mix - I would not - not at this point, and certainly not without replacing them.


    My greater concern would actually be if they fired Benning.

    Who would hire the next GM?

    Linden hired a lot of good people in my opinion.  A hockey person hiring hockey people.

    Prior to Linden - came the bizarre - and wildly failed - Tortorella experiment.

    People love to assume that change will necessarily result in something better/ improved.   That aint necessarily the case - it could just as possibly end up in making worse decisions than the present group.   Simply firing someone - is not a 'plan'.


    Do you want him making trades if he knows his days are numbered? Desperation trades are the worst.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

    Don’t agree.


    Poor special teams and below average goaltending was the problem early on.


    Im not seeing the same hustle as early on.

    Goaltending needs to be better but cmon, how many 2 on1s and breakaways were other teams given? Goaltending is still the least of our problems. Carey price would still let in a ton of goals with this defence. 

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Canuckster86 said:

    We haven't played with a strong forecheck since game one tho...that is the problem. I will never stand down on my fact that the schedule aka fatigue is an issue.


    We have 2 capable G's who can can put in net, we have a taxi squad where we can inject players for back to back night games if need be. Travel is cut down by playing only in Canada. Playing multiple games in the same city NEVER happens during a regular season on in the playoffs.


    If they are so fatigued at playing 20 min a night and only a quarter thru the season...I think we got a whole batch of unfit, cardio deprived athletes...


    Fact is, our system needs to be fixed and since our coaches can't seem to recognize that we should do a clean sweep behind the bench, then you can address management issues in the off season. But, put the kids with coaches who can adapt and put them on the right track to finish this season and not wait till next year to do so. All athletes have a best before date and while many of our good players are young you still don't want to waste a single year imo

    Exactly and can we actually say they put in a full 60 in most of those games? Some games it looked like they only played hard for ten minutes of a game. So I agree fatigue should not be an issue. Remember they had four months off. When will they ever get that amount of time off again? They all look unfit because of that time off but they should be well rested and have energy.

    • Cheers 1
  5. 8 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

    Fatigue snowballs and it’s not like one day off really gives a player enough time to recover.


    Fatigue is definitely playing a part. They are not skating like they did earlier in the season and the condensed schedule is the obvious reason.

    They were bleeding goals like crazy in the beginning of the year too. I didn’t see a ton of speed then either which is why a lot of fans are frustrated. The way they have been playing since the beginning of the year is the same way they have been playing now. Nothing has changed. There has been no improvement. They have actually gotten worse. I don’t know which games you were watching where you thought wow they look fast tonight. If that were the case we wouldn’t have 9 losses on the season.Brutal losses at that. Remember three of those wins were against Ottawa. They make everyone else look like cup contenders. So really we are 3 and 9 against everyone else.

  6. 6 minutes ago, DeNiro said:

    Well that’s where I would argue fatigue is playing a factor.


    For a team that relies heavily on a strong forecheck and cycle, if you’re getting beaten to the puck time and time again it makes it almost impossible to generate offense and sustain pressure.


    Im seeing a team that is a step behind all game. Sometimes that 10% difference in energy makes all the difference.


    Not trying to make excuses because there are also other factors contributing, but I think fatigue is exacerbating the problem.

    They have been in the same location for four days and the same time zone for a couple of weeks now. They have also had breaks in between those games. Fatigue cannot be an excuse and it is still early in the season. Yes they have played more games but it’s not like they have had to travel like they would have in years past. I don’t buy the fatigue factor. I would if they had been travelling beforehand like crazy. If they are tired now we are in big trouble for the rest of the year.

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  7. 10 minutes ago, SILLY GOOSE said:

    That's true but puck pressure is also a major part of this teams success.  

    I think they are too slow of a team to apply a ton of puck pressure which is a big problem. We have no players with amazing speed. Our whole team is filled with players with the same amount of speed. You have to be fast to put pressure on the opposing team and they look like they have cinder blocks tied to their ankles. The bottom two lines are especially slow to every puck but right now the whole team just looks slow. That needs to be addressed next year somehow. Maybe it’s a conditioning issue.


    • Thanks 1
  8. How many people on here want Benning to make trades if he is on his way out? He doesn’t have a good history of making trades under pressure and he’s terrible at negotiating. So do we really want him to make trades knowing he likes to throw draft picks at teams like he’s Willy Wonka at the chocolate factory giving away free candy. I don’t have any trust in his judgement or lack there of right now. Does anyone else?

  9. 58 minutes ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:


    This is déjà vu all over again. They can say whatever they want, the fact is they have been saying it over and over again after each loss and they have done nothing the next game. Actually show the fans rather than keep saying the same things over and over. Their play on the ice is uninspired. Come out and show you want it for once!

    • Vintage 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, CanucksJay said:

    Oh man... In hind sight, thank God we have up our first rounder last year for the Miller trade. 

    This year would have sucked lol

    Yes but for how long? I have a feeling if Benning remains in charge he will do something stupid and make trades to save his job or out of desperation. It’s my biggest fear with leaving him in charge this year and then what does that leave the next gm with?

  11. 3 minutes ago, Beary Sweet said:

    I have no clue what to say about this team. Didn’t watch the game but the scoreboard tells the story. We need to get better on all facets of our game in order to compete with the best. Our key players (Boeser, Miller, Petey, Bo, etc) need to step up their game. That’s all I have to say

    We've  said our best players had to step up 14 games ago. There has been enough time for them to do that. Dominate one period, even one shift but nothing so far. You can only give them so much time to do that before the season is lost.

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